
Chapter 287: Changing Locations

With Linlin having made one of her homies stronger through the use of her devil fruit, the cloud, named Zeus, was now roughly twice the size and looked far more menacing, nearly on par with Prometheus and her sword, Napoleon. After a few moments passed, Zeus suddenly surged into Napoleon, fusing with the flaming sword, causing four continuous arcs of lightning to surround the blade with his face on the front.

With all three of Linlins strongest homies combined, she grabbed her the hilt and raised her sword into the air, causing me to grin as I saw what I was about to experience, and instead of dodging this incredibly powerful attack like a smart person, I chose to face it head-on.

"Maser Cannon!!" Yelled Linlin loudly as she powerfully swung Napoleon, causing a blindingly bright beam to speedily head right for Diddy.

Linlins attack was incredibly fast as it rapidly flew through the air right toward me, prompting me to tightly clutch Naga-sa before slamming it at the incoming beam; despite using nearly all of my strength, I was still getting pushed back, and the ground wasn't capable of withstanding this level of strength.

It didn't take long for the attack to eventually overpower me despite how hard I struggled, causing the beam to knock Naga-sa out of my hands before slamming onto my chest, sending me flying through the sky as I rapidly left Whole Cake Island and coasted over the sea; however, it wasn't over as the moment I hit the water, I was engulfed in a massive and violent explosion that consumed everything within a twenty-meter radius.

Once everything subsided several seconds later, I was calmly floating atop the water while gazing at the clear sky, with no clouds in sight, the result of Linlin and I's clashing.

"That was strong." Muttered Diddy lightly as he leaped out of the water while gazing at his wounded chest, only for him to laugh loudly in joy.

"Hahaha! Perfect, I couldn't ask for anything better!" Stated Diddy with a burst of chaotic laughter as he kicked the air, causing a massive explosion as he launched himself towards Whole Cake Island.

Flying above the shore where most of the fighting was taking place, I raised my arm, summoning Naga-sa to my hand as it flew through the sky before landing within my palm. Coating my bo-staff in a layer of haki and lightning, I lunged towards Linlin, who swung her sword once more, launching another powerful beam right toward me, yet this time, utilized one of my seventy-two Bian while enlarging Naga-sa.

Once the beam neared me, I directed the force through my body before transferring it to my bo-staff as I violently slammed it into Linlin, breaking right through her haki-clad arms as I sent her flying through the island, smashing through several mountains in the process.

Shrinking Naga-sa to normal, I landed on the ground and rested it on my shoulder while admiring the destruction I caused, only for me to outstretch my arm, grabbing one of Freyja's wings and stopping her from being flung any further away.

"So, how's Katakuri treating you? He seems to have gotten stronger since the last time we fought." Asked Diddy curiously as he glanced at Freyja, who wiped the blood leaking from her mouth before rolling her eyes.

"He's playing hard to get, but don't worry; once I take care of him, you're next. Oh yeah, Sebas wanted me to ask if you could take your battle with Big Mom somewhere else; I don't know if you haven't noticed, but your clashes are causing a lot of destruction. And I mean a LOT." Remarked Freyja lightly as she seductively winked at Diddy before snapping her fingers while pointing at her surroundings, prompting him to observe the sheer destruction he'd unknowingly caused.

Observing the devastation Linlin and I caused, I clicked my tongue; despite trying to somewhat contain our power, we still massively damaged the area. We were going to need to change locations; otherwise, we risked destroying this half of the island and potentially killing everyone except a handful.

"Tsl, whatever. Well, you're in charge while I'm gone handling Linlin." Stated Diddy in slight annoyance as he looked at Freyja before grabbing one of her horns and throwing her towards Katakuri, causing her to curse him.

Looking at Freyja fight with Katakuri, their conquerors haki constantly clashing against each other, though in a far less destructive way than when Linlin and I do it as neither knew how to imbue their conquerors haki onto their body; shifting my focus to Trenza, I saw her running around while shooting at some woman, who wasn't too much weaker the three sweet commanders, and honestly the way she was fighting was a little pathetic if you asked me, but since her insides felt terrific, I ignored it.

Sensing Linling heading back toward me, I looked behind me, only to see the top half of a mountain flying through the air, causing me to enlarge Naga-sa as I swatted it away, sending it flying far beyond the island.

