

17 May, 1359. Westerhaven Palace, Islia

Sitting under Princess Blanche's raised silk pavilion, Camilla watched the restless spectators around the jousting arena. It was certainly a change from last year's springtime jousts, where she'd sat as a complete interloper. This year, she was on the cusp of joining the Islian royal family.

And yet, some things stay the same, she mused. In a repeat of the previous year, Blanche was the only princess who would ever dream of inviting Camilla into her pavilion as an honoured guest.

She shrugged, too content to let the opinion of other royal ladies bother her. She liked being in Blanche's company. 

Camilla saw William cantering towards the pavilion on his chestnut coloured stallion. Several of the ladies in the tent started preening and whispering to each other as they watched him approach. Ignoring them all, he expertly manoeuvred his horse next to where Camilla stood and removed his helmet.

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