
The Leak!

Jason gulped and Rachel knew he couldn't handle them alone but she didn't want Lillian to be caught up in this mess and if they made any noise, they would attract the horde outside.

That will most definitely seal their fate.

Jason liked that Chronos gave him a certain freedom to exercise his own will because if the system interfered with every decision, he would lose his mind.

The zombies' stats were the same as the first ones he encountered so he had an idea of how to deal with them. Jason remembered what Chronos told him about ranges.

The zombies weren't only focused on him but those behind Jason as well.

Rachel appeared beside Jason, she planned to fight with him but she instructed Bella to watch over her sister. Bella was buff so she was physically strong, Rachel couldn't think of a better person to watch her younger sister.

Rachel and Jason braced themselves but the zombies soon hit the ground, head splitting apart.

Before Jason could comprehend what was going on, he saw two people in uniform emerging behind the dropped body.

Jason didn't drop his guard, just because they saved them didn't mean that they were friendlies.

"We made it in time, are you all okay?" A feminine voice echoed behind the helmet wrapped around her head, this made it hard to identify her gender going only by her voice.

The second person with them still had his gun raised and this put Jason on guard but no one could blame the military officer because they didn't know if they were infected.

The lady took off her helmet to put them at ease, she wanted to let them know that she wasn't a threat and this was just protocol.

"Hey Sam, lower your gun," She instructed her partner and he complied with little to no resistance.

"I'm Clementine, and I will not harm you. We just want to check if you are infected, that is all…" Clementine reassured them.

She was light-skinned with perky lips, curly hair, and light blue eyes. Jason was fascinated that someone with such a gentle appearance was in the military.

He always thought the military had rough appearances but this was just a stereotype.

She smiled, trying her best to make them lower their guard but they weren't having it.

"She is asking you nicely, don't make me use force," Sam said, his voice deep and dense.

"None of us are infected!" Jason exclaimed and Clementine trusted his word for now.

They could easily be put down if they were infected as the zombies had problems getting through all that gear to begin with.

Jason was first to strip, he moved his clothes around to expose various parts of his body and there was nothing there.

The girls did the same as they followed Jason's lead because whoever these people were, they were the ones that saved them from impending death.

"Phew!" Clementine was relieved as she gestured for them to follow her but she was surprised that zombies were still in the building as they had done a sweep before occupying it.

This meant that there was somewhere they were yet to check out.

Clementine guided them somewhere more secure, she was impressed that they held their nerves amid the swarm outside.

It took little over five minutes for them to arrive where they met two more people in military attire.

The man known as X was there with one another, and the sniper that mounted the wall previously was the one that directed them away from the open space and into the building.

"We have returned General," Clementine said with Sam, who was positioned behind them, following in after them.

This man looked frightening, he had a scar right across his face, and one of his eyes looked like it had lost its colour meaning he.

as blind in it.

"The zombie apocalypse, who would have fucking thought, eh?" X said.

Jason gulped, he didn't want to play the role of protector but his stature made him stand out as anyone that saw him would assume he was a threat.

"Our camp was overrun, unfortunately, there is only so much manpower one can use against so many zombies…" General X was surprisingly talkative despite his stern face.

"General, what is the plan?" The sniper asked as he watched what was going on outside.

"We have to find a way out but we're surrounded. I haven't felt this hopeless, not even when I served in Afghanistan…" General X muttered.

"It is strange, they are not moving at all. What are they waiting for?" The sniper asked, he hasn't seen such behavior since the apocalypse started,

The zombies always seemed to be walking about aimlessly but they never stopped like they were resting, this was a first.

"Are they evolving?" Clementine asked but this was highly unlikely because they were dead, there was no possible way they could evolve when their body was deteriorating.

"No…" Jason muttered, drawing everyone's attention towards himself.

"This is not some random zombie behaviour, it is a horde. The zombies are forming a horde," Jason clarified and this made sense but they wanted to know how he knew this.

Before they could verbally ask, however, Jason gave them their answer.

"I play a lot of video games," Jason said and everyone was shocked that he used a game for the basis of his analysis and looked quite disappointed, everyone but General X.

"A horde…" X repeated after Jason but if this was the case, they couldn't wait here until the formation of this horde was complete. They had to move out.

"General, we encountered multiple zombies in the building…" Sam informed him.

"Zombies in the building? Didn't you sweep the lower floor, Clementine?" X asked to which the lady nodded.

"That is worrying. We cannot stay here if zombies have a way in… Clementine, go down there and confirm that the area is clear," X said and Clementine nodded.

Sam thought he was going to go with her but Jason found himself catching a pistol with a silencer on it.

"Big guy, you go with her. You play a lot of games so I take it, you know how to handle a gun?" X asked and Jason nodded even though he never handled one in person.

He looked hesitant but Rachel gave him a reassuring nod, telling him that they would be alright.

Jason left them in X's care and followed Clementine to investigate where the zombies were coming from.

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