
Chapter 81: Arrival

{ I am really sorry for the late chapter. I am back home after so long and already attending to my business again which needs most of my attention}


2 days prior to arriving at the capital /

In a forest far from the community of the apes, in a circular small clearing surrounded by dense trees, you could see a peculiar scene of a man and ape sitting opposite to each other and beside them was a huge wild boar being skewered.

"He has an interesting transformation, don't you think so?" Katsuyu asked on Garou's shoulder whom was now in his human form with red hair.

"Have you ever heard of the Sun Wukong?" Sitting his legs crossed and his head supported by his hand Garou asked while looking at the silent but curious Caesar in front of him with his eyes narrowed.

"Someone I should know?" Katsuyu asked with her head tilted.

"Sun Wukong, also known as the immortal Monkey King in Chinese mythology, he is a quite powerful fellow with amazing abilities" Garou explained.

"Chinese mythology? Immortal? I know only of Enma to be the monkey king and he is not immortal or 'Chinese' though" Katsuyu said while in a thinking pose.

"Of course you don't, I am the only one who knows of him!" Garou said which made Katsuyu take a deep look at Garou's face but didn't comment on how he knew this things he shouldn't have, things that was new to even her who was uncountable years old which made her quite suspicious of him and make some of her own theories up, but it is his secrets and she doesn't have the right to know anything except for what he tells her.

"Is he strong?" Katsuyu asked.

"Strong? Of course he is! Even someone like the Sage of six path doesn't compare to Wukong" Garou said which made Katsuyu raise an eyebrow, clearly not believing him.

"Then you think that Caesar will become that strong too?" Katsuyu asked.

"It's possible, not sure tho, but right now I am more interested in his transformation and how he didn't follow my orders fully" Garou while eyeing Caesar at the end of his speech.

"So why didn't you kill the gorilla little Caesar?" Garou asked Caesar with his eyes narrowed.

Under the gaze of the man in front of him, Caesar became agitated and didn't know what to do. He first followed Garou and after getting far away from the community, he suddenly disappeared and reappeared a few moments later while holding a huge wild boar in his hand casually which made him a little scared, and then, after a few movements of his hands and little bit of time, the wild boar was already being skewered much to his surprise as he couldn't even see the movements of his owner, only red and bluish trails.

After that, they sat opposite to each other and out of nowhere a tiny woman appeared on the shoulder of his owner, the little woman gave him a more terrifying vibes than his owner for some reason despite how small she was, his body's was standing on end, obvious that she was giving him very bad feelings!

They were speaking and he was very curious at what they were saying, he barely understood but he attentively watched the mouth of Katsuyu and his owner, trying to understand anything he could but when the focus got back on him after so long, he became nervous and didn't know what to answer as he didn't understand what his owner said fully except for his name which is "Caesar"

Caesar just tilted his head and scratched it with his hand dumbly, showing he didn't understand much of what Garou said.

"Damn! Do I really have to teach this fucker the sign language?!" Garou exclaimed in irritation which made Caesar sulk helplessly and look down at the ground when he saw he dissatisfied expression of him at his lack of understanding.

"Well maybe you should as I don't think he will be able to speak anytime soon" Katsuyu replied.

"Fuck!" Garou muttered under his breath while looking at Caesar intensely before he raised his hand and pointed to the place where the ape community is located then he retracted his hand then pointed his finger at Caesar next and finally he gripped his hand strongly as a sign of crushing.

Meanwhile Caesar focused on his owner's hand that moved, realizing that he must be trying to communicate with him which he later could barely make out the meaning behind the hand gestures which made him a little fearful but still serious.

Caesar answered by trying to imitate Garou and moved his hands wildly and also chittered "Aww Aww Aww Aww Aww Aww Aww Aww Aww! [Me...Ape...Gorilla...Ape...me...Can't...Ape...kill...Me...sorry...Me...Feeling...Ape...Kill...Wrong...Me...Peace...Want]"

"Ahhh fuck he acts like Caesar too now!" Garou let out as he heard the ape.

"He is quite interesting, already knowing that violence is not an answer to everything" Katsuyu remarked, also understanding what the ape tried to say and emphasized with him.

"He is too sentimental and I don't like it! Does that mean they will get the personality of the people I want them to become?... and what's got into you about the fuck you said huh? Violence is always the way, especially in this fucked up world!" While looking at the shrugging Katsuyu, Garou cried in irritation scaring poor Caesar as he was not used to his owner's behaviour and movements, so everything he did made him scared but what could he do? He felt some invincible chains formed around his heart and brain, if he did something slightly wrong towards his master, he knew it was sure death without his owner even lifting a finger.

