

Telenon rested against his throne and nursed his wounded ego. The Temple was vacant except for the pitiful thing clinging to his leg and murmuring something about feeling dirty. "Intolerable, absolutely intolerable" he protested, restlessly scratching the stubble upon his face. Timecurrent looked up with doe eyes and a look of implacable love, "I know Priya will destroy you … my turtledove". The tyrant shifted his position to find an ounce of bodily solace. Limber wood formed its contours around his back … yet it was still stiff. "I don't think so my love" he retorted, the dry embers of his eyes burning at the thought of it. Temporal powers from the hostage emanated from her person to him, oscillating like desert heat. "And she'll be here in a while to save me. It will be easy for her to beat you. Echo is the best! Just wait and see" she beamed. "You may know her, Time, but you don't know me. She can't stand against me. I will break her eventually" he answered, with a delicate suggestion as to the course of history. As the incline continued, her baby blue hair parted down the middle, and the lines that made her look like a curious android flared with the same hue, "Ha! You're joking!". Telenon anchored his grip and braced for the conversation's first salvo. "My darling, you have a soft cheek. However, I don't think you know what will become of this. When she faces me … with all that glorious vanity … she will bow her head. I could destroy her to set an example". The thought of it zapped Timecurrent right in the head, the big thinking part. "Hopscotch! I've seen her use the strongest spells in the world!". "I can counter them with my spells, Time. It won't take more than three spells to finish this" he gave, throwing wisdom like bread to the masses. His words hollowed out the lonesomeness of the room, its broad chambers awaiting more of their melody. The conversation would be long and drawn out. It would require the pain of disclosure. "That's like so stupid! She can turn into Echo's and fly through anything and destroy it! I've seen her blow up whole space ships!" Time ejaculated, her eyes gleaming, carriers of the wonderful sight. Telenon leaned over his chair and looked down at the woman with her misguided resiliency "But I'm invincible. That won't hurt me". It would be a hopeless gesture. The armies that had fallen at his feet. Their worthless weapons of last resort. Time knew none of it. But there was something she wanted to ask. "Humph … I doubt it. I'm sorry darling. Can you bring me to that place in Etheria portion, the restaurant that I like?" The magic of their encounter quickly kicked in again. There was something ridiculously hot about him, but she didn't know what. Adrenaline went up and down her spine like a kid playing on an elevator. "Of course, but not until this is over '' he sanctioned, biting his lip. "And feed me the pudding with the spoon?" Time pleaded. "If it will shut that endless mouth" he bantered, knowing the night would result in the antithesis of that. Time was unapologetic, considering the foray and its epicurean intrigues. A clever smile spread across her face, "Yes … I'll even pay the bill. Why am I drooling?". The conversation had strayed from its original aim. In the pause, the anger welled up in his belly again. It's flame like a blackened beast emerging from a forest fire. "Even so, this is absurd. Priya is overpowered. Even you have to admit that ''. "And what do you mean by that?" she joined, with a head twist. Telenon released a bitter sigh, "Think about it Time. A modest student from a university. Carrying stacks of books around every day. Those glasses. Does that sound like a mighty warrior to you? I know there's got to be something wrong here. Her powers are a cheat in every way". The ignominy. The slander. "No way! She got her powers without cheating" the girl exclaimed, furious for once in the course of events. From that she could not relent. "I'm saying her powers are too great for a simple person like her. It's impossible that personality is the reason why" he unfolded dryly. The thought of Priya was coming to light. The strange defiance she had in all manner of times. By now the situation was developing. It was clear that something was amiss. It made him cogent. A willing actor in the disclosure of the invisible. "I don't believe it. Her magic makes sense" the woman countered. Blue lighting forked from her body like some Victorian instrument. It cackled and dispersed as the intrigue faded. How could such a man know Echo? A movie booth man with gentle hands. Who engineered a tornado of tickets to woo her. And now … the cruel barbarian. Bent on her guardian's demise. How had such a rapture ceased its exertions? In wordless reply, the man summoned a viewing portal through which they saw countless blades of grass. Its swirling magnificence subsided and became uniform. "Then take a look through this portal, and let it be the judge," Telenon announced.

