
Chapter 14 - Pleasing the Norse

"Isn't it nice, being in a crowded room with several people, and wearing something nice for a change?"

"It is, but watch yourself, Akeno, I'm certain Riser brought us along to be more than just trophy wives."

Rias grumbled as she took a sip of champagne, herself and Akeno standing away from the other devils for the time being. The half-angel was wearing a lovely halter dress that showed off her back, leaving little to the imagination as the fabric started once more above her backside. For Rias, she had on a strapless red dress made of sequins that showed off as much cleavage as possible, per the request of her husband. Watching Riser from a distance, the two could see him chatting it up with as many deities of other mythologies, acting on his best behavior as though he were their best friends. The two were at least thankful that it was an actual gathering of diplomats and not just a free use romp for them to give sexual pleasure to.

"I know it's bound to happen," Akeno admitted, drinking from her own glass, "but I just want to savor this rare moment where we aren't having people line up to use us like fuck toys."

"Same," Rias sighed, "I suppose this gathering of the other mythologies is a blessing in disguise. I've never seen Riser act so professionally and not have his dick hanging out."

Akeno giggled. "It's weird seeing him out of that element after so long, isn't it? The only thing that would make it better is if the time spent being his wives could just end."

"Agreed, but Ddraig did say that this would take up to three years. I think we were all hoping it would be a lot sooner than that, naturally."

"Xenovia at least doesn't seem to mind it."

"I wonder why that would be." Rias said, the sarcasm oozing in her words.

Just then, the two are approached by a silver haired woman, slightly older than they were, wearing a purple sleeveless gown that still managed to contain her breasts, despite the fact that there should have at least been a little side boob. Regardless, she was dressed more conservatively compared to the other two, though that wasn't exactly by their choice. "Hello there, you must be Riser's wives." she said with a bow. "My name is Rossweisse, assistant to Odin. He's speaking with your husband right now, so I thought it best to introduce myself."

"I don't think husband is..." Akeno was prepared to say something, only for Rias to nudge at her stomach. She had no idea as to why, other than perhaps stopping her from speaking ill of Riser so publicly.

"How wonderful to meet you!" Rias said cheerfully, shaking Rossweisse's hand as she looked between them in confusion. "You must have such a wonderful boss, I'm sure!

"Well...yes." Rossweisse said with hesitation. "But also...no. Sometimes I worry he'd leave me behind if he had the chance, although I'm not so sure why. I do my best for him and everything, but he never seems to acknowledge that!"

"Sorry to hear that." Akeno said. "But at least he brought you along to enjoy yourself, right?"

Stammering, Rossweisse pressed her index fingers together, twiddling them as if embarrassed by the answer. "I suppose, but you see..."

"Ah, there you are, my brides!" Riser said, approaching the group as his security team followed behind. Rias noted the old man standing next to the blonde haired devil, who was obviously an overseer of the Norse mythology. He was much different from what she had imagined, being a man with a monocle covering his left eye, having a beard and hair long enough to match the length of his robe. He certainly showed his age, but with that came lots of wisdom, enough not to trust Riser as a partner, she was certain. "I would like for you to meet Odin, a potential partner in my business ventures."

Odin cackled as he held out a light smile, his eyes locking on Rias and her strapless gown. "Pleasure meeting you both," he said as he bowed his head, "and I see you're getting along well with Rossweisse. Quite a beauty, isn't she?" He laughed again as he raised his cane to meet with her ass, giving it a gentle push while surprising his assistant.

"M-Master Odin, please control yourself!" Rossweisse hissed, grabbing at her backside. "You of all people should know to keep up appearances." Seeing the looks from Rias and Akeno, she explains, "I assure you, there's nothing going on between us…"

"Pheh, appearances, shmappearances." Odin said. "There's nothing wrong with showing appreciation for your assistance." The silver haired Norse woman turned her head away in a huff, but Rias could tell there was some truth to that statement. Surely business wasn't the only thing on everyone's minds here.

