
Chapter 153: What's The Next Move?

Leaping onto my ship, which was now docked right beside the Strawhat pirate's ship, I landed on the deck beside Janet, who quickly squealed while covering her eyes as she looked away from me.

"Eeek! D-Diddy, why don't you have any clothes!?" Exclaimed Janet with a slight blush while turning around, though unfortunately for her, the devil fruit she ate gave her an eidetic memory, which caused the sight of a naked Diddy to briefly appear within her mind in great detail.

"Cause it got destroyed; why else would I walk around naked?" Remarked Diddy as he glanced at Janet before ignoring her and walking to the upper deck, passing by her, who happened to open her eyes only to get a view of Diddy's backside.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it the more you sail with us, Janet; it's not the first time he's been naked, and I doubt it'll be the last." Said Trenza lightly as she came up from behind and patted Janet's shoulder while glancing at Diddy before shaking her head.

"I-I don't know if I want to get used to seeing a naked man walk around the ship occasionally, Trenza." Replied Janet hesitantly as she carefully removed her hands, sighing in relief when she didn't see a nude Diddy.

"Boy, Janet, I'm not a man just yet; it's only the middle of August; wait four more months." Remarked Diddy as he walked back down the stairs while holding an empty sack before approaching the duo while still nude.

"W-Why are you still naked!? Where are your clothes?" Questioned Janet as she squatted down and covered her eyes, which might've been a bad decision since their position was a little ambiguous if you know what I mean.

"Tsk, calm down, acting like you've never seen a naked man before; haven't several pirates captured you in the past? You're telling me, not once, you've never seen a pirate naked or anything?" Said Diddy as he tossed the sack onto his back and eyed Janet, who peeked through her hands, which was a massive mistake in more ways than one.

"Well, to be fair, Captain, Janet's probably been in the lower decks where pirates rarely visit." Said Scar lightly as he and Grand finished raising the sails, only to turn around and sigh when they spotted Diddy.

"Heh, I suppose. Sebas!" Remarked Diddy with a nod as he glanced at Scar before yelling, calling his second mate.

"Yes, Captain? Am I about to be given the privilege to meet the infamous Strawhat pirates, or have you killed them?" Questioned Sebas as he walked up the stairs while fixing his attire, only to slightly freeze when he spotted Diddy before continuing.

"They're still alive, though rather weak; that crocodile dude they fought was a phony, probably just used to make it look like the Marines are actually stronger than they really are." Replied Diddy with a frown as he shook his head and folded his arms while glancing at the Strawhat pirate ship to his right.

"Hoho, that's fine by me, Captain; I'm somewhat interested in these Strawhat's. They're pirates like us, yet instead of destroying a kingdom, they saved one, or at least close to it; I've never heard of a pirate doing good deeds." Stated Sebas with a light chuckle as he lightly patted his chest, causing him to wince slightly in pain while looking at the ship to the right.

"So, what are we doing at Jaya Island?" Asked Mael with furrowed brows as he landed on the deck, appearing out of nowhere while his wings folded behind his back.

"We are mainly here just because we were lost and we needed an island to land at; now that we are here, we've just got to wait sometime until the log pose resets." Declared Freyja as she softly landed on the deck beside Scar before grabbing his arm and wrapping it around her shoulder.

"Yeah, but what about the Marines and world government? It's been smooth sailing so far, but that's only because we've been lost. If we stay in a location for too long or take a determined path, we'll be captured, right? I mean, we did just kill a Celestial Dragon." Remarked Trenza with a slight frown as she glanced at Freyja before looking at Diddy, ensuring her eyes didn't wander by accident.

"Oh, yes, the peace had caused me to momentarily forget the largest faction in the world is hunting us; if we're not careful, I wouldn't be surprised if a buster call was initiated." Said Sebas with furrowed brows and a deep frown as he rubbed his bearded chin, before glancing at Diddy.

"I've already got a plan for that, so stop worrying; we'll be going up." Said Diddy with a grin as he pointed his tail toward the sky, prompting everyone to look up at the cloudy sky.

"You plan to take us to Angel Island? Excuse me if I'm wrong, monkey, but didn't you say the only way to get to that place is to ride a knock-up stream? Sebas, mind elaborating?" Asked Freyja with a slight scowl as she glared at Diddy before glancing at Sebas to her left.

