
Chapter 6: Suddenly Friends

"I told you why I was out here. So why are you out here, Mill?" Karl and Mill were now sitting on a small hill just talking to each other.

"I just came out here to test my power." Mill didn't tell Karl the whole truth since he didn't know how to tell him about how his ability works. I mean, Mill still doesn't even completely understand it himself at this point. He activated part of it, but there were still things that he needed to know.

"That's right, the Heroite was yesterday wasn't it? You must have came out here to practice your bloodline ability," Karl nodded in understanding as he continue with his own head canon.

"Actually, I was registered to have no bloodline." Mill said flatly which caught Karl off guard for a second.

"Oh yeah, I did hear something about that, but that was just a joke or a dumb rumor right? There's no way that someone could have been born without a bloodline." Karl turned to Mill and saw a Mill's completely serious face staring right back at him. "That is a joke, right? I've never heard of anyone in history that had no bloodline." Mill slowly shook his head at Karl.

"I'm telling you the truth, Karl." It wasn't like he was lying to Karl. He really had gotten registered as having no bloodline and that would affect his future. It is a very serious topic that he has yet to deal with, but he knows very well that it will affect him in the very near future." Yesterday I went to my school to take part in the Heroite and it came up as not registering a bloodline. I am here testing what I can do without a recognized bloodline." Karl was stunned into silence. Then he suddenly grabbed Mill by his shoulders and pulled him in close.

"Th-then that lightning magic just now. That was all you? Without a bloodline?" Karl stared at Mill intently awaiting his response.

"W-well. Y-you see." At this point even Mill thought that it was pointless to keep on this charade. "Yes and no." Mill decided on his response carefully.

"Yes and no? What does that even mean in this context man? Just tell it to my beautiful face straight. Do you have an ability or no?" Karl leaned in closer to Mill awaiting his response with anticipation. Mill felt a little uncomfortable, but quickly realized that there was no way out of this situation.

'I really don't have a reason to not tell him anyway so.' Mill cleared out his throat and met eyes with Karl. "I do have an ability, Karl. Today I came out here not just to test my magic proficiency, but also to confirm the suspicions of my ability." Mill told it to Karl as truthfully as he had been the whole time. Karl let go of Mill's shoulders and fell back with a sigh of relief.

"Thank the Blaze. I really thought that you were just a natural freak. So you have an ability. Wait then you do have a bloodline, you lied to me!" Karl accused Mill.

"No, I didn't. I said that the machine told me that I had no bloodline, not that I actually don't have one. Thus, no lies left these lips of mine." Mill said in a pompous tone. Karl wanted to refute Mill's claim, but couldn't seeing as Mill was right.

"Well then if you have an idea of your ability then you at least know who your bloodline comes from. So why don't you tell me?" At this moment Mill thought about something. 'Why is Karl so into learning more about me?' Karl was surprisingly easygoing and a good person to talk to. I mean, that had just met for the first time today and Mill was about to tell him everything that he had recently learned.

"You say it first. Who does your bloodline come from, Karl?" Mill felt like he needed to play it safer now. He knew nothing about Karl but was about to tell him some very important information and just couldn't keep going down that path. Karl stood up and looked down at Mill with a smile.

"I guess if I'm asking you about you ancestry then I should at least be willing to tell you mine first. So here we go." Karl started to remove all of his clothes causing Mill to feel like he had made a mistake.

"Dude! Why the hell are you stripping?!" Mill turned away from Karl as he didn't know what else to do when someone just started to take their clothes off in front of him.

"Calm down, Mill. It's just easier to show off my ability than to just talk about it. Don't make me out to be some weird exhibitionist pervert that gets off on stripping in public." Karl took off his remaining clothes and threw them to the side. "This is really gonna hurt."

"Okay well warn me next tim-" Before Mill could finish his sentence he heard a horrible sound behind him. Bones cracking and dislocating as if they were being forced to change shape. Change shape? Mill quickly turned around and saw that Karl's body was disfigured. Karl was currently no longer only partly wolf he was now becoming a full wolf.

"Graah!" Mill watched as the skin tore itself from Karl's body and flaked off onto the ground only to then disappear within seconds. Karl's long blue hair then began to fuse with his back as gray fur started to appear all over his body. His hands and feet started to shrink and crackled as they slowly formed into four paws. "Oh fuck this hurts!" Karl barred his sharp teeth as his spine started to shiver and he slowly bent down on all fours. After another minute, Karl had become a full blue-streak wolf which was a rare and powerful mutated version of normal grey wolves.

"What do you think? Pretty intense right?" Karl started to show off his new form. Mill nodded in affirmation. It certainly was very intense at the least.

"So you're a shapeshifter and a descendent of Bloodbane the tamed beast of the hero Lance Ghenan. So this whole time you were a member of the Ghenan tribe. I should have figured. You can return to normal now though I apologize if it's painful." Mill felt like he could trust Karl a little bit more now that he knew that he wasn't being manipulated by his ability and didn't wish for him to cause himself too much pain.

"Oh! Don't worry about that." Suddenly, a puff of white smoke appeared. The smoke cleared and Karl was standing their in the nude once again in his human form. " I was just being dramatic to mess with you. I don't actually have to do that every time I transform or ever really." Mill had an annoyed look on his face.

"Give me my worry back. You don't deserve it." Mill said standing up and pointing at Karl.

"Aww, you were worried about me? Did you think that I was really in pain?" Karl started to tease Mill causing him to get even more heated. Speaking of heated it was starting to get kinda hot. It was almost aggressively hot and Karl didn't know why it happened.

"Hey Mill do you fe-" Karl turned towards Mill and saw flames begin to rage behind him. The were growing by the second and just didn't stop. "H-hey, Mill it was a joke. I won't do it again so put out the fire, okay?" Karl let out a nervous chuckle but the flames weren't stopping.

"Karl. I will-" Mill was cut off by a sudden cold feeling on his wrist. He quickly turned his head and saw the gentle yet frightening eyes of one a police officer.

"Hi there young man. Do you want to tell me why you two are out here when you clearly don't have an adventuring license or a school field trip?" Mill broke out into a cold sweat but couldn't move an inch from where he was standing even if he wanted to. Was this the officer's ability? "You two are coming with me down to the station for illegal use of magic, adventuring without license, and streaking." Mill turned towards the still naked Karl who was now trying to put on his clothes as fast as possible.

'I guess I'll be seeing Jenny again soon.' Mill nervously chuckled as the fear of seeing his aunt after this situation entered his mind. 'Now, I've suddenly become friends with an exhibitionist.' Mill let out a resigning sign.

"I didn't think that this day could get any worse."

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