"Speaking of appreciation," Riser said, his eyes looking over to Rias, "I do believe we were about to seal the deal on our agreement, isn't that right, Odin."

Rias's eyes went between her husband and the old Norse god, seeing a mischievous grin on the latter's lips. It didn't take much for her to figure out where this was heading, and she anticipated as such. "Ah, yes, I hadn't forgotten. And she's just as lovely as you promised her to be." Odin said, licking the little bit of saliva that was escaping his lip. Rias grumbled, trying not to think about how she was going to have to do it with this old man, who was potentially skin and bones even with his endless age.

"Fine then," Rias said with casual reluctance, holding her hand out for the Norse god, "Let us leave to do our business, then."

Odin was far too eager to wrap his arm around hers, leading her off to a location he knew well. Rossweisse and Akeno watched on as they left the main gathering area, the silver haired woman seeing her boss leave her. Hopefully not for forever.

"Now, since Odin will be preoccupied," Riser said, casually wrapping his arm around the silver haired woman's waist, "why don't you and Riser go get to know each other better over a glass of wine?"

"I'd rather not." Rossweisse said, turning her head away. "That seems highly inappropriate for such a classy environment, don't you think?"

"That matters little." Riser said, interrupting her. "There's no harm in a glass, after all. Just let Riser have a little chat with you. He wishes to learn more about the valkyries, after all."

"I...guess if that's all you're interested in, there's no harm in doing so." Rossweisse said, letting Phenex walk her away.

Akeno's brow furrowed as she took a sip of her glass. "I know I shouldn't be bothered," she said aloud, "but it's not all that fair I'm being left out on all the fun." As if on queue, Riser snapped his fingers as he passed his security, letting them huddle around Akeno as they brought her into the corner. The half-angel was a bit reluctant to do what she was brought here to do, pleasing said security team while their boss was busy, but she supposed if Riser wasn't going to need them, they were going to have to do something with their spare time.

Naturally, Akeno was that something.


"Alone at last."

As Odin closed the door to the room behind him, Rias turned on a lamp to light up the hotel room. She was impressed with how swanky it looked, as she assumed someone of his stature would want a space this expensive looking.

"And you certainly are a dream come true," Odin said, approaching Rias as she took a seat on the bed, "just something I could treat with proper companionship."

"You don't have any of that with Rossweisse?" Rias asked sincerely.

"Oh of course not," Odin admitted, rubbing his beard, "that's not to say I haven't tried before, but she would always turn me down. Even so, she comes across as far too old for my interests, given how she nags as though she was my own mother."

Rias rolled her eyes behind their eyelids, finding it typical of such an old ruler to treat his associate like Christmas cake. Still, now that she was with him alone, away from Riser, the crimson haired devil felt this was the best opportunity to speak freely with him. "So, how do you like Riser as a business partner, then?" she asked, flipping her hair back as she grew somewhat seductive with him. "Don't worry, your secret's safe with me."

Odin chuckled. "Heh, if you insist. To be frank, I've met worse than him in my business dealings, but he's certainly not hiding his own ambitions. I'll deal with him for the time, but only keeping him at arm's length. I know a devil in a suit when I see him! Er, no offense."

"None taken." Rias said, crossing her legs as she saw his gaze trying to peak up her skirt. "I do hope you've thought long and hard about dealing with my husband, as he only holds so much power due to our arranged marriage, and a few bad gambles on my end. But I assure you, Odin, that his power is likely to slip and falter once I escape this marriage. And I do intend to do so at some point. All I ask is that you work with me in secrecy while pretending to help Riser."

"Is that so…" Odin said, his mind deep in thought.

As if to add to the discussion, Rias reminded him, "Please keep in mind, working with the members of the Gremory house will go a long way for you during this time, especially in regards to the current Satan, my brother Sirzechs. He holds more power than Riser ever could, you know."