Priya marched with impunity against the slush of green. The wind seemed elderly in its fond embrace. It's warmth a counterbalance to the dangers ahead. The woman hustled across a curvaceous agrarian landscape. Cabins with boards positioned just so that the darkness could escape amidst immaculate daylight. Meek animals grazed in foolish ignorance to what had become of their world. A private concern endowed her with courage. Its bastion against the travesty of the fleeting moment. Even so, the land continued its pastoral semblance, swirling with the wind and air. Recollections of absent farmers that tilled the land. Afterthoughts. Priya awakened her mapping senses, gathering the world around her. Towards the east, the light continued to frolic in strange ways. It was about that time, when she saw another orphaned shed, that an enemy pounced. It was a flower the size of a man with a hammer in its hand. Priya threw up her hands for a karate chop. For some reason she wasn't using her powers. A tussle ensued, and she kicked the implement out of its leafy hand. Now that the tables had turned, she gave it the old smackaroo in the flowerhead blossom. "Ha! Look at that. She beat the flower guy" Timecurrent exclaimed, joyous with her newfound prestige. Telenon got to his feet and pointed, "Did you not see that? Her powers went away. It was the same as a sidewalk fight between regulars". "So what? It's been a day or so since we emerged from the realm. That always happens when we transition. It takes a week for the powers to return to normal" the baby blue one elaborated, tossing every thread into disarray with a shake of the head. "No, you're wrong. You're not seeing it. Take a closer look" he commanded. After reviewing the encounter, the clock-master shrugged her shoulders, "It's Echo. I don't see anything". Telenon was fraught with impatience. His arms orchestrating the downfall of his enemy, "She had powers. Then when she stood in front of the flower guy, her powers almost went away. After that, she regained them like before". Time considered how, given all that was going on, she was still enamored by his masculine charms. A pouty face looked up at a man whose ambition ruled his heart, "Well duh. It was a rough fight. The flower had a hammer". In that instance, Telenon forgot her presence. He felt such exoneration at his good fortune, "It's an ability unlike any I have seen before. Her powers lock on and match whatever enemy she is facing, no matter their power level. Every fight is a perfect tie, so that when she claims victory, her anatomy is strengthened to the core". It was done. In moments, the mechanisms of his mind revealed themselves to the patron, and he continued on with her. Time was un-swayed. She saw the punches and the kicks, "If that's true then it's only a fraction of her power. That flower guy was a pushover". Telenon stamped his foot, "You're really not getting this. It's overpowered". And that was enough. Who was this guy anyways? He had never lived a day in the realm. Its genteel expanse was unknown to him. The subtle transformations. Every day swathed in mint condition blue. It was starting to get under her skin, "It doesn't matter!". Grabbing his leg, she pounded it for effect. Yet as she looked back at the portal, the empress was replaced with ripples. "Alright Time. Here … let me give you another example. I found this from the past" the man offered. This one would be good. He had her cornered. With a smug grin he fell back onto the throne to watch.

In the realm, sometime in the second age. Echo swam through a cornucopia of stars. They draped the outer places in leagues upon leagues. She rushed along that happy abyss. It was through the Protostar Nebula that her destination lay. Little stars popping out of blackness with envelopes of ether. A tunic of light enrobing her. They amassed in one spectacle that made a wall of obvious globes. It brushed across the skin. The rush of solar wind. Making severe what was once cool. Echo felt their maturation. Lessons for the heart. And in the course of things, she let that feeling fade, and made her way towards a rather bulbous star.

Elladora Magnifique was for years the home of a sprawling summer home for the Gaia of that star. It had many emissaries and attendants who loved her affable nature. Not wanting to return home, they decided to stay and took up residence. Adjoining rooms were built. Butlers were hired. They came with trays of buttered scones for the revelers. The stairs were made so that one could lay on them without a back being bent out of shape. At first a sizable event, it grew as more people came. It encircled the economies of outlying regions. The frenzy continued, and as villagers were having breakfast in their homes, their walls would be dismantled around them. Several years passed until a humble, drab attired man named Jason Axia came to them. He was fed up with the current state of affairs. When he laid eyes upon the Gaia, he refused to give her an acknowledgment. With that one strike, the brokenhearted Gaia wept, and that night she went out like a candle. The flames upon her back could not even char the bed. Jason was taken at once in handcuffs. They threw him in the dungeon. After that, a delegation met to resolve his fate. They gave him no trial. Instead, a ship was constructed with a particular fireproof design. It sailed to the very center of that star. From the decks of the ship the wizards did their incantations, and the rays of light became material, and thick like spears. Now the center of the star was an iron maiden of light. They threw him in, and he was impaled on the hot rays. The wizards were enraged when he did not die. Through the insult he had absorbed the essence of their benefactor. So they departed, and he remained, suffering for the simple deed. The civilization dwindled, and they no longer cared for what came before.

