
End even before the Start

Whenever you feel like anything can go wrong, it will go wrong, that's Murphy's law.

"Surrender, we do not want unnecessary fights."

And to be fair, everything was moving a little too well for it to be true. And in any superhero story, no villain is able to steal anything without the hero getting in their way.

"This wasn't in the plan, was it?" I asked the masked man next to me.

Slade shook his head, "No, but I did have a feeling this might happen."

Superboy, Kid Flash, Aqualad, Beast Boy and Nightwing.

While not all of Young Justice was here, there were still quite a few.

And on top of the Young Justice, there was also a member of the Justice League, The Green Arrow.

"Are we supposed to take them on?" I asked, wondering Slade's plan.

"You want to end up locked in a four by four room?" Slade asked, sarcasm prominent in his voice.

"Fair Enough."

"On your order, Deathstroke." Deadshot said through the intercom, ready with his aim.

Slade looked at me before pulling out a sword, "Have you ever went against superheroes?"

This made me smile, "There is always a first."

Green Arrow knew that Bane and Killer Croc would be the villains that they had to face but it turned out that there were more than just them.

Deadshot was somewhere around the buildings, Deathstroke was inside the villa alongside a new guy and all he had was a bunch of kids with them.

Superpowered kids, but still kids.

Some of them had experience in working together like Beast Boy, Kid Flash, Aqualad.

But it was only Nightwing that had the ability to follow up with his instructions.

The team was relatively new and that meant their teamwork wasn't the strongest.

But he had to make do with what he had.

Even if it was just a bunch of kids.

"You are a brave man," Bane said, "But not that wise. To bring children to a battlefield, you disappoint me, Green Arrow."

Bane was aware that some of those kids were capable of destroying even the scariest of villains.

But they were still kids, inexperienced and lacking in teamwork.

Superboy's eyes glowed red as he readied his heat vision, "Why don't I show what this kid is capable of?"

That was the signal for all the heroes to prepare their attack.

Everyone took their stance behind Beast Boy who turned into a massive mammoth. The only exception was Nightwing who was waiting for Green Arrow to make the decision.

However, noticing the aggression of the Young Justice, the villains were not going to be waiting.

And this led to a gunshot flying right to Aqualad's face.


Nightwing tried to warn but thankfully, Kid Flash was fast enough to swoop in and move Aqualad away from the approaching bullet.

This was cue for them to not waste any time as Bane and Croc immediately rushed at them with their brute force.

"You guys handle them!" Arrow ordered, "I'll try to locate Deadshot!"

As he said that, Superboy and Beastboy shot themselves towards the two brutes, just to be surprised to see them tank their attacks like nothing.

Especially to Superboy, whose strength far exceeded that of the others.

"That was good," Bane said, "But nothing compared to Superman."

Saying this, Bane launched a punch straight to Superboy's face.

Superboy had recently learnt about his powers and that meant he neither had control over it nor did he know his full capability.

As for Croc, he laughed as he held Beastboy by his tusk, "Gahahah! Mammoth! You are strong!" He said, "But not strong enough!"

With a single punch, Croc managed to throw Beastboy quite a few feet away from him.

And as Kid Flash rushed at them, a bullet shot to the ground and the moment it touched the concrete, it froze the place.

"Kid Flash don't!" Arrow warned, but it was already too late.

Kid Flash wasn't able to keep his balance on the ground and came crashing straight onto a pole.

However, this allowed Arrow to locate Deadshot's location.

"Nightwing! With me!"

It would have been better for him if Beastboy, Superboy or Kid Flash was with him, but they went ahead without a proper plan and were on the ground because of that.

"He is on the roof," Nightwing figured, "If the rest can handle Bane and Croc, we can take care of Deadshot!"

Arrow was aware that they could take care of Deadshot, but he knew it wasn't going to be easy.

As the moment he saw the kids getting back up and standing together against the villains, a new voice made an introduction.

"This feels so unnecessary," 

And that was Slade who gave two of the Young Justice members quite severe PTSD.


Those two being Nightwing and Beast boy.

"Nightwing!" Arrow frowned, "Focus! We need to handle deadshot first!"

Nightwing wanted to jump back to face his arch-nemesis, however he was aware that if they didn't take care of Deadshot, they would never win.

Biting his lip down, he nodded and followed Green Arrow to face Deadshot.

As for the others, they now had their hands full as just Bane and Croc were being a hassle for them to deal with, now there was the expert mercenary Deathstroke that they had to face as well.

"I did not expect to see you with such a team, Garfield," Without caring about his conditions, Slade casually said while addressing Beast boy by his actual name, "Then again… An outcast is always attracted to another outcast."

