
Chapter 18 - Financial Observer

"This is what you wanted me to come here for? You want me to provide finances to help a Fallen Angel?"

It was a scene that Rias and Sona had experienced once before, only the last time they had visited it the Sitri head's queen, Tsubaki, was also present. It was a bathhouse that they were naked in, the two devils comfortable with themselves and their bodies while discussing the changes that they've experienced in their lives prior to the big wedding. This time around, it was business of a much more personal manner, especially as it had everything to do with the Gremory girl trying to escape her relationship with Riser.

"I'm aware that this may sound absurd," Rias admitted, "but you're the only one I know who could help in this regard, Sona. And yes, Azazel can be quite..."

Sona shook her head, fixing the glasses on her face. "No, Azazel has nothing to do with it, and his ties to you I can get over easily. I'm not yet the head of my family, so I can't oversee the funds. You're married to Riser, however, couldn't you try to gain finances from him?"

"He would notice if I took anything here," Rias sighed, "then he'd wonder what I was using it for, since he doesn't even give me or any of the other girls an allowance. He feels being his bride is enough of a reward for him."

Sona shivered, seeing the first signs of trouble between the crimson haired devil and her blonde husband. "I'm sure he at least means well," Sona said, ignoring the way Rias turned her nose at the suggestion, "but even so, this is quite a big favor to ask of me. I'm not sure if my family would approve of such an asking price, nor if I could sneak it out from under their noses. I don't know if it would be able to pull it off at all, I'm sorry."

"Even if it were to help a friend?"

"There's just so much to ask for out of this," Sona admitted, "my hands are just that tied behind me."

Exhaling, Rias brought herself out of the water, sitting on the edge while she kept her legs in the bath. "Azazel is going to love hearing that..."

The doors to their bath opened up, and it was naturally the worst thing she could think of: her husband Riser walked in, completely naked as well, with the towel meant to wrap around his waist instead hanging off his shoulder. Sona covered up her breasts while remaining in the water, with Rias doing the same while squeezing her thighs together. While they were the only two in there, Phenex walked about with a stride of arrogance in his step, acting as if he owned the place. As one of the bath's occupants was his wife, he may as well put on such an appearance.

"Hello, ladies," Riser said, letting his cock hang out before Sona and Rias, "are you pleased to see the presence of Riser before you?"

"What the hell are you doing in here?!" Sona shouted at him. "This bath is for women only!"

Riser chuckled to himself. "Perhaps so, but as Rias is Riser's husband, he can come into her space whenever he pleases. You shouldn't worry about his presence, Sona, as it's not you that he's married to." That kind of logic infuriated the Sitri girl, though she couldn't figure out a way to argue against it without it backfiring on him. That was the sort of cockiness Phenex let hang out, and not just what was below the waist; try as she might, he would have the least logical answer just to comfort himself.

In spite of the fact she wanted to kick Riser out of the bath, there wasn't much Rias could do in this case without getting herself in worse trouble; it disrupted her discussions with Sona, and she couldn't quite bring up more of what she and Azazel talked about at his special event. As it involved finally breaking away from him, it couldn't exactly be brought about in the open like this.

"And what, pray tell, brings you here, Riser?" Rias said, holding back a groan of annoyance.

"Much as Riser is sure you've been doing, he wishes to speak with the Sitri girl about some potential business matters," he explained, his eyes on Rias's breasts even as she covered herself up. "While you're here, of course, Riser thinks that he could use a little service."

A face of disgust washed over Sona, feeling uncomfortable at the suggestion. "Riser, please, if you wish to speak we can do so outside the bath..."

"Riser thinks these conditions are fine enough to speak in," he replied, grabbing hold of his member. It had grown fully erect within the last few seconds, allowing him to keep it up for his crimson haired wife to meet her gaze with. "Now if his wife could do him a favor?"

"Not now, Riser..." Rias said under her breath. She was clearly hesitant, not only because she didn't want to please him for the umpteenth time, but also due to Sona's presence. She didn't want her best friend to see her in such a state, even if it proved her point.

Seeing the hesitance from her friend, Sona could see that the iceberg of their relationship was much deeper than she thought. Riser's grin remained, even as he was clearly abusing her. "Perhaps Riser's wife needs to be reminded that with the resources he has, he could crush her family and punish them for your own mutiny."

The words were ridiculous, but he was right; one wrong step from her could doom the rest of her family. Cornered, Rias begrudgingly shoved her lips over the cock, leaning over and letting go of her breasts in order to pleasure his member. Riser let out a sigh, pleased by the act he made his wife perform, even as Sona was in disbelief of what she was seeing right in front of her; but no, this really was Riser lording power over Rias for the sake of pleasure, even if it was just before she was presented with potential business ventures from the young Phenex.

