
Chapter 74 Watching the Fire from the Other Side

Chapter 74 Watching the Fire from the Other Side

Seeing that his position as the number one penalty shooter was weakened, Stankovic seemed very depressed, but fortunately, he did not express any dissatisfaction with the head coach, but retreated silently—Vazquez took office Afterwards, the new players and Biagini were reused, and at the same time, Ibagaza was deliberately shaped as the core of the offense to weaken the influence of Ngonga. At the same time, Stankovic was intentionally or unintentionally ignored. This is also Vazquez A way to establish your own status.

Biagini was injured for more than half a year, and he has no relationship with Jose. If Vazquez reuses him, he must be grateful to Vazquez. As Mallorca's top scorer a year ago, Biagini was in the dressing room. The prestige of the family is still there. If there is such a direct descendant, Vazquez's life will be much better.

Vazquez even thought about letting Biagini, Delgado, and George play the three forwards after he recovered a little bit, and remove Stankovic, a Jose supporter, from the main lineup-he knew that Stan Kovic missed Jose more than once in the locker room...

Snubbing Jose's direct descendants, wooing players who have nothing to do with Jose, appeasing the old players in the team-this is the fastest way for Vazquez to eliminate Jose's influence, but he is a little eager for success .

Biagini took the penalty, and he also needed a goal to regain his form.

However, to his and Vazquez's disappointment at the same time, perhaps due to his poor form and unfamiliarity with the rhythm of the game, Biagini actually kicked the ball directly into the stands and sent the penalty kick flying!

Biaghini got down on his knees and looked in disbelief at the Valladolid goalkeeper who was celebrating - it was a good opportunity to announce his return, but he sent the ball into the stands...

Valladolid, who had escaped from the dead, began to press down on Mallorca in the next period of time, and Mallorca, whose physical fitness had declined, could only be beaten passively. In the end, midfielder Turiel's shot in front of the goal was Balla's goal. Dolid equalized the score. If Boggs hadn't performed well before the end and flew to save the shot of Delgado's compatriot Cavides, Mallorca might have swallowed the bitter fruit of defeat at home...

After the game, Vazquez blamed the draw on the penalty kick that was not scored, and said, "We are on the right track, and we will definitely win the next game..."

He didn't just talk about it, and Mallorca did win the next game-in the first leg of the first round of the UEFA Cup, relying on Delgado's goal, Mallorca defeated 1-0 in the away game. Norway's Molde took revenge for being knocked out of the Champions League group stage by this team last season...

The victory of this game made Mallorca fans happy for three days, and it also made Vazquez proud for three days-no matter how much praise he received in the first two games, but after all, he did not win a victory, and the head coach cannot win. What kind of head coach is that? The timely win left Vazquez feeling like his future looked bright...

However, after three days, Vazquez knew that he wanted to be optimistic, and it was too early...

In Mestalla, Cooper did not give his old club a little face. Facing Mallorca, who was boldly attacking, Valencia used a sharp counterattack to sieve Mallorca up and down——Mendie Valencia gave Mallorca a four-to-nil score at home, allowing Vazquez to score twice. Nothing to say after the game...

Jose led a group of substitutes to lose only one goal here, and he led a group of main players to lose four goals here-such a stark contrast, so that Vazquez began to wonder if he was much worse than Jose... …

In the third round of the league, Mallorca played at home against Malaga.

This game is a game that must be won for Vazquez. For this reason, after a week of rest, he sent all the main players to try to win at home!

However, the ending made him feel ashamed.

A goal by Panamanian veteran Valdes in the second half allowed Malaga to take three points from the San Moise Stadium. Since the start of the league's three rounds, Mallorca has only scored one point in three games, ranking bottom!

This kind of poor performance made Mallorca fans start to wonder if the team is going to return to the terrible days of the first half of last season...

"We want Jose, not Vazquez!"

After the home loss against Málaga, some radical fans put up signs like this and shouted slogans outside the press conference, although there were only a dozen players, the number was small, but it was a dangerous one. Signal.

Even if there are no fans who have made such radical moves, everyone is missing Jose and the days when he played badly but could always win last season.

This Vazquez played better, but this result... tsk tsk, the Mallorca fans are a little speechless...

And at this time, what is Jose doing?

The current Jose is very relaxed and leisurely.