This infuriated Beastboy, "Slade!"

Slade has always been petty, but it was the pettiness that made people charge at him blindly, just like Beastboy.

"Gahaha! I like this kid!"

And get punched in the face just like him.

Beasyboy took another major hit from Croc as he lunged at Slade without figuring that the mercenary was merely trying to infuriate him.

This was enough for the entire team to be consumed by fury and rush at the villains.

Unaware that it was Slade's plan all along.

Slade was pretty good at screwing with one's psyche, from time to time he had proven his capabilities.

And this was another display as he was casually toying with the Young Justice members by making them act on their emotions instead of following a plan.

"Are you going to sit there or help me?" Deadshot asked, as I sat above the massive water container right next to him, "How did you even reach here so fast?"

I shrugged, "I got my secrets, as for help… they are still on their way."

In all honesty, it was amazing to witness the parkour skills being displayed by Arrow and Nightwing, especially Nightwing.

He was truly showing off those gymnastics skills as he jumped from roof to roof while dodging Deadshot's bullets.

"Dang it!" Deadshot frowned, "Help me or I won't be able to handle them if they reach my proximity. I am confident in my close combat skills, but not enough to handle Nightwing."

Nightwing was truly an extraordinary fighter, considering he was a human.

"Relax," But nothing I cannot handle, "I will step in if they get close."

And they were making their way extremely fast as an arrow shot right at Deadshot which he barely dodged.

But that arrow was not to attack him, instead it acted as a grappling hook that stuck to the roof, allowing Green Arrow to swing towards us using that.

"Cool trick,"

Deadshot got angry at my remark, "Shut up!"

Saying this, he jumped back, taking out a knife as he saw the two heroes landing on the roof.

"Give up, Deadshot!" Arrow said, immediately taking out his bow, "You cannot win."

The reason he said that was because Nightwing was with him.

Green Arrow might be strong, but Nightwing was a better close combatant.

Even better than Deadshot.

Deadshot walked back a little, realizing that he had no chance of winning.

"Are you going to help me now?" He said, drawing everyone's attention to me.

And to be fair, I have to.

"I guess I should," Casually jumping down, I smiled at the two heroes, "Those were quite the acrobatic skills that you two displayed, I am impressed."

The two heroes immediately got on the defensive, "Who are you!" Green Arrow asked in surprise.

Makes sense, after all only Batwoman knows about me from the heroes side.

"Jasper," I said with a respectable gesture, "Jasper Hughes but at the moment, I am just someone that will have to stop you."

Arrow frowned, but Nightwing had a look of surprise.

"You… are the one that took down Scarecrow." He recalled, surprising Arrow, "Why are you with the villains then! When you went against Scarecrow?"

He seemed surprised, but it was understandable.

"I had some personal grudge against Scarecrow, I wasn't even trying to be a hero back then," I shrugged, "As for why I am helping them, it's obviously for money. Every man needs money, be it a hero or villain."

And in all honesty, I could not live with the heroes' code of conduct and morals just to make some money.

I just wasn't built like that.

But to my surprise, Arrow did something that heroes did not usually do.

He shot at me while I was monologing.

"Tired of my story already?"

Unfortunately for him, his arrows were not built to face me.

The moment it reached my proximity, the arrow turned into dust and blew away.

This not only surprised Green Arrow and Nightwing, but Deadshot as well. After all, it was the first time he had seen me using my powers.

The made Nightwing immediately take out his staff and jump at me.

But once again, neither of them were prepared to deal with me.

The moment he tried to sturck me with his staff, the staff turned to dust. And while he was more adaptive than Arrow, and could fight even without a weapon, my enchantment made him incapable of doing so.

The enchantment allowed me to turn his body so heavy that he was barely able to move.

But since he was still able to move, I had to increase the force a little more.


To the point that he was incapable of moving a single muscle.

Arrow tried to attack again, but I was too bored.

"Just stop."

And as I said that, he was horrified as his bow and quiver turned to dust.

Tapping on the ground with my foot, I changed its property to change into quicksand and Arrow began to sink into the floor even before he could figure out what was happening.

"W-What did you do!"

He was surprised and so were the other two.


Saying this I grabbed him by the head and looked towards the fight taking place below. With a quick enchantment made to my vocal cord to amplify my voice, I asked.

"Do you all still want to continue or should I remove his head?"

And that was the signal for the Young Justice that they had failed their very first mission.

Not my fault though.

Not at all.


[[A/N: Read 25+ Chapters Ahead: Pat reon.com/Greedyfrog ]]

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