"But forget about that, it seems this fucker although loyal and can't get away from my curse or betray me, he is willing to die by me than killing his own kind which he isn't a part of anymore!" Garou said.

"Isn't that a good thing then? Like him not mindlessly follow your orders and actually have the capacity to think about his actions" Katsuyu replied.

"It's a good thing in some situations, but he needs to understand and differentiate between enemies and friends which I can't blame him for thinking this way as he acquired intelligence only some hours ago, but he is a monster now for God's sake! What if I had to literally teach everything about life and the structure of this world to the intelligent monsters every single time? which I hope is not the case! I ain't a babysitter, damn!" Garou said in irritation while he stood up to attend to the wild boar being cooked.

"Well, you wanted to have disciples and teach them your martial arts, you are a master and a guider, so yeah it's your job sometimes to teach and guide your disciples towards becoming a better person as a whole. Isn't this what you told me what martial arts is all about? An art where every step aims to become better and work on self-imrpoving? Which later you as a person will contribute to bettering the community and the world?" Katsuyu said and asked while glancing at Garou who froze for a moment before he continued to attend the boar.


Seems like Garou was already back on his old ways of doing things like he did in his own world and still has to learn the teachings of his old man, bang.

But you can't blame him as the one who experienced becoming a God and going through all those battles were not him, yet.

He just knows what he did in his world is only because of a depressed guy watching the manga of his life in another parallel earth similar to his own that somehow a mangaka knew of him and the life of Saitama.


Current day/

After Garou got a new subordinate and both made their way towards the capital until arriving two days later. nothing much happened in the span of this two days except for Garou or Katsuyu teaching Caesar the sign language most ninjas use on missions that he learned about it in one of the scrolls of his clan library.

Although eager, Garou didn't want to train Caesar yet as without some basic knowledge to communicate, he didn't know how to teach the ape when the Caesar clearly didn't understand him fully.

So now, with Caesar latched on Garou's back because he ran towards the capital at full speed much to the dismay of the ape, they arrived and now were looking in awe at a ginormous Chinese themed city.

[ Picture of the Capital ]

From afar on a hill they were currently, they saw long lines of people trying to get access to the capital with two heavily armoured samurais and some other soldiers guarding an enormous iron gate while a gate official checking everyone's papers and gave permission to go inside.

There were two lines, with one being alot shorter, but a glance and you could see that the shorter one were all rich families, businessmen or nobles unlike the visibly poor people in poor attires waiting in the longer line.

After taking the sight for a few more moments, with Caesar trying to be as close to Garou as possible, they stepped forward the gates and it didn't take long for them to reach the line and people started to notice them.

"Hey look, Who is that?!"

"Wow! He is so huge!"

"He must be a ninja!"

"A monkey as a pet of all animals?"

"He looks so scary!"

"Let's get away!"

"Wahhhhh Wahhhh!" "Shuushh baby I will protect you don't worry" A mother said while holding her crying child.

"Damn his appearance doesn't look human at all!"

"Don't look too much or voice your thoughts out, he may turn aggressive and we can't afford to offend a ninja or a samurai! Let alone if he is a noble from somewhere!" An elderly man suddenly said ominously amongst the poor crowd and all listened to him and immediately lowered their gaze nervously and ignored Garou, not wanting to deal with any shit that has to do with him.

Garou obviously heard this people but this is not his first time hearing this kinds of things as Konoha doesn't lack people who are pro at dissing people, so he had heard much worse comments.

His appearance and large stature with visible muscles which is very rare to see in this world already made everyone very vigilant because it doesn't take a genius to understand that this man in front of them is nothing but trouble, so there were few who dared to even talk behind his back.

Garou ignored the fearful mob, so with a shocked Caesar behind him, he approached the samurai guards through the line where it belonged to the rich and nobles which made the crowd all the more reserved and distant as this confirmed that he must be some kind of big shot to wait in the line that was paved and especially made so nobles won't become uncomfortable when travelling using their sedan chair that used servants to be carried around, and carriages.

But to the surprise of the people and guards who noticed Garou's unique figure and his ape companion from a mile away, he didn't even wait in the line and just walked past everyone much to the anger of everyone who were there but none dared to utter a single word as the appearance and the ominous aura Garou was emitting unconsciously made them swallow their anger and shut up despite having many soldiers as their guards but some mere soldiers can't stand against a possible samurai warrior or ninja .

But they still believed that the samurai guards will do their job and won't let him in that easily without sending him to the back of the line again.

*step step step*

All the attention went on Garou and Caesar as they walked past them and it didn't take long for them to arrive in front of a man with a funny moustache and robes sitting with a table filled with papers and scrolls.

