
When knowing is not good enough

Luo Mingyu was sitting in a meditative state. Unlike previously when she paired with Gong Cui for a mutually beneficial training, she was alone.

Her meditating spot was a gazebo placed at the top of a mountain peak, isolated from the rest of the mansion, a long and winding road ending with a wooden bridge leading to it through a lush garden.

Her eyes were shut tight, and there was a concentrated expression on her face. If anyone saw this scene, it was an image of peaceful mindfulness, however, the subtle angle of her eyebrows, and minute tenseness in her pose told a different story.

Suddenly, her previously immobile figure moved, turning her head to the side, a smile appearing on her lips as the tenseness in her posture receded.

Her purple eyes full of the usual mystique and unsuited for her age wisdom opened, revealing a subtle glow that gave off a sensation of power that was not there before.

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