
Ch 33: To serve the connection [pt2]

“You’re asking me to masturbate on top of these stairs. Are you serious? Why should I believe anything you say to me? Who are you even?”

Alex looked at Mahiru’s calm expression. The not-Mahiru breathed a sigh but her expression was annoyed.

“I am neither trying to trick you nor trying to hurt you. I am just using this kid to deliver my advice to you. You can either take it or chose not to receive my help. But the only one affected by it would be you.”

The entity explained and Alex found himself believing her words. There was just a feeling inside Alex that said that he should do as he was being told to by Mahiru.

“I am not rubbing one off in front of a kid, give me some space and I will do as you have asked me to.”

Alex made his demands clear. He could see that the entity did not look happy. But it was also not going to protest the methods if it got what it wanted.

“Understood. In that case, I will wait for you to be finished behind that door. Do not take too long because we are on a timer here. We cannot afford to fall behind on our schedule.”

Mahiru finally agreed and went out of the door. Alex had a feeling that Mahiru was a little disappointed not to be allowed to stay back with him. But he decided to stop thinking about it and open his pants.

Alex’s cock was soft and it took considerable effort to get it to rise again. Alex had to imagine the night he spent with Kurina to get himself hard.

/Kurina’s mouth warped around Alex’s cock and her gentle suction. Kurina’s eyes looked up at Alex in a begging manner as she swallowed him deeper. /

Alex’s hand moved up and down his cock. It tried to caress it in the same way Kurina had just hours ago. The friction felt good and Alex panted.

It felt amazing to touch himself like this and Alex bit his lip and came. His body tensed up and his hips jerked up in the air before Alex came hard and fast. His semen coated his hand and most of it fell down the stairwell.

The ground shook and Alex almost lost his balance before he reached out to grab the guardrail with his clean hand.

“Finally, you are done. I hope you will not take so long to achieve this simple goal next time. It would have been so much faster had you allowed me to help you out.”

Hearing these words come out of the usually shy and sweet Mahiru’s mouth was jarring. Alex would have taken up anyone else on their offer had they said that.

But Mahiru was still a kid in his eyes and he did not want to taint her purity.

“Sorry, but I don’t go after innocent kids like you. I would consider spending a night with you once you are old enough to handle me.”

Alex spoke rather carelessly and he did not notice how Mahiru’s eyes lightened up after hearing his words.

“Your words…they are a promise, right? If I…. mean Mahiru is old enough to be with you, you would consider her as a viable option for your lover, right?”

“Yeah, sure. If that happens then I will consider Mahiru as an available option to be my lover. But until then, she is just a child for me, alright?”

Alex firmly enforced his rule and tried to find something to wipe his hand with. It was still coated with semen and Alex was beginning to feel annoyed with it.

But before he could find anything he could use, Mahiru grabbed hold of his hand and pulled it toward her lips. Her tongue lapped across Alex’s semen-coated hand before she pulled back and brought out a handkerchief to give to Alex.

“Then, do not forget your promise. But for now, here. Take this and clean yourself up. We should head back and help the others out. I would appreciate it if you would not speak of this encounter to anyone else.”

As if Alex could tell anyone else about what happened here. Ashura would kill him if the news of anything that happened here reached his ear. And Alex wanted to stay alive for a long time.

“And also, keep away from Kurina as much as you can. That woman is not good for you and she is just using you for her gain. You can do so much better than her.”

Alex did not want to read too deeply into Mahiru’s words and tone, but he was sure that she sounded jealous right now.

‘No, don’t think too deeply about this all. Mahiru is just a kid and she does not mean anything by her words. It is this entity that is controlling her and making her speak all these words.’

“Well, Kurina is a part of our group and she is also someone I have known for a while. I know she is using me, just as I am using her as well. So, there is no need for you to be worried about me.”

Alex assured Mahiru and he watched her bite her lips in agitation. She seemed angry and annoyed for some reason after Alex answered her but she did tell Alex the reason why she was annoyed.

Instead, she just turned around and walked off. Alex had to work extra hard to keep up with her.

This awkwardness was soon forgotten as soon as they reached the upper surface once more. The people who had looked alright just half an hour ago now looked like unheeded people.

Their backs were haggard and their faces showed signs of decaying and ageing. They also looked fragile and in pain.

“It looks like our plan to serve the connection between King Saar of this place and Plutus worked. I can feel that the energy of Plutus is dwindling by the second. Soon, the connection will be no more.”

Alex could not believe that it had been so easy to serve someone’s connection to a god. It made him worried about his connection.

The knowledge in his brain said nothing about such topics so Alex felt a little insecure about it. But Mahiru decided to clarify these things for him.

“We got lucky that King Saar does not have a traditional connection with Plutus. Usually, gods don’t bother blessing people who are on the first few floors with their powers directly. They present them with an artefact that is embedded in their power.”

“But this connection is fragile and required a lot of sacrifice and power to maintain. If not given proper nutrition in time, that connection could break. And that is what we did.”

“This connection was fragile enough that it could have broken off at any time. But by injecting another’s energy into the mix, we instantly snapped it off. The reason I had you use your semen is because of the nature of your energy. It is rather lust-filled and has a whitish aura.”

Alex felt shocked as soon as he heard Mahiru’s explanation. He had not expected Mahiru to know all this.

But before Alex could ask Mahiru anything, she decided to grab his hand and run. They ran right past all the un-dear guards and quickly reached the central palace.

“I am sorry. This is the extent of what I could do to help you out. From here on, the rest is up to you.”

Mahiru whispered before her body sagged and she fell asleep into Alex’s arms. He had to keep her upright so that Mahiru did not collapse and hurt herself.

And despite how Mahiru looked, she was quite heavy. Alex could feel her weight despite his enhanced strength.

‘How the heck do Ashura and Kurina keep carrying Mahiru around all the time? This girl is darn heavy and a hindrance to carry around.’

Alex had half a mind to try and carry Mahiru but then he decided against it. It would make his burden unnecessarily heavy and Alex did not want that. He was still not sure what kind of difficulties he was about to face in the future so he would rather not risk it.

So, Alex found the first room he could and thankfully it had a bed as well as a pen and paper to write a message on. He quickly left the room once he was gone preparing for the future.

Mahiru woke up as soon as Alex exited her room. She had offered Alex all she could for now and now it was time for her consciousness to sleep and recover the energy she had spent.

‘Ah, I wish I could have spent a little more time outside. It has been such a long time since I was last outside. But now that I am back in the tower, I will make sure to recover and gain all my strength back. Those who betrayed me will pay a heavy price for doing so.’

Mahiru would make sure of this and she will have a strong partner by her side once she returns home. This way, her revenge would be completed and she would feel satisfied.

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