The gatekeeper official although suprised, he didn't have time to say anything as one of the samurais came forward Garou and respectfully said "Greetings and welcome sir, but I would like you to go back and wait in the line behind you until your turn comes, de gozaru!"

"I don't have time to wait until this fucker gives me permission to enter that gigantic gate behind you when I can just simply walk inside" Garou replied in annoyance.

"I understand, but we can't make exceptions as there are even nobles behind you waiting their turn to sign their entry papers, I promise it won't take long, de gozaru" The samurai replied, his expression turning to a frown, already realizing that he may have to deal with a troublesome and arrogant noble or ninja.

Although his attire is something he has never seen, his face not looking like a rich or influential person at all and not having a carriage, but despite all this, he could see the demanding aura surrounding Garou, and he who is dealing with the highest of high in the hierarchy everyday made him witty and sharp, and let's not talk about the extremely bad vibes he was getting from him, so even from afar, his figure immediately made him vigilant, even more so when he ignored the line that was separate for big names only, so he quickly came forward to deal with the situation before the gatekeeper official did something idiotic where there's a slight possibility that this guy may be a very powerful ninja, noble or criminal.

When he heard the samurai Garou only frowned a little but next second, he put a hand inside his head and muttered to Katsuyu to take out his Hatake clan head badge.

Then he extended his hand forward that had the badge in it and gave it to the samurai who held it immediately and checked it for a few moments before realization hit him and his eyes widened in shock for moments but he composed himself quickly and gave the badge back to Garou and slightly bowed.

"I am very sorry Hatake Garou-sama for being rude de gozaru!" The samurai cried and intentionally revealing Garou's identity to make the angry crowd behind calm down which worked and made who were near the two to get surprised at the identity of this man in front of them.

"What?! Did I hear it right?!"

"I didn't hear it!"

"The samurai said that that tall muscular red haired man is the Hatake clan head!"


"Isn't he the raising star business-youngster who owned that famous chains of restaurants in Konoha village?"

"He is"

"I think I remember that his genius thoughts caused a turmoil and all the nobles, even Damiyo, were all flocking to Konoha to try those heavenly dishes he created!"

'This is a chance to make a business deal with him and get some shares!' Most of the rich businessmen and nobles thought the same after knowing his identity.

The word of Garou's identity spread more and it immediately attracted the greedy smiles and eye glints towards Garou who wasn't oblivious to this and could hear all their nonsense much to his annoyance.

After that, Garou opened his mouth to tell the samurai something but a yell interrupted him.

"I don't care who he is, he who is with a dirty animal dared and crossed past the line, totally ignoring ME! the first young master and the HEIR of the Tota nobel family!! He should be punished for this insolence right now!!" A very overweight guy with an ugly face and luxurious robes cried his lungs out after coming out of his carriage.

The outburst gathered the attention of the people, from poor to rich, while the rich were happy that someone pointed this out at last as they couldn't lash out at Garou themselves because it will affect their future talk with Garou about his business.

The samurai guy frowned immediately when he heard the overweight young master and became a little concerned about where this whole situation was going.

He knew that Garou is in the wrong here as he walked past the long line made up of elites of this country trying to go through the gate. But even though they were all influential people, the Damiyo made it clear that everyone is equal and must pass through the gates after the gatekeeper official permits them which it also includes Garou, but this case seems to be not that simple.

Now the situation escalated, and he wasn't one bit concerned for Garou but for this rich guyd, especially this overweighted guy who happened to open his mouth and complain in front of a new Kage...an unpredictable one at that!

The bingo book updated, newspapers spread all around the world, and he as a gate guard must know the identity and personality of most people, so he obviously knows about the freaking Hatake Garou, a man known to be unreasonable and very aggressive, which spells trouble whenever and wherever he is.

But he was more surprised that he didn't get informed of his arrival before now, so now his sudden appearance is quite stressful and a headache to him, that intimidating aura he was giving off didn't help the situation either.

Normally, he will make anyone who walk past lines and ignoring rules to get back to the end of the line but this guy here is not anyone but a walking calamity!

Rules and regulations doesn't work in front of Kages and Damiyos, Kages especially because only a Kage can stop a Kage if a fight broke out and no one else, not even Damiyo has complete control over them, and most of them are also quirky like this tall youngster here who is said to be the most thuggish Kage of all time.

So now, even if Garou killed the overweighted man, the Damiyo may not even care and will let the Hatake clan and Tota family to just duke it out themselves, but without harming civilians and the country of course.

So yeah even the Damiyo will surely like it for there to be one less nobel, though right now, he is praying to whoever to give this hot blooded young man to have some brain cells left in his skull unlike the overweighted guy, and not cause more trouble and headaches to him.

