
The Empire Strikes Back

It is a rainy Tuesday. One month after Mothers day. I am in the Dunphys house tutoring Haley. On the way to the toilet, I came across Luke.

"We need to talk", Luke said.

"That's right", Haley came from behind.

I got betrayed.

"What do we need to talk about?"

"About our revenge on Alex", Haley answered.

"What revenge?", I wanted to know more information. My attention was hooked.

"She mocks us the whole time. We decided we will fight back. You are smart. We decided to appoint you as our commander." Haley told her story.

"You have chosen the right person.", I replied with an evil smile. I already had a plan.

"Come to my headquarters", I told them.

"But that's my room", Luke interrupted.

"Not for now"

~Five minutes later~

"We have indeed chosen the right person.", Haley said.

We sneakily spread out.

Me and Haley were going into the kitchen to "learn" and Luke spied on Alex.

We searched for a while and found a game about intellect. You needed to combine things to get the right answer. We took out a piece of the puzzle and hid it. After getting everything ready, we signaled Luke to come. After he came I explained my plan in detail. We needed to act natural and let Alex come play it on her own will. We formed our plan and immediately started implementing it.

Haley asks Alex a trick question and Alex will answer. Probably correct. But there are more answers. Haley will just say Alex had the wrong answer. That will set the stone rolling.

After that Haley will mock her about her not being as intelligent as she says. When Alex has enough of that, she will storm out of the room. Luke will follow her and mock her too after a while. Haley and I will lead her subconsciously to the kitchen. When she arrives, she will see the game about intellect, which "randomly" lies there. She will want to prove herself and show that she is smart, but will fail as it is impossible. She will go crazy and doubt herself. Muhahaha.

"Let us begin the hunt"

We got to our positions and started.

"Hey Alex, what's higher than the king?", Haley asked her question.

"Easy, the emperor", Alex answered with a mocking face.

"No, it is the crown, I didn't talk about the rank", Haley laughed at Alex.

"I thought you were smart, but I guess that isn't true."

"I guess I will be the smart Dunphy from now on and you are Dumphy."

Haley continued mocking Alex till she had enough.

After she stormed out Luke should be mocking her.

Wait. Where is Luke?

Shit. Alex is already out. I need to quickly find Luke. I searched for him. I quickly found him. He was outside playing in the rain. I needed to improvise.

"Hey Alex, Haley told me you aren't the smart one anymore.", I tried to provoke her.

"Argh, that's not true. I need water right now", Alex replied angrily.

Well, that's lucky.

After going into the kitchen she sees the puzzle. Haley and I come down and continue to mock her.

"If I am dumb, I shouldn't be able to solve this puzzle, right?", Alex tried to provoke us into letting her be the smarter again.

"Yeah, you won't be able to solve it anyway", Haley replied cheekily.

Alex smiled. She thought she had us, but she would need a hundred years of practice to be capable of competing against me.

Like we thought. Alex couldn't solve it. She was going crazy over it. We secretly high-fived.

Alex continued to try until Claire and Phil came home. Me and Haley were already in our room and were studying. Claire at first took Luke into the house again and took Alex's puzzle into a secret chest under her protest.

It was a funny day.

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