Because of the Olympic Games this year, La Liga started very late. The first round only started on September 10th, but Jose's body had already recovered. In fact, he had already finished in mid-August. After completing his own physical training, after Perissas's examination, he declared that his body is completely healthy. As long as he doesn't toss his body at will, basically there will be no recurrence - after all, herniated lumbar disc is not a kind of disease that will fall. Sequelae disease.

Of course, Jose pays attention to his body - even if he becomes tall, handsome and rich, he still needs a good body. Without a good body, what is the use of being tall, handsome and rich?

Therefore, during this period of time, Jose began to regulate his work and rest time, and insisted on exercising every day to keep his body in the best condition. Only when he is in good physical condition can he work in a good spirit, which complement each other.

In the process of exercising his body, Jose did not ignore Mallorca's performance. He looked at Mallorca's performance in the previous few games under Vazquez's command, and he looked at it with a gloating mentality-toss it , you just toss, the harder you toss, the faster you will die...

Jose didn't like this guy who had always been hostile to him.

Since you don't like me, there's no need for me to please you. Although I won't trip you up behind your back, it's okay for me to take pleasure in your misfortune—at least I won't pretend to be a gentleman to show you pity...

Jose didn't go to the youth team very much. Although he still has a contract with the youth team, Jose is not worried about what will happen to the youth team-if Mota and Luke are in the first team, he is a little worried If Vazquez makes any deviations in the development direction of these two future outstanding players, he will not be afraid in the youth team. The youth team is basically his people, and the training policy he formulated will not change. .

To put it bluntly, Vazquez has always been an outsider. Although Jose has only worked in Mallorca for three years, with his identity as a native of Mallorca and his achievements in the youth team, the youth team is basically the same. It is only him who follows the lead, which is why Vazquez did not transfer from the youth team but reused several signings.

In addition to paying attention to Vazquez's performance and gloating, one of the things Jose did the most was to chat with Juan Asensio and get some club trends from his words...

"Jose, when will you return to the position of head coach? If you continue to play like this, you may have to sell people to fill the deficit this season. It is a pity that there is no one to sell in Mallorca now... also It's strange, as soon as my father didn't care about things, the club's performance began to deteriorate... Uh, sorry, I'm not saying that your father is not good, it's the team's problem, and the management's operation is fine." Juan said with a sigh , Then he realized that the latter words seemed disrespectful to Alemani, and immediately apologized.

Jose shrugged: "I know you don't mean that."

Seeing that Jose didn't care, Juan breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the teacup in front of him and took a sip: "I don't know what my father thinks, after the end of last season, I asked him if we still need to Holding the shares of Mallorca, he remained silent... In the past, he could get some dividends, but now he is still in the red, and it is more than 10 million at every turn. If Tristan hadn't sold it for a good price, I am afraid that The shareholders have to pay for the deficit, and for a deficit of 10 million, the family has to spend 6 million to fill the deficit. In the past two years, there was only so much income..."

Hearing Juan nagging in front of him, Jose couldn't help laughing, Juan, this guy has always been like this, he doesn't have much ambition, and his quality is quite good, but in other respects Very average.

"If you don't think it works, just transfer the shares. According to the market value, there are tens of millions of dollars. This is a lot of cash. I'm afraid it will be more profitable if you invest it or something." Jose took a sip of tea and didn't care. said.

"I have also thought about it..." Juan nodded. It seems that he really thought about it. You must know that the dividends you get from the club are really not too much, and you have to risk the club's deficit—one or two Since the beginning of the season, there have been a lot of transfer bubbles for European club players. The world record of player transfer value has been constantly turning up, and the income of players has also increased extremely fast. Those big clubs are doing well, and they still have huge profits from the Champions League In attracting them, many clubs have obtained a lot of capital gains through listing, but those small and medium-sized clubs will be under more and more pressure, and it will become more and more difficult to make profits through the club.

"But it is not so easy to find a suitable seller. You have to know that Grande has always wanted to gain control of the club. My father and I don't like this guy and are unwilling to sell the shares to him." Juan continued.

Jose laughed.

"Actually, if your father is willing, I'm a little interested in Mallorca Club." Jose put down the cup in his hand and said with a smile.

"Eh? You?" Juan was stunned for a moment, and then he realized what Jose said, and immediately opened his eyes wide, staring at his own little boy in front of him.

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