
Just an empty shell devoid of soul without you

"It's the system. It mentioned Dimitri Hendricks and released a task to save him", Arianne explained honestly, frowning in the process. Magnus' tone just now triggered a horrible memory to resurface in her mind, which she never wanted to visit. "I don't know him. It's the first time I heard his name, she added as the weight on her shoulders became heavier, signifying Magnus' mood.

Magnus' eyes regained some temperature. With the intention to pry off the system's purpose in issuing such a mission, he resumed his acupressure on her scalp, increasing the quality of his service. "Does the system you're talking about always give you missions like this?" he asked, quite dissatisfied with this system that exploited Annie. "And I wonder what sorts of reward you are getting from completing tasks?" His thumb purposely pressed on the spot that elicited the most of her pleasing responses to lower her guard and obtain more information.

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