

The massive doors of the Throne Room opened and the servant with the scepter, as well as several attendants and guards went inside.

The one carrying the scepter carefully wrapped in a luxurious green cloth was a young woman, who was blushing and tried her best to keep her gaze away from the Empress sitting on the throne with her usual appearance and Wu Long standing beside, leisurely leaning on the backrest of the Imperial seat of authority.

The two spent the entire previous day and night inside the room, and the dress that the Empress wore was a different one from when they saw her the day before, so it did not take a genius to realize what happened. In fact, it was the hottest palace gossip from the moment they were left alone in the room.

Nie Xiwang did not mind these gazes and expressions, as she couldn't care less what these people thought of her or her actions.

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