

The city of Acapulco, Mexico

Several million people lived in the city of Acapulco. Over the past few years, the city has changed a lot. Almost every house in the city was equipped with an underground storage. A lot of money was spent on it.

In order for many millions of people to be able to hide underground at the same time, it was necessary to create a whole network of storage facilities and bunkers.

If it was a war between countries, such a city could not be conquered. But unfortunately for the Kaiju, these bunkers were only a minor obstacle. The Kaiju could simply stick his hand into the ground and pull the bunker out of the ground along with the house above it. Therefore, people built a wall along the shore for additional protection.

The city of Acapulco had a beautiful bay. If a One Piece fan saw this bay, he would compare it to Marineford, only in Acapulco this bay was of natural origin. But when the wall was built, the appearance of the city changed a lot. The wall passed at some distance from the shore. The wall stood in the water and blocked the view of the ocean. People in the city hated it, but no one complained because the wall was needed.

Around the city there were rather large mountains covered with thick vegetation. It was once a world-famous resort town. Now it was just a city trying to survive. All these structures were built by people, working for almost nothing. No one could accumulate money to fulfill their wishes. This was the reality of the 11 year war with the Kaiju.

On one of the mountains, you could see a black Jaeger holding a sniper rifle. This new Jaeger was from the Obsidian Fury series. An extremely powerful weapon with an extremely cool appearance. Three such robots almost managed to defeat Torterra. Although people didn't understand why Torterra didn't use his fire breath. They thought that he wanted to show his superiority.

Obsidian Fury stood high enough to see the entire ocean on the other side of the wall. He had been standing motionless for several hours waiting for something. People from the city did not have time to look at Jaeger, they all tried to collect the most important things and hide in the bunker. Although the authorities kept repeating that people should always have their belongings packed, people were too lazy to do so. But when trouble came, they tried to find their things with pale faces.

(By the way, do you know what people think when their cities are being bombarded with rockets for the second year? They worry that a rocket will hit their house while they're sitting on the toilet. One way or another, this thought occurs to everyone. The fear that your a dead body will be found without pants...)

On the opposite side of the wall stood another Jaeger. This Jaeger was an old model compared to the Obsidian Fury. It was yellow in color with some orange areas. This Jaeger had a crude design with wide chest armor. His face had protective glass in the shape of glasses and he was fully armed. Rough knives were attached to his hands, and a belt of grenades was around his waist.

These two Jaegers were waiting for the new Kaiju that had come out of the portal not so long ago. Kaiju was of 4 categories and was called Insectokaiju. Mr. Choi comes up with the names. He is the first to receive information about the opening of the portal and immediately invents a code name for the Kaiju.

While Torethra dealt with the White Thorns in South America, the Kaiju attacks continued. Now every month, Kaiju of category 4 came out of the portal. Every month, people watched a match between monsters. People counted the days from the attack and then to the attack. This put a lot of pressure on people's psyche. Even though the new weapon was very effective, people still felt like they were being wished dead and it drove people crazy.

Not every fight ended in success. Even now, the Jaegers were often out of order. It's all because of Kaiju's secret weapon. You never know what a Kaiju is capable of until he uses his weapon. But people had no choice. They had to fight the Kaiju after they got out of the water. It is useless to fight at great depth: the water pressure makes this struggle ten times more dangerous.

If people try to meet the Kaiju at a depth of 100-200 meters, then he can simply avoid the fight. Even if the Kaiju joins the battle, it will be very difficult for the Jaeger, because underwater it is difficult to throw a grenade or shoot from afar. All this was too dangerous to predict the outcome.

Meeting the Kaiju on the shore was the best option. It became easier with the construction of walls around cities. The Jaeger pilots were not so worried and could concentrate on the match.

"Insectokaiju is coming, get ready!" The Jaeger pilots heard a warning from Mr. Choi. They immediately focused on the ocean.

Far from the shore, the water became turbulent and almost immediately a giant monster emerged from under the water. Without waiting for the creature to fully emerge from the water, Jaeger Obsidian Fury, standing on the mountain, aimed a sniper rifle at it. The rifle's batteries hummed as they charged the magnetic rails for a shot.