Upon hearing this, Odin grinned before he began to remove his robe from his body. To Rias's surprise, there was actually a physique hidden underneath, even if it did still scream 'old man'. But at least there was muscle on his bones, far from what the Gremory girl expected. "Oh, don't worry, I don't plan to stay a partner with him for too long! Your proposal is an intriguing one, but before I can even consider it, I'm still in dire need of some attention."

Rias sighed, unzipping her dress from the front. "I suppose it can't be helped." she said, standing up to let the gown fall to the floor with ease. Getting on her knees, she held up Odin's cock, believing that it was sagging due to age, only for it to spring to life and shock her after peeling it off his balls. It had clearly just been stuck due to sweat, but it was still rather impressive given his age.

Odin could only laugh, watching Rias's eyes accept that he did in fact have a big cock. After a deep inhale, Rias pushed her lips onto the shaft, having enough experience with Riser's expansive rod to be well adjusted to what the Norse god was offering. In fact, she found it to be the most comfortable shaft for her mouth to accept, when she thought about all the others that Riser had offered her to suck and fuck. It fit in her throat incredibly well, not too tightly that it could stretch her out. And yet it was such a well endowed rod, she had to wonder if there was magic in it refraining from abusing her body.

Odin sighed as he relaxed himself, using his cane to rub at Rias's ass crack while she continued to suck him off. He heard the moans of arousal coming from her muffled lips, the end of his staff running down her backside well. He managed to get it against her pussy after she shifted her body slightly, letting the wood rub against her folds to properly massage her. All the crimson haired devil could think was how it was more attention to her muff than what Riser ever could give.

Once she pulled away from his crotch, Rias left a few strings of saliva attached from her mouth to his tip, which she separated with her hand brushing through. She rubbed into his skin, pressing down on the veins of his dick while hearing him groan with pleasure, his eye rolling back from the deep massage he gave her.

"Very good..." Odin said, removing his cane from the girl's curtains. "You've made me a very happy man, Mrs. Phenex. Now, let me try to do the same for you."

As Rias laid on the bed, she groaned at the mention of that name. "Mrs. Phenex" wasn't a title she was proud to have, but she supposed she would have to still bear it a while longer.

To her surprise, Odin knelt before Rias, getting a taste of her nectar while he ran his hands over her stomach, likely trying to get a feel for her large orbs. She sat up, having expected him to mount her instead of please her, just so he could grope at her mounds. The Princess of Ruin whimpered as the old man's hands prodded at her nipples, the thumbs pushing into the soft glands as they sunk in. She found herself actually aroused by his touch, the tongue swirling about inside her cavern.

"Oh, fuck, Odin..." Rias purred, running her fingers through his long white hair. "You're actually doing a good job." While his old skin wasn't all that great against her thighs and crotch, there was still a talent behind what he was doing, which was doing the trick for her as it made her moist down below.

The old man had a laugh, pulling his lips away from Rias's curtains before standing upright. "Just another reason why Riser is a fool," he said, "the man is only in business and pleasure for himself, without thinking of others. I actually know how to please a woman in bed."

Rias smirked, almost taking that as a challenge. "If that's the case, I wouldn't mind seeing more of what you can do." she said, playing up her seduction. She rolled onto her hands and knees, showing off her ass to the old Norse god and giving it a shake. Odin grinned, his cock throbbing as he was ready to show her just what he was capable of.

His rod slid inside Rias rather easily, snug as a glove around the Norse cock. The crimson haired devil moaned as his hips lightly pushed against her backside, his hands resting on her shoulders for a time. Looking back at Odin, Rias still considered having sex with him to be a bit grotesque, at least on a physical level, but the way he treated her body and wasn't overly large was actually the most enjoyable she had felt since her first sexual experience. The shaft was at least making its trip slow and comfortable for her, which was something she couldn't really say about her own husband.

Perhaps if he were to at least look a few hundred years younger, Rias would have considered him a better partner in sex compared to even Riser.