'Welp, here goes nothing.' Mused Diddy with a feral smile as he coated his entire body in haki while small arcs of lightning traveled through his nervous system.

Leaping off the ground, I speedily kicked the air, reaching Linlin within the timeframe it took for me to blink as I reached forth, manipulating my bo-staff to grow and wrap around Linlin's neck faster than she could react before kicking the air once again, leaving the Whole Cake Island as we headed towards the next closest island. Though, of course, Linlin wasn't just going to let me do as I pleased; she constantly attacked me, annoying me as I was forced to either block or divert the swings of her sword, delaying our arrival.

"Tsk, dammit, don't you have any patience!?" Exclaimed Diddy in annoyance as he suddenly chucked Linlin high into the air before enlarging Naga-sa into the ocean.

Sucking up the ocean water, I filled Naga-sa with as much water as I could hold without it hindering me, causing a massive whirlpool to surround my bo-staff. Once I sensed Linlin started to fall back down, I looked up and saw her turn into a ball of fire, imitating a meteor, causing me to click my tongue at her lack of patience while waiting for her to arrive.

'Alright, that should be enough water.' Mused Diddy calmly as he lifted Naga-sa out of the water, only for it to morph into a massive baseball bat.

"Beastly Homerun!" Remarked Diddy with a feral grin as he powerfully swung at the incoming Linlin, hitting through her sword and sending her flying through the sky while several booms resounded.

Watching Linlin crash into the nearby Island, I smirked and flew high into the sky, far above the clouds, until I was above the island where Linlin was waiting for me; enlarging Naga-sa until it was larger than even a mountain, I kicked the air above me, lunging towards Linlin.

'Beastly Extinction!' Thought Diddy with a ferocious smile as he eyed Linlin, whose eyes slightly widened at the incoming attack.

Although Linlin tried blocking the attack, it was simply too much, not to mention the ground she was standing on wasn't nearly strong enough to withstand our might, causing her to falter as I slammed her into the ground, resulting in the entire island shuddering while one of the mountains collapsed from the impact.

Shrinking Naga-sa back to normal, I landed on the ground right outside the massive crater where Linlin was embedded right at the center; stabbing my bo-staff into the ground, I leaned against it and waited for her to emerge, which didn't take long as I first saw her sword, followed by her hand as she slowly exited from the ground while blood leaked from the side of her head.

"Hehe, it's probably been a while since you've bled; feel nostalgic yet?" Asked Diddy mockingly as he looked at Linlin, who clenched her fist while furiously eyeing him.

She must've been pissed since she didn't bother saying anything and instead simply lunged at me, punching me with a haki-infused fist, prompting me to retaliate the same; however, unlike before, there wasn't much of a struggle as I managed to overpower her hand, grabbing it before pulling her down and kicking her into the face, forcing her to take several steps backward.

"C'mon, that was stupid of you? You should've known from our earlier exchanges that my haki is superior to yours. Don't tell me that last attack of mine made you stupid?" Remarked Diddy with a feral grin as he eyed Linlin, who suddenly roared loudly, unleashing a wave of haki that he resisted.

Quickly grabbing Naga-sa, I blocked Linlins swing of the sword as she relentlessly attacked, causing the island to shudder with each attack of hers; yet, I was never the type of person who liked remaining on the defensive, so I deflected one of her swings before slamming Naga-sa atop her hand, forcing her weapons towards the ground while I spun my bo-staff, hitting her in the face with its butt. However, She didn't like that as she lifted me high into the air before grabbing me by the tail and slamming me back into the ground, only to follow up with a powerful downward strike of her sword, which I was forced to block with my arm.

'Tsk, even with my superior haki, her homies are making up for the difference.' Thought Diddy with a strained expression as he looked at the sword, slowly digging deeper into his skin while cleaving through his haki-clad arm.


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Elven Legacy (Chapter 289: Perfection Achieved) || Hero of Harmony (Chapter 171: Farewell) || One Piece: Chaos Kong (Chapter 297: Attacking Impel Down!)|| Marvel's Black Steel (Chapter 204: Victory!) at [patreon.com/Ozonelayer691]

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