"Hoho, I, unfortunately, don't have much reliable information regarding the knock-up stream; I've heard tales of the danger it poses, so by no means should we enter underprepared. If we wish to have a slim chance of surviving, we need two things: mounted wings on our ship and a respectable navigator or helmsman, which we have neither of." Replied Sebas solemnly as he looked at his crew before shaking his head.

"You're overcomplicating things, Sebas; we've already got two pairs of wings; Freyja and Mael exist; we'll just have them hold the side of the ship, and for the person steering the ship, I can do that." Stated Diddy with a confident smirk while Sebas, Freyja, and Mael gave him blank looks.

"I don't mean to be rude, Captain, but in these two months I've sailed with you, I've never seen you touch the steering wheel, let alone sit at the helm; how do you intend to sail the ship? If we happen to crash, we could very well end up dying." Remarked Sebas with a doubtful expression as he gazed at Diddy, who pointed toward his head.

"Heh, I've hardly touched the helm, but I can do it; I'll just rely on my instincts; they haven't let me down yet, so why would they then? Besides, it's just a little bit of water; didn't we sail up Reverse Mountain with the help of my guidance while I was transformed; my mind will be much clearer now." Said Diddy with a smirk, causing everyone, including Janet, who won't even be there to experience it, to sigh.

"Tsk, I don't even care anymore; fuck it, let him do it, Sebas; besides, it's not like your warnings will ever change his mind." Said Freyja with a click of her tongue as she shook her head and ignored Diddy.

"Haa, your advice is most likely correct; Captain is quite hardheaded." Muttered Sebas with a nod of disappointment, which everyone could relate to.

"Tch, I can hear you, Sebas; besides, I'm not hardheaded; like any good Captain, I'm listening to the words of my crew; I'm just deciding not to follow through with your plans cause they're lame, boring, and I don't like them." Stated Diddy with a frown as he folded his arms and eyed Sebas, Mael, and Freya.

"That sounds like being hardheaded to me." Said Mael in his deep voice, only for Diddy to growl in annoyance.

"Hmph, whatever, I don't need to listen to you all anyways; we're taking the knock-up stream, and if we happen to die, well, then we were too weak if we can't even withstand some water." Remarked Diddy with a huff as he dismissively waved his hand.

"Go and do whatever; we're leaving tomorrow morning." Added Diddy as he walked toward the edge of the ship, his words prompting everyone to disperse, well, except for Trenza as he wrapped his tail around her waist.

"Eh, Captain, what are you doing?" Asked Trenza lightly as she looked behind at Diddy.

"We're heading to Mock Town; I heard that's where the pirates gather; hopefully, there, I'll find that strong person." Said Diddy as he leaped into the air and propelled himself through the sky while carrying what looked to be a human-shaped flag, which was actually Trenza.

"W-Why did you bring me then? I-I don't want to get caught in the crossfire; all I've got is a pistol!" Stated Trenza fearfully as she looked at Diddy, who chuckled.

"Hehe, because you were the closest one next to me." Replied Diddy with a grin while the two traveled through the sky, with Freyja and Mael doing so shortly later as well.

Mock town wasn't too hard to find since it was a port town, which meant it touched the water; all I had to do was fly across the island's edge until I found it. Landing in the middle of Mock town, which was indeed inhibited by a bunch of lawless pirates, I set Trenza down beside me and released her from my tail while the two of us looked around.

"Eh, this place looks boring, a bunch of weaklings, though I can sense the strong person is indeed here." Remarked Diddy with a feral grin as he eyed all the hardened pirates, who all cowered in fear when they crossed eyes with him.

"W-Well, that's good to hear, Captain; I'll be going over here, so see ya later." Said Trenza with a smile as she pointed behind her toward the city's exit before running away, only for her ankle to be grabbed by Diddy's Tail.

'Haa, it was worth a try.' Thought Trenza with a sigh as she fell face-first into the ground.


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Elven Legacy (Chapter 214: Elaine's Hunt) || Hero of Harmony (Chapter 95: Yuki Ama) || One Piece: Chaos Kong (Chapter 163: Sea Of Clouds)|| Marvel's Black Steel (Chapter 72: Virgin No More(R18)) at [patreon.com/Ozonelayer691]

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