Now back to Garou...

When he heard that fat fuck, his reaction was to go into a daze immediately and the world slow down in his eyes.

'What I heard was real, right?' He thought.

'I mean considering the size of this world, anything might be possible, so an arrogant young master yelling at me should be also included, right?' He thought again while little by little, his eyes began to narrow.

He looked up at the samurai who was nervously looking at him, waiting for what his reaction will be to this. Then he thought again while looking at the brownish Aura of the samurai  'But scratch the fatty, I didn't expect the samurais to be this strong!'

When he first arrived, his attention was immediately got drawn to the two samurai guards as even though they were guards, they were low-chunin guards, so this made him think, if this was a level of power a samurai guard can have, then what about the ones with higher status?

No, he didn't even think the samurais will be this strong in the first place as they weren't considered shit in the show that was stuck in the back of his mind...or maybe the show was all about ninjas and shit and forgot to give more screen time and depth to this guys?

He didn't care about that anyways, he was just curious and was already planning to find a samurai general to challenge into a fight which made him clearly excited.

So what if there were more powerful people in this world? It was just more challenge for him to overcome.

Back to present, so now, Although he was really ready to fuck the fuck out of the fatty who triggered something inside of him that told him constantly to kill this young master so you could have infinite ancestors to fight and overcome, he held himself back and glanced at Caesar who was seriously but with a shocked look was analysing everything he could see and hear which was a weird expression to see on an animal but he was used to it by now.

He didn't waste time and picked up Caesar like a sack of potatoe much to the ape's surprise and turned to look back at the samurai again and said...

"I will just stay in the capital for only around some days and leave, so tell the Damiyo to not bother me." Garou said in a tone of finality and disappeared much to the samurai and people's surprise.

But a second later, a screech of a fatass resounded out through the vicinity which made all to quickly look at Tota young master who was crying and and shouting while holding his right arm that was mutilated and crushed beyond repair, blood coming out and bones protruding out from the skin that made a very disgusting gore scene that made many throw whatever in their stomachs up.

"AIIIIIIIIIAGHH MY ARMMMM!!" The fat master shouted his lungs out in pain with snot and tears on his face.

Quickly after that many men called Ashigaru who are foot soldiers with weapons and armour but were not associated with Samurais, surrounded the Tota young master and immediately began to help him out.

"Quick! go and search for the attacker, and you three start to perform first aid on the young master!" A robust man who looked like the leader of the young master's guards shouted orders to the other soldiers and they immediately got to work.

Everyone was sweating profusely as things escalated really fast. One moment everything was fine and the next moment the noble man was shouting in pain with a shattered arm the moment the the Hatake clan head disappeared.

"So the rumours are true!" A business old man said with sweat running down his face.

"What rumours?" His young son asked with a raised eyebrow.

"That the new Kage of Konoha is a complete maniac, unpredictable and crazy individual. I need to make sure I don't hire him to escort my stuff!" The old man said while wiping the sweat accumulated on his forhead.

"Didn't know that but anyways, won't this accident make Konoha or the Damiyo stand up and punish him for his actions?" His son said again.

"Sighh, It seems you still don't understand young man. What you said is feasible but not in this situation because rules are made for the mortals to follow and not people like Kages who broke the limits of power and no amount of rules or status can hold them down. They are the pinnacle of what this world has to offer, so now you think the Damiyo will offend someone of that calibre? Or Konoha to punish someone of their own without fearing getting the ire of the said powerful individual?" The old man said.

"But the country has many soldiers and samurais, won't that be enough?" The young man said with some nervous sweat running down his face.

"No it isn't. Why do you think the Damiyo supports this ninja villages where he himself could protect the borders or take care of the needs of people around the fire country without having a single problem?" The old man asked and his son was silent to hear the answer.

"That's because the previous Damiyo thought ahead and knew that this villages will put a leash on the powerful clans he couldn't easily offend around the fire country, he knew that because of the ninja village system discovered by the legendary duo Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha, he will have a powerful grip on this ninjas at last after wreaking havoc around the world for centuries. The last thing the people of this world wants is having Kage powerhouses moving around without any rules and regulations tying them down like in the warring state period. So learn from that unconscious nobleman there and never ever try and offend people like the Hatake clan head, understood young man?!" The old man explained and asked his son with a serious face to which the guy nodded nervously after learned his lesson today.

The End.


{ Tried so hard to end it with a cliff hanger but it would have taken more time to write and release the chap, so maybe the next chap the cliff will arrive }

{As you can see, this is becoming more original so I have to make bs up which is hard, so I am sorry if something sounded absurd or didn't make sense but I think this is what a ff is all about, bs}

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