
Pandora's Box

I was in no hurry to follow the clone into town. I could feel him hiding there. If he wasn't going to flee the city from the other side, then I didn't need to hurry.

While I was catching my breath, a certain Jaeger was dropped by the planes not far from me. It was brand new looking and all red. It was similar to the 3-armed Jaeger that was in the movie, but this one was 2-armed and had a katana in one hand. He landed on his feet with a heavy thud. This robot looked very futuristic and beautiful. I couldn't help but admire him.

The memory of the Jaegers, who were defeated on the shore of the city, arose in my head. This Jaeger will end up the same way if he stays here. I didn't need help, my clone was weaker than me and I could handle it myself. This Jaeger will be more of a hindrance to me than a help. The clone should have blown a flame at him and the Jaeger's body could melt.

"Go, find the place from where he appeared," I said to the Jaeger who was next to me. Actually, I could have found the place myself, but if there were other clones there, then they needed to be killed before they broke out of the lab and started wreaking havoc all around. While I was working on my clone, this Jaeger could guard the lab.

The Red Jaeger looked at me and then walked away in the direction of the ocean. He didn't answer me with any gesture, but I didn't care, the main thing is to he didn't get confused under my feet.

Little by little I entered the city. There was a lot of smoke and fire. It was difficult to see anything in the city. The tires of the cars burned and emitted thick black smoke. All the streets were covered with debris. I walked the streets looking for my clone. He somehow hid from me behind the buildings and did not want to come out. His behavior was strange to me, but he could not hide for long. If I had sped up, I would have found him quickly.

I rounded another skyscraper. Suddenly to my left I noticed a light, but it was too late. A long katana, the blade of which glowed with a blue neon light, quickly moved towards me and entered my throat. I didn't have time to deflect the katana, but I managed to catch it with my left hand before Jaeger could draw his katana.

The blade went through and exited the opposite side of my neck. Blood began to flood my throat and flow into my lungs, but I did not let go of the knife. Jaeger tried to pull him out, but couldn't. I tensed my arm muscles with all my might and clenched my fist. The neon plasma blade was cutting my arm, but I didn't care. If I let this guy draw his sword, I'll turn into half-headless Nick from Harry Potter.

I was shocked by Jaeger's act. But then I realized my mistake. Even though all pilots and Jaegers were part of the Jaeger program and subordinated to the Marshal, they were still soldiers of the country they came from. Each base of the Jaegers is a guarantor of the strength and power of the country in which this base is located. It was a mistake on my part to think that politics would have no effect on pilots. I'm too used to friendly Jaegers.

It took a lot of resources to create my clone. And if you think that this cloning project had to be kept secret, even more resources had to be spent on it. They were unlucky and the clone broke free, but that doesn't mean the project failed. It all depends on the country's government.

When the USSR existed, it starved its own people, deported entire peoples to Siberia, leaving them in the middle of the field in 40-degree frost, engaged in the total extermination of cultural figures who had at least a drop of national consciousness. And it was not so long ago. Even now there are countries in the world that are doing the same thing. I heard that in North Korea, even if you read the Bible, you will be killed for it.

Creating a clone was very difficult, and maybe not on the first try, but they think they can control the clones. And when I told this Jaeger to find where this monster came from, I actually said that I would look for the lab and destroy it when I found it. No country will allow the results of many years of work to be destroyed and all the resources spent to be lost.

I don't know how much it cost, but one of the reasons for the collapse of the USSR was the loss of the space race. The USSR spent a lot of resources on space exploration, and it all went down the drain. Creating a Titan clone could cost no less.


I clenched my fist with all my might and crushed the katana. The knife cracked and shattered like glass. My hand was bleeding as the plasma blade left a deep gash in my palm.

The Jaeger retreated a couple of steps and hid in the smoke, so that I lost sight of him. With a second to spare, I pulled the blade shard from my neck. My wound opened, and even more blood flowed down my throat. I coughed several times and spat blood onto the ground.

This sudden attack was very dangerous, I was lucky that I managed to catch the blade. Coughing a few more times, I continued my search, but this time I already had two targets to destroy.

I couldn't back down and leave the lab to continue creating clones. Titans are very proud beings who have a connection with the consciousness of the planet in which they were born. They will not allow themselves to be controlled. It is only necessary to mention the skull of Ghidorah, which was the basis for the creation of Mecha Godzilla. He immediately got out of control and started doing whatever he wanted.

Also the problem was the desire to absorb radiation and the lack of communication with the planet. I felt no consciousness of the planet in this world and, most likely, it has no consciousness here. How might this affect the Titan's mind? I don't know much about the monsterverse, but I heard somewhere that Ghidorah destroyed his own planet, so he traveled through space.

If people think that Titans are just strange beasts, then they are very wrong. A creature like me will not appear in them. By continuing to create clones, they will open a Pandora's Box that they cannot close. Were the people from the Monsterverse able to kill at least one Titan themselves? They couldn't! Nukes will only make them stronger and the Jaegers will be the only weapon, but judging by this burned city, they're out of luck with the cloning facility. If it was some other Titan, then they would have a better fighting chance.

I kept walking and wondered why I hadn't encountered a Jaeger or a clone yet.


At one point, a robot's leg was heading for my throat. I was ready for another attack, and as he tried to hit my throat again and increase my bleeding, I caught him. I held Jaeger's leg with my left hand and squeezed it so hard that the metal of the leg crumpled like paper.

Yeger stood on one leg and tried not to fall. It was exciting, the robot was able to deliver such a blow that not even all humans can do. I was impressed with the flexibility and speed of this Jaeger. It was a real work of engineering art.



As I held Jaeger and was about to knock him to the ground and tear him to pieces, a building began to fall to the side of us.

A clone burst right through the building towards us.


He shouted and ran at us with his arms outstretched. The building he walked through immediately began to fall, sending dust into the air. The clone was aggressive as before, but the strange thing was that it glowed as if it had just come out of hell. It is true that I set it on fire with my fire, but it should have cooled by now.

I tried to fight it off with my free hand, but the clone caught it and bit my hand.


I screamed in pain. I was in a lot of pain and when I looked closely I noticed that the clone's mouth was glowing. He somehow turned his mouth into a plasma vise, which he used to dig into my hand. I tried to throw him off by waving my hand, but he wouldn't let go of his jaw and clawed at my body armor.

The clone tried to snuggle closer to me, and its glow was constantly increasing. With each passing second, his armor on his back and chest emitted more and more light, and I realized what kind of light it was. He wanted to blow me up. I don't know how he figured it out with this attack, but one thing was for sure - the people fed him well with radiation.


I cried out in pain again and turned my head to the left where I was holding the Jaeger's leg. The robot stuck a short knife into my hand and tried to cut it off. He wanted to free his leg, but I don't think will he have enough time to cut off my arm.

"Sorry friend. You want to kill me, so I can't let you go. I'm afraid you'll die here." I thought as I watched Jaeger struggle to break free.

The light from the clone steadily increased, and the Jaeger's body began to melt. My skin also began to redden in response to the temperature, but this temperature was still tolerable. What I was so afraid of was not the temperature, but the explosion itself. It will hurt like a nuclear bomb explosion.

The light was so strong that it looked like a sunrise. People who were on boats far from the shore covered their faces so as not to burn. At some point there was a loud explosion.


In a short moment, the city where the monsters were fighting exploded and scattered in different directions. The houses crumbled into small pieces, and instead of the city grew a huge gray mushroom of smoke and ash, rising to the sky.


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