Reaching around her chest, Odin moaned in delight as he touched on her breasts yet again, which caused Rias to moan as he fondled them so expertly. She could still feel the touch of a horny pervert, but it was being done in a way that aroused the Princess of Ruin so easily, that she was growing relaxed by the movements against her body. Her body soon knelt upright before his, her back against his wrinkled and aged chest while he thrusted harder into her ass. Her juices began to trickle down his rod, with neither one all that caring if they made the bed wet or not.

In an odd instinct even for herself, Rias turned her head to face Odin's, her eyes shut as she tried to block out the visual of making out with the aged Norse, her tongue swirling against his while he continued to drive his hips into her rear. Her fluids began to splash out of her snatch with every pull back, getting the bed damp from their sex. While his face was just as crusty as his touch, Rias still had some fun making out with the Norse god, feeling a passion coming from him that not even Riser could match if he tried.

As the crimson haired devil expected to happen, Odin's hips began to buck harder into her body, a slight hint of aggression as he pushed his hands against her chest. Her breasts were squished down by his aged hands, his fingers squeezing them tightly as he pushed into Rias's face, his lips pressing against hers as he lost himself in the heat of the moment. The devil's body soon quivered as his tip prodded at her cervix, sending jitters down her spine as she grew with a desire to cum. She was so used to Riser being the first one to do so, she was holding back until the Norse being had done so before her. Alas, that didn't happen.

Rias cried into Odin's mouth as she quaked, her nostrils inhaling as her fluids squirt from her folds. The Norse god's cock soon became coated in her nectar, making it easier for him to deliver a few quick juts that would let him release as well. His semen filled her cavern up quickly, enough that Rias could feel it traveling around in her until it expanded her stomach, though only slightly, thanks to the Stretching Sparrow spell. Thankfully for her, the old god didn't have too much to expel, as she'd otherwise have to leave the room, and the party, with a full stomach.

"That went...surprisingly well." Rias said, panting after her release. "Thank you for that."

Odin laughed, leaving a peck on Rias's neckline. "No, I should be the one thanking you, I haven't felt so youthful with a woman in such a long time. But don't you worry, my dear, we still have a deal. Helping Sirzechs and the Gremory will definitely benefit the Norse mythology better than Riser ever could."

"Thank you..." she said, purring with a smile as his rod pulled out of her pussy.

As Odin began to dress himself back up, the Norse god added, "And I think Riser will at least be a little pleased, considering he'll be too happy with his gift to notice."

"What does that mean...?" Rias asked in a half-tired voice.

"Well, truth be told, I've been growing a little bored of Rossweisse." Odin admitted without remorse. "But I'm sure you and your group of girls will be able to take good care of her. From how Riser talks of his wives, you all at least seem to be tightly knit together.

The crimson haired devil shot up, sitting on the edge of the bed even as her pussy was dripping his fluids. "Wait...wait, so you're just going to leave without Rossweisse? But Odin, sir, I couldn't do that to her. I'd rather not have anymore girls have to experience what myself and the others in my peerage have!"

Odin shrugged. "As much as I can understand that, I'm afraid that choice isn't up to you. It's already been fulfilled"


Riser grinned as he stared at Rossweisse's curvy ass, watching it ripple as he pounded into her hard and aggressive. The silver haired Norse woman moaned and wailed as his cock pushed its way through her cervix, hitting her tight snatch very nicely. He looked at the half empty bottle of wine on the nightstand, then leaned over her shoulder to see the blush in her cheeks. It was better than he had anticipated before returning to his default position.

"Now do you see what Riser means?" he asked, pulling back on her hair while she remained on her hands and knees. "It feels nice to have some sexual experience for a change, doesn't it?"

Rossweisse said nothing, her eyes rolling back while Phenex was rough on her body. She struggled to keep up with him, unable to turn him down in her drunken state. Her hair was soon tugged on by the blonde devil, who pushed harder into her rear the closer he was to climax. The silver haired Norse was unable to do much else but let him take advantage of her, her mind fogged up by so much wine.

The blonde haired devil gave one last thrust, holding himself close to her body as he dumped his load inside her snatch. This was definitely one of the better business dealings he had in awhile.

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