
Talk With Kane

Zuri frowned but she followed behind the silver-haired prince. She was upset that Kane had come to find her. In fact, Zuri wasn't in the best of moods and Kane was the last person that she needed to see or speak to. She didn't want to deal with anyone at that time. The person she longed to be in his arms had refused her for reasons best known to him.

'Why wouldn't he talk about things?' Zuri thought as her mind went to Jaden while she stared at her feet as she walked.

'What stopped him from having her? Jaden hadn't even told me how he felt about me," Zuri said with a dull ache in her chest. She knew from how he treated her and the look in his eyes that he cared for her, but Zuri didn't know the depth and she wanted – needed to hear it from his mouth. She looked forward to that day he would tell her how he really felt about her – but now, as she thought, perhaps that day would never come.

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