By the time the empress passed the star, an outpouring of his golden blood coated the minor moon. It advanced along the continents, painting the entire surface. The gold moon left its orbit and went to fight the intruder. Echo saw what was going down, and turned her mirror light into two boxing gloves. A constellation transformed into a referee and got between them, "Alright you two, I want a good clean fight". Echo nodded, agreeing to the rules. At that, the fight commenced, and the gold moon with its heft tried to crash into Echo. But she threw a few good punches and sent some continual crust flying away. "Below the waist!" the referee shouted. Yet his pleas could not be heard. They were already too far away. A swing and an uppercut, but it wouldn't go down. The next time she threw a blow, it was too fast and she missed. Echo looked down and the gold moon was below her and it flew up and rammed her in the chest. It hurt a bunch, but then she got serious. Boom. Pow. Wallop. More golden layers off of that bad ball. The gold moon came in from the right and smacked her in the cheek. Echo returned with the old knuckle sandwich. By then, it looked like it just came out of an asteroid belt. Gorgeous cracks fanned out upon its surface. It tried to hide behind the planet, and when Echo went to look for it, the moon came in from the back and bumped her towards the star. "Ah, this is not cool!" she bellowed. With a good effort she halted her downfall. In sudden realization, Echo knew that it was no longer a gentleman's fight. She found the referee and disintegrated him into stars again with one hit, as that had all been a trick of Jason Axia. "Shelter from the darkness" she said, and the illumination entered her. Echo roared in determination to the gold moon, and they went to town. Fending off an attack and giving one in kind. She flew all over its surface to find the weak spots. With one titanic blow, the lunar surface revealed itself. The gold moon fell back and covered the spot with fresh metal. It flung an asteroid of gold dust at her, but she split it in half with mirror lighting upon her person. In tangents the mirror lightning sprouted from her agile figure. At last Echo realized a way to complete the dance. Inspired by the speed of her enemy, she ramped up. "I'll orbit around it" she exclaimed, circling the body. The force of it spun the gold moon like a toy globe. Parts of her arms transfigured into energy, yet she sustained the effort. In moments it was apparent the moon had met its match. The dust upon its surface erupted in all directions. Its alabaster came next. With a hand she tossed sweat from her brow, and settled the exercise. Echo continued on her journey unopposed. She left that gung-ho galaxy behind. Unseen by her, the wretched form of Jason Axia drifted from the corona, out into the frigid wasteland of space. It had seen better days.

"Did you see that, it proves everything!" Telenon belted out, rich with eager conviction. Time rolled her eyes sarcastically, "Oh please, that gold moon was weak". Incensed, he threw out both arms, "She's fighting a moon with boxing gloves!". "That's the smallest moon I've ever seen. Have you been past Jupiter? I could probably beat that moon" the girl continued, like an unrelenting gossiper. Telenon could not believe how uneducated his hostage was. He looked down at her artless attempt at ridicule, "It's a moon fighting a person. What part of this are you not getting?". Time grabbed his leg again, and brought her chin up to the knee she had grasped so unyieldingly. At a certain point a tongue shot out, "Give me a break. That's probably as weak as a silver moon or a copper moon". Telenon shook with revulsion, "It's bigger than a city. It could crush a city". Time bounded to her feet and made a show of fighting like the boxer. "Nah fella … It went down easy. I could probably take that out in one hit. Once I roll up my sleeves". With a ludicrous smile she balled up her fists and repeated the scene. She could timelapse emotions within herself to feel them on a profound level. Back on his throne, the man pinched the bridge of his nose, "Uhhh. It's not right! It gives her a classic fight with every opponent, so that she has to force herself to get stronger every time! It's a farce!". This stopped the girl in her tracks. Time spun around, "But it's only a fraction of her power, and she almost never uses that". The combat being done, the girl fell to her knees once more. All the excitement took a toll on her wakefulness and her eyelids. Telenon sat there and felt an unbridled resolve. He watched the gold moon crumble into ice and fire. The tactics of the nemesis were becoming clearer. A riddle being deciphered. It was a good thing, "Despite that, I'm still going to get her". "Just … yawn … apologize and we can all go to the restaurant" Time implored, making an impression on his leg with her cheek. "Priya … I'll destroy you and your entire world" he considered heartily. In the center of the star, the spike rays retracted, their tips covered in golden blood. Time looked up at the man with a smirk in order for him to reconsider his silly plan. It was youthful optimism but it just might work, "Don't … I want to see my friends again …". As soon as the hostage was asleep, he released the spell that formed the portal. He studied the proceedings again in thought. All the moves that destroyed the golden orb. Until a spark came. A painful epiphany, "She probably doesn't even remember this. I can sense that".

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