
The Trickery

"So easy, hahaha!" Godfraud gloated with a smug grin on his face.

Deimos chuckled along.

"Hmph." Moriarty grumbled, clearly annoyed.

Ambrose crossed his arms in front of his chest and thought,

'When Godfraud ran past Deimos, they changed the handball carriers. Godfraud hid the handball in one of his dozen hands, and when he moved those arms towards us, the arm that was carrying the handball sneaked past us while we were occupied with those other arms.

'A nicely planned trick.'

Ambrose grumbled under his breath, but he agreed that Godfraud used his strange ability nicely.

Deimos and Godfraud then appeared in their goal, and without further ado, they started rushing towards the white-railed bridge before the handball even appeared.

Ambrose launched forward and used Formlessness to move at blitzering speed. He was clearly the fastest person in the room currently!

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