
All's well that ends well?

[Time remaining 12:00 hours]


Jayce felt the tremendous pain coming from his chest suddenly disappear, as if it were never present in the first place. Yet before he could make sense of anything, he felt a wave of exhaustion assault his body, forcing him to fall onto the ground helplessly.

As he lay there unable to move, his mind was filled with confusion. After monumental effort, he finally managed to turn his head towards his friends, hoping and praying that they were safe. 'Please let them be safe.' Jayce said inwardly.

He breathed a sigh of relief after seeing they were still in the same position as before, splayed out on the ground in exhaustion much like himself. The rhythmic movement of their chests filled his mind with ease.

"Are you guys alright?" Jayce asked, not even recognizing his voice at this point. The night full of yelling and screaming had damaged his vocal chords.

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