

At the romantically well-lit hilltop, Jaden's arms were encircled around Zuri's body. She was in between his legs with the back of her head resting on his chest. They talked about many things and daydreamed about them being together and living in a house of their own.

"I didn't have an interest in ruling this kingdom..." Jaden said. "I want to live my life and raise my children..."

Zuri coughed when she heard that. Children? She wondered as her face reddened.

"Are you alright?" asked Jaden. "It's because I mentioned children right?" He had a smile on his face as he looked at the top of her head.  He could imagine how her face was and how she would have blushed. That thought made his smile widen.

"Don't you want some later on?"

"I've - umm... I have thought about that before but not with... You know... Not with you," Zuri stuttered as she put her finger in her mouth and nibbled on her fingernail.

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