
A show of might

Before long, the sea emperor arrived at Orcis mansion, and then he and Lorene greeted Seadrei with a deep bow while Rain just showed his thumbs up and a smile. Seadrei sighed… he saw Rain's valor on the battlefield, but now he couldn't help but wonder what his daughter saw in him.

"It has been a while, Gramps," Rain said. "How's the swell today? What's the waves' height like? Are the waves clean or choppy? Is it breaking left or right, or both? What's the tide doing?"

"As usual, I have no idea why you ask those questions every single time," Seadrei said and then sat on the couch, which immediately began to crack a bit since he was too big.

"Just making small talk," Rain shrugged. "Anyway, what do you want to hear first, bad news or worse news? Pick your poison."

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