"So, Ms. Sitri," Phenex said, turning his head casually towards Sona as Rias bobbed her head along his shaft, "here was what I was hoping your family could do for me..."

Sona's lips thinned, doing her best to keep her eyes and focus on Riser, even as he spoke her way. In spite of the fact his lips were moving, she paid little attention to the words that came out of them, instead mesmerized by the casual sex that her friend had right before her. Sure, Rias clearly didn't want this, but as it was all being done through Phenex's command, there wasn't much else she could do. And it was certainly part of his goal here, to humiliate and deface her before her best friend.

To Sona, it was a small window into their love life, the glass finally shattering so that she could get a closer view at the reality behind it. It wasn't much of a surprise that Riser was merely using her for other gains – she had acted as MC for the two peerages and their rating game – but she at least expected some sort of hope that they could perhaps work on things and develop a healthier relationship. She had heard things about their wedding, her invitation 'lost', but never believed any of it to be true until now.

Riser pumped away at Rias's face, using her hair to pull her into his waist as she sat awkwardly on the edge of the bath. He was still speaking directly to Sona, as if she wasn't experiencing her friend's usage as a cock cozy right before her eyes. All she could do was nod and smile, which she failed at doing even that. Yet she could barely look away; there was a vile fascination in seeing this unfold, the horrors of their marriage brought to her as if Phenex had little care of what she witnessed.

Then Rias was ordered to change her position, getting back into the bath and turning to lean over the edge where she sat. Riser popped his cock into her pussy with ease, bucking against her backside while he continued to dabble in business matters. Sona's face finally turned red, holding her hand to her mouth at the sight of Phenex mating with the crimson haired devil. The oral service was no better, but she had hoped that would be the end of it. As it turned out, he wasn't finished until business was finished.

As Riser grabbed hold of Rias's hair, Sona nodded vehemently at him, certain that he was asking some questions that she wouldn't actually know the response to. Even as he pumped away at her behind, he was either ignorant of the fact that the crimson haired devil was seconds from a climax, or knew it all too well and didn't have a care in the world.

Whatever the case may be, Sona's attention was turning less on Riser and more on Rias, as her voice had started to get louder over time. The way her husband pumped into her backside while his shaft drilled her pussy made it quite apparent that he was looking for release, with the Gremory girl already there. Her fluids gushed right out of the folds, even as Phenex's cock remained in her canal, all while she stiffened up. Sona took a slight step back, aware now that the bath was tainted with sexual fluids. She was rather amazed at how the liquids continued to gush out of her hole, as if she had been pent up. Yet, she couldn't help but feel this was a regular occurrence between the two.

"So, Ms. Sona, are we in agreement, then?" Sona snapped out of her trance, having listened to absolutely nothing Riser has pressed her for.

"Sorry, Riser," Sona said as she bowed her head, "but...I would have to speak to my family about all of that. It's none of my business to actually make decisions like that."

"A pity," said a dismayed Riser, "but I suppose that there isn't much else for us to do here. Could you at least relay the message to the head of your family, then?"


"Wonderful! Then our business is done here." A few more thrusts to Rias's body, and Riser was finished using Rias, holding her close to his waist as his crown pushed against her cervix. Rias cried out once more, gripping the edge of the bath tightly while she felt his seed blasting away inside her canal. It made Sona even more tense, as in due time she could see the cum oozing out of her friend's naked body, in dismay at what she was seeing become of the pair and their relationship. A second stream of the female devil's sex squirted out as well, not only flushing her muff of the fluids, but adding more to the water that she sat in currently.

Pulling out of Rias, Riser let out a breath of air, brushing his blonde hair back. He left his wife over the edge of the bath, her pussy still leaking into the water as she took deep breaths.

"A pleasure doing business," Riser said as he hopped out to leave the room, "Riser hopes to hear from you soon, Ms. Sona."

After Riser was gone, it was here she realized just how exhausted, worn out, and tired she was of being married to Phenex after all this time, not that it had ever been pleasant before now. But the furrowed brow Sona saw on her gaze as she looked at the ground was what sealed the deal.

Sona knew what she had to do, and it had to be for the sake of her friend Rias. "I'm so sorry..." Sona said, relaxing herself now that Riser was out of the room. "Whatever it is you need, I promise I'll see to it that my family can help."

The expression didn't change, but Sona could still tell that the response relaxed Rias somewhat. "Thank you, Sona. You'll have my gratitude soon enough."

As the crimson haired devil was about to sit back in the tub, Sona was hesitant to speak up. Instead, she decided it was simply just her time to get out, now that the water had been tainted.

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