
Chapter 22: Double Blossom

Originally, Warren planned to wait for some time before revealing the super soldier serum, but since he drew the A.I. "Red Queen" from the card draw, there was no need to wait anymore.

He could even bring out the Black Cat mecha now with Red Queen's help and attempt to decode its technology.

Speaking of Red Queen, she should be a biological artificial intelligence. I wonder if she is good at mechas.

I should give her more resources and try to analyze the technology of the Black Cat mecha.


Echidna Island has completely become a high-risk bioweapon island.

To be honest, Warren is really afraid that one day monsters will appear on Echidna Island. These monsters would have bodies perfectly enhanced by the super soldier serum, able to divide limbs like T-virus infected bodies, not easily killed, and capable of absorbing mutant genes.

I hope I don't destroy this world.

High-voltage electric fences, automated turrets, dismantling security personnel, increasing containment measures - all that's left is to install a self-destruct system.

After spending half a month on Echidna Island, Warren returned to New York.

"Not bad!"

Upon returning to New York, he could already see the blue hair on the heads of fashionable men and women on the streets.

The roadside billboards were also covered with advertisements for Washington's hair growth and hair coloring products.

There were free hair coloring sample stations on the streets, recommending people to try them out.

The army of blue-haired people finally began to conquer the Earth.

During this time, Warren mostly focused on Echidna Island. He reviewed and approved the company's plans quickly because they were all talented individuals who had been in the business world for a long time. Moreover, investing one billion in advertising costs could make people nauseous from seeing the ads, so there was no reason for it not to be successful.

However, TV shows were less interested in hair growth and hair coloring products compared to gossip in the previous period. Although these products were good and just trendy items added with the "savior of baldness," a few compliments were enough. They put more effort into digging up dirty secrets about Stark.

Unfortunately, they could not do it. It was estimated that Obadiah had already deleted all the evidence, but Warren still had backups.


"This is the trend."

A well-dressed social elite who looked like a model played with the tuft of blue hair on his head. "I like this. It makes me feel ten years younger."

Justin Hammer, the helm of Hammer Industries, but Warren had already acquired 48% of Hammer Industries' shares, and Worthington Industries held 12%. Justin Hammer was only the nominal head now.

The car quickly drove through the streets and entered Worthington Industries' research and development department.

Harry, who had just returned from setting up a fully automated defense system on Echidna Island, was straining to have a conversation with a heavily tattooed bear-like man wearing a vest - a very laborious task.

Ivan Vanko, the Russian engineer that Worthington Group hired at a high price.

Of course, there's also his father, Anton Vanko, but Anton has been chronically ill and can't afford medical treatment. He's on the verge of bankruptcy. He's now been recruited by Worthington Industries and sent to the hospital for recovery.

"Justin, let me introduce you. This is Ivan Vanko, a genius scientist," Warren praised immediately, making Ivan feel a bit embarrassed to respond.

"Boss," he greeted Warren and ignored Justin Hammer.

"You can speak English?!" Harry, the supervisor beside them, was almost furious. So his half-hearted attempts at speaking Russian were a joke?

Ivan completely ignored him and stroked his parrot.

During his times of hardship and when his father was seriously ill, it was Warren who provided him with a well-paid job and allowed his father to receive treatment at the best hospital. This is why he respected Warren.

"A genius? Wow, are you here to help us develop new weapons? My 'Ex-wife' missiles still need some improvements. We need a genius," Warren asked.

"Mm..." When Justin Hammer mentioned his "Ex-wife" missiles, Warren didn't know what to say.

"Harry, show Ivan the data on the 'Ex-wife' missiles," Warren requested.

"Sure thing, Boss." Harry pulled up the data with the projection device. Ivan was indeed interested and read through it very fast.

"What do you think? Isn't my Ex-wife missile amazing?" Justin Hammer proudly asked.



"I said your Ex-wife is garbage." Ivan, with a toothpick in his mouth, showed a disdainful expression.

Justin Hammer's face turned blue with anger. He told Warren, "This kind of person is better off staying at Worthington Industries."

He would not let someone like him into Hammer Industries. No way!

"Harry, show him the 'Micro Missile'."

Harry brought up the new data.

"Huh?" Ivan was confused. He took out a pair of glasses and put them on, clearly becoming more serious.

"What's the matter? What kind of missile is this? Why is it called a 'Micro Missile'?"

"Yes, this is Hammer Industries' next product. I named it 'Micro Missile'."

"Forgive me for being frank, but 'Micro Missile' is such a common name."

"As long as it works."

Regardless of whether it works well or not, Warren would never let Justin name it. Ex-wife? What kind of terrible naming is that!


This time, Ivan took a bit longer to look at it.

"Do you need me to reproduce it?"

"Yes, I only have a few samples. I need you to fully interpret it and give us complete production technology."

"It's quite challenging. Give me half a month," he said confidently.

"Okay, I'll give you half a month. Also, Hammer Industries has prepared a lab for you. Justin Hammer will fully cooperate with you."


You want me to cooperate with this punk?

"I thought I would be working at Worthington Industries," Ivan put away his glasses.

"Worthington Industries doesn't deal with military products, but Hammer Industries has the required conditions," Warren explained.

Ivan nodded and didn't ask any further questions.


The thirteenth district newly established by Worthington Industries, a black-painted mech standing silently on the control platform.

Despite having cat ears and a bell-adorned tail, it still couldn't hide its murderous aura.

The micro-missile launch compartment had been dismantled, with several missiles taken to Ivan Vanko for replication, or else there would be no ammunition supply in the future.

The mech's core power reactor had been taken apart, and only Warren knew exactly where it went.

Harry was busy, dismantling the other components from the mech.

"Superpower Thruster... Laser Defense Matrix..."

He was extremely excited because the mech was every man's dream!

"Red, help me scan the Thruster and Laser Defense Matrix work units."

The thirteenth district was a secret area within Worthington Industries where Red's resources could be utilized remotely. Warren had not revealed Red's existence to the outside world.

Ivan Vanko was not an option either; he was somewhat extreme, and his computer skills were at least at the Gold Card level. It was better if he didn't know about Red's existence.

Warren himself had purple card-level programming skills, but it seemed that he still couldn't compare to Harry, lacking a lot of proficiency and work experience.

Worthington Laboratories were analyzing the super soldier serum, Worthington Industries' thirteenth district was analyzing mechs, and Ivan Vanko's involvement could also give Hanmer Military Industries a boost, harvesting the market for hair growth and hair dye agents...

Everything was going smoothly, and in about half a month, if all went as planned, he could become an idol "for the sake of saving the social status of mutants."

Thinking about it, he was really looking forward to it.

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