
An’owyn Castle

Volume 3 - Vectus Mundus - Qiryn

The tall man with dark green hair and pointed ears stood frozen on the boat as he watched Elsa conjure fireballs on each of her hands, her amber eyes were vividly bright, filled with anger. He was mesmerized by how elegant and graceful Elsa looked while she was casting her fireball.

But before he could answer her question, she threw her fireballs at them, one each boat, causing the boats to receive great damage. The man's boat received the most damage and immediately sank into the ocean.

The passenger of the other boat quickly raised their bows into position, ready to fire away.

"H-Hold your fire! Don't shoot!" He commanded the archers who quickly lowered their bows.

"Princess, please calm down! I am Elandir Verdant, one of the high druids in Qiryn. I am a friend of your husband, Prince Christopher Jorgensen!" Elandir shouted while trying to stay afloat in the sea.

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