
Of Bonds

Marcellus moved slowly, careful as to not scare his prey. He, along with the Hunting Party he joined has been tracking this Moose for 3 Days. They worked with extreme patience, finding the right time and the right opportunity to kill it, and feast on it's delicious meat tonight.

He moved silently to his right, carefully, one step at a time, and each step as light as possible. As he walked slowly to his desired position, a big fallen branch was in his way, deciding not to risk it, he opted for another way, much clearer and less chance of stepping over a twig.

As he walked patiently to his desired position, eyes going back and forth from the moose to his surroundings, the sound of leaves rustling startled the moose and ran. 3 men from the other side instantly gave chase, patience leaving them, replaced with frustration.

As the moose ran from the three, A man broke from his hidden position and attempted to shoot at their prey. He missed. The Moose - A prey they have been tracking relentlessly - Suddenly changed direction and ran straight to the Man.

The man, realizing the danger, kept calm and pulled another arrow from his quiver. He aimed directly at the Moose's eyes, once his aim was clear, he released the string. The arrow soared through the forest, reached the moose, and bounced off of it's antlers.

The man let out a frustrated curse, dropped his bow and ran the other side. The Moose followed the man, which in turn attempted to run all over the place to increase his chances of surviving.

The moose, being superior in speed and stamina than the man slowly catched up. Looking back, the man had a face of horror and screamed:


And when the moose started to lower it's head to try and tangle the man in it's antlers, an arrow coming from the side stroke it's eyes. Instantly, the moose let out a cry of pain and lost the strength of it's legs, sliding a few feet away. The man being chased by the moose slowed down, crouched with one foot and let out deep breaths.

"HAHAHA, What a good bait we had lads!" Marcellus laughed wholeheartedly, while standing "You should've seen the look on your face Jory!" Robett, the leader of the party yelled. "Shut up Harwin!! If you couldn't see, A moose TWICE MY SIZE was chasing me you cu*t!!" Jory screamed.

"Now now, We've got lot of work to do, let's get this piece of meat and return to the castle." Robett stated. "I'll get the carriage." Marcellus stated. "I'll come along, i don't want to be stuck with this buggers." Jory stated.

"Come along then." Marcellus said, and they walked the long way back to their carriage. On the way, Jory's curiosity got the best of him and he started asking questions.

"So, is it really true? What you said earlier?"

"Hmm? Yes, of course. Why do you ask?" Marcellus asked back. "Well i couldn't believe whether it was a jest or was it actually true, I guess now i know." Jory answered. "I won't jest about things such as my past, no, it deserves to be respected and honored."

"Aye, that I agree on. Oh, careful here." As jory jumped across a small river. "Living alone with your father and no one else for 5 years, must have been hard eh?"

"It was, Aye. But we accepted it" you ran. "We did what we could. We farmed, herded, and he was there as my Father. I could ask nothing more of him." Marcellus stated with a hint of sadness

At that statement Jory was reminded of his father, which died only recently st the Tower of Joy. Noticing Jory's mood, Marcellus asked. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I wast just reminded of my Late Father." Jory stated. "But let's move on from the past. Anyway, for 5 Years you had no one to talk to other than your father, now that you're here, what do you feel? I mean, being isolated for so long will affect a person's sanity."

Marcellus couldn't find the words in his throat, this was the first time after a long long time someone has asked him of what he felt. Moreso about a topic he wasn't comfortable with to say the least.

"Well..." He began. "To tell you the truth i don't know. I-it's been a long time since I talked personally to another person. With Father, it was always been him talking and me listening, but now, I don't know. And when i watch the courtyard, seeing the children playing, the guards sparring, the women milling about... It feels so unreal."

Listening intently, Jory let out a humm. "Well, I don't have a fancy way of saying things, but it'll get better, i know it." And Jory patted him on the shoulder and smiled. "Ah! We're here, can you tidy up the carriage Marcie? I'll feed the horses." And he went right on.

Marcellus stood there. Silently.

'Marcie?' Voices whispered in his ear. And he looked at Jory, feeding the Horses with a smile.

"Marcie...." He repeated.

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