

Seeing the 3 people being defeated so easily, the other Villains were shocked. They didn't know the person in front of them.

A strong man like him should be famous but now no one is aware of his identity.

Finally one of the Villains told the others about Aizawa including his Quirk which can erase other people's Quirks.

Hearing this, the mutant-type Villain believes that his Quirk cannot be erased and rushes towards Aizawa.

That's true, but a mutant-type Villain who excels in melee attacks can still be defeated easily by Aizawa.

"He's also skilled in hand-to-hand combat, and since he's wearing glasses, we don't know whose Quirk was removed. As expected of a Pro Hero" (Shigaraki)

Aizawa continues to beat the little Villain while letting the students drop out of USJ. Midoriya, who saw Aizawa's way of fighting, was surprised and amazed him.

"No time to watch, let's evacuate quickly" (Iida)

As we ran towards the exit, a swirl of black mist appeared from the ground right in front of the door.

"Nice to meet you, we are the League of Villains, maybe we are being a bit presumptuous... However, we have invited ourselves into the Home of the Heroes, UA High School, to make the Symbol of Peace, All Might, take his last breath" (Kurogiri)

As Kurogiri spoke, No. 13 prepares to use her Quirk but Kirishima and Bakugo attack Kurogiri.

"That's close, even though you are still students, you are still the chosen ones" (Kurogiri)

"It's useless. Get out of the way you two!" (No.13)

Before No. 13 was able to activate her Quirk, Kurogiri had done his attack to separate us all.

The black dome enveloped us, immobilizing us and eventually being transported to various places within USJ.

I was transferred to the Landslide Zone with Todoroki.

"Kageyama? There are others who will be transferred with us?" (Todoroki)

"No, there are only the two of us" (Hiro)

Not long after we arrived, Villains started to appear and surround us. Their number is quite a lot, about 20 people more.

"Khe, Khe, Khe... There are only 2 kids, the number is not enough" One of the Villains spoke up.

Seeing that there were only the two of us, he felt that there were not enough of us. Especially with other Villains who also want to attack us.

"Just finish it quickly, after that we'll look for the others"

"They are both mine, I can't wait to hear their screams of pain"

"Torture them until they beg to be killed"

Seeing several Villains say those harsh words, both of us can still calm down because we are confident in our abilities.

We both looked at each other for a moment and nodded. "You take care of the front, I take care of the rear"

"You don't need help?" (Todoroki)

"No need, they won't get me in trouble" (Hiro)

Todoroki nodded, then looked ahead at the direction where the Villains were gathering. Immediately from his feet came icicles and froze the Villains in front of him.

"It's so sad to lose to a child, try harder, you guys are adults right?" (Todoroki)

Meanwhile, I readied my Katana. I'm not going to win right away like Todoroki, but rather looking for more experience in fighting other people with a sword.

The Villain made a mockery when he saw me take out the Katana. I smiled and ran to them.

"Todoroki, you join the others. I'll catch up later" (Hiro)

Todoroki nodded and quickly left this place.

One of the Villains also ran towards me to throw a punch, but before the punch hit me, I jumped high then swung my Katana, but I didn't use my sharp edge.

My attack managed to hit his neck, sending him flying a few meters before collapsing.

I landed on the ground and provoked the Villains by showing my middle finger.

"Come On" (Hiro)

"Shit, he underestimated us"

"Kill this child"

Being a short fuse, the Villains dashed towards where I was. Some Villains have Quirks that can attack from afar.

So I targeted them first. Running ignoring melee combatants, I could stun them fairly easily since they weren't used to close combat.

There's a Villain with a Quirk that allows him to turn his hands into stone.

The thug attacked me targeting my head, thanks to the previous upgrade, my movements became faster, allowing me to dodge easily.

After dodging I slashed the villain's back. "Shadow Breathing : Fourth Form, Dark Beast Claw"

Causing a wound like a beast's claw to appear on its back, blood immediately gushed out.

Other thugs also came at the same time, surrounding me from all sides. I readied my sword to perform the Breath Technique.

"Shadow Breathing : Fifth Form, Midnight Eclipse Whip" (Hiro)

A black whip shot out from my attack, continuing to move so that it made a circle shape with me as the center.

Most of the Villains were hit by a slash in the chest, but there were also the Villains in the rear who escaped my attacks.

While the Villain in front fell, the one behind now charged at me. Since the playing time had been enough, I used my shadow powers.

"Shadow Bind" (Hiro)

Their body shadows all move according to my command and bind their owner's body. Now all the Villains around me can't move.

"Shadow Gatling" (Hiro)

I then cast a large number of hand-shaped shadows and condensed them, the shadowed hands did a barrage of blows.

All of the Villains took a beating to their bodies, even though some of them were mutant types, my punches were still felt.

Before long all the Villains fainted, so I released Shadow Bind. After confirming that no one had wake up, I went to find the others.


Meanwhile, Todoroki, who had separated from Hiro, was again attacked by several criminals, who were easily defeated.

While thinking about the current situation, Todoroki asked the reason why they could be so confident in defeating All Might.


At the exit, there is Kurogiri facing No. 13 and several students who were not transferred.

No. 13 ordered Iida, who was the fastest to come out and deliver this news to the school. At first Iida refuses due to her duties as Class President, but the others convince him.

Kurogiri did not remain silent, carrying out a large-scale attack but was repelled by No. 13 uses her Quirk.


I went towards the exit, but when I looked at the fountain, it was seen that Shigaraki managed to figure out Aizawa's weakness which resulted in his elbow being crushed.

Under those conditions Aizawa could still take on some petty Villains, but I saw that Nomu was ready to attack.

As soon as Nomu was behind Aizawa, Nomu swung his muscular arm to attack Aizawa.

Seeing this, I use Shadow Step to teleport to Aizawa's shadow and save him. Nomu's fist hit the ground, shattering it into a large crater.

"Kageyama? Why are you here?" (Aizawa)

"When we were about to evacuate, the purple mist came towards us and managed to scatter a few of us to various places in USJ" (Hiro)

"I see, good job holding up. Now that you're evacuating, leave it here to me" (Aizawa)

"Let me help, Sensei knows what I can do right?" (Hiro)

"..... Haa, alright but don't push yourself!" (Aizawa)

"Roger" (Hiro)

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