As Jaeger pulled the trigger, a black rod shot out of the muzzle of the sniper rifle and immediately broke the sound barrier, causing an explosion of air. The rod flew at an extraordinary speed and covered the distance to the Kaiju almost immediately.

But, unfortunately, the shot somehow missed the Kaiju and sank under the water away from him.


There was a powerful explosion under the water, which raised a lot of water into the air. The Kaiju continued to move towards the shore despite the water falling on him from the explosion.

"Did you miss?" Mr. Choi could not help but comment on this situation. The Jaeger, who was knee deep in water, also turned and looked at the Obsidian Fury standing on the mountain outside the city.

"We don't know what happened. We aimed for him but missed." The female voice of one of the Obsidian Fury pilots was heard. The pilots of this new Jaeger were two twin sisters who participated in the attack on Torterra. They proved to be very talented pilots, so the Marshal decided to let them work for him. Of course, he checked them with a lie detector and did many additional tests that even the sisters had no idea about.

"One second." Mr. Choi said and remotely logged into their Jaeger system. He looked at all the information and reviewed the recording of the shot. After a second, Choi said, "You've hit it wrong. Did you miss on purpose?"

What he saw on the tape angered him. He clearly noticed that the shot was sabotaged by the pilots. They weren't aiming at the Kaiju, but at the ocean next to it.

"It can't be like that! We were aiming for him!" Sisters shouted.

"Try again." This time it was Marshall. He stood beside Mr. Choi with a frown on his face.

As Obsidian Fury readied for another shot, the Kaiju was almost completely out of the water. It was a tall creature. At first glance, it was not clear what it was, but if you looked closely, you could see the resemblance to insects.

The kaiju had four legs that came out of the pelvis in four different directions. Those legs were sharp at the tips, and it was a wonder how such a creature didn't get stuck in the sand when it walked. Instead of arms, the Kaiju had two limbs, also sharp at the ends. These arms were like spears and they were long enough for his tall body to rest on them.

It was not clear if the creature had a head because there was no neck. The front had what looked like armor with slits and blue lines where the eyes were. His armor smoothly transitioned to three very thick horns on his back. These horns protruded upward.

The monster walked calmly and confidently towards the city, not paying attention to anyone.


Next to him, another projectile hit the water and exploded. Just like last time, Obsidian Fury's shot missed. The Kaiju continued walking, ignoring the explosion as if he knew it was bound to happen.

"Stop shooting! It won't work. Your mind is influenced. I don't know if it's the Kaiju doing it, or if there are those witches out there somewhere." Marshall said.

"We can get there! We will do it." The twin sisters did not want to give up. For them it was a chance to prove that they are not bad. But unfortunately for them, their chance turns into failure.

The sisters pressed the sniper rifle to their shoulders once more and began to aim. They didn't notice how their minds were playing games with them and they weren't really targeting the Kaiju but the Jaeger who was now about to engage.

"Stop it! You are targeting an ally!" Marshall shouted, but the sisters did not hear him.

"Disconnect the rifle!" Marshal gave the order to Mr. Choi. Technology was very advanced, and such a thing as remote access was not new. Unfortunately, this did not allow controlling the Jaeger from afar, but it was possible to disable it or cut off the power in the sniper rifle.

Mr. Choi was rapidly pressing the keys on the computer, and before the black Jaeger could fire, the rifle shut down, making the sound of the device going off.


There was a sound of the trigger being pulled, but no shot.

"NO! We could get him!" The sisters shouted.

"Calm down! Otherwise, today will be your last day as pilots!" The marshal was cruel.

"The situation is extraordinary. You must drink the medicine to improve concentration or we will lose the city!" Marshal continued.

"Yes sir." Realizing their mistake, the twin sisters disabled Jaeger and disconnected from the interface. They needed to get to the first aid kit that was built into the wall.

While the girls were taking their medicine, another yellow colored Jaeger ran forward to fight the Kaiju. The pilots heard everything that was happening. But they didn't have the opportunity to disable Jaeger and take the medicine. During this time, they will be killed, so they went into battle, hoping that their minds would not be affected. Unfortunately, they were wrong.


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