
Under Mother’s Eye

12 October, 1360. Westerhaven Palace, Islia

Camilla sluggishly walked down the corridor towards her apartments, a desperate lack of sleep finally threatening to catch up with her. She had being staying up late for several nights and helping William sort through enormous piles of paperwork.

Initially, she'd only been able to watch as he'd pored over documents night after night, reading and scrawling at a furious pace. Yet despite his efforts, the pile of documents on his desk never seemed to shrink much. She knew he was writing to confirm royal pensions being issued. The number of families left without a male provider by the war, was staggering.

Each night, William had insisted she go to bed and rest at her usual hour but Camilla struggled to fall asleep, knowing he was working late into the night by the glow of a single candle.

So one night, she'd offered to help him.

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