
Chapter 43 Butterfly Enclosure

--- 27th of December 1896 (Sunday)---

--- Emperor Siagu XVs POV ---

--- Afternoon ---

"Hahaha! Thank you for your kind words, dear ministers. Your praise is greatly appreciated and will undoubtedly resonate with our engineer. I can assure you of that," my brother nodded as he addressed the two ministers.

"Please convey my heartfelt congratulations to him, Sharvil. Additionally, let him know that I would like to arrange a meeting with him in person at an appropriate time," I added, nodding towards my younger brother.

"Hahaha! I will certainly pass on your message, Kuya. Arjun will be overjoyed to meet you," my brother chuckled while enjoying his biscuits.

"May I inquire about his name and background, sir?" Minister Ahmadi asked.

"Well, to the best of my knowledge, his name is Arjun Gupta. He hails from a close-knit family. His parents, Dev and Meera Gupta, operate a family-owned jewelry business in Surigao City, with a branch here in Sooraj City as well. Arjun graduated from the Imperial Academy of Surigao with a degree in engineering. He has a younger sister named Sari, who is pursuing her education with aspirations of becoming a doctor at the Imperial Blossom Academy, an exclusive institution for affluent individuals in their hometown," my brother calmly shared, all the while continuing to enjoy his biscuits.

"Hmm, it seems you know quite a bit about him, Sharvil," I teasingly remarked.

"Hahahaha! Well, of course, Kuya. The man is a literal genius! He has skills in engineering and a strong devotion to it. It was quite a shock for me when I learned that he's the son of a successful businessman but has no interest in taking over their jewelry business. Instead, he decided to pursue his passion in engineering," Sharvil confidently stated. It looks like this man really caught his attention.

"Imperial Academy of Surigao and the Imperial Blossom Academy? It seems the family invested quite generously in their children. Both schools can cost them around ¥180 to ¥230 per year. Their business must be substantial," Minister Li commented nonchalantly.

"It is. I once had the opportunity to visit their store here in the capital, called Oriental Opulence Jewelers. It's a wonderful store, and they even do custom jewelry. My wife loves going there to buy and customize jewelry," Sharvil replied, sounding somewhat disinterested.

"It looks like I have another store to avoid if I ever go out with my wife. Hahahaha!" Minister Ahmadi jokingly said, eliciting laughter and agreement from all of us.

"I agree with that. Hahaha!" Minister Li seconded with a laugh.

After we had our share of laughter, we returned to our main topic of conversation.

"Ahem... Anyway, the Butuanon Air Force should invest more in zeppelins and airplanes. I want to see those zeppelins flying in the skies of the empire before we begin our plan to retake the entire Korean Peninsula. I'm expecting positive results on this one, Sharvil," I said with a serious tone, and he responded with a nod.

"Furthermore, you can now focus more on managing the Air Force in the township of San Miguel, as I'll be transferring you out of the Sabah Region in favor of Colonel Gregorio Hilario. You'll be stationed at San Miguel Airbase to oversee the construction of airplanes and zeppelins. This will also eliminate the inconvenience of traveling back and forth between Sabah and San Miguel Airbase just for supervision or visits. You don't have any issues with this, do you?" I asked, looking at my younger brother.

"I don't have any objections to that, Kuya. My only request is for a one-week vacation with my family before I shift my focus to managing the airbase and heading to Beijing," he requested while comfortably reclining on the couch.

"Alright, I'm completely fine with that. A house is already being prepared to accommodate you and your family during your stay in San Miguel," I replied.

"A house? Where is it located? Is it close to the airbase? I don't want the house to be near the airbase, Kuya. The children are still too young to be exposed to those things," he expressed with concern for his family.

"Don't worry. The house is a short distance away from the airbase. It's quite spacious, capable of housing up to 20 individuals, not including the servants, and there's plenty of land surrounding it," I said, smiling at him. "Consider it a gift from me for your birthday last month."

"T-Thank you, Kuya," he said affectionately while looking at me.

As I watched my younger brother express his heartfelt gratitude, it reminded me of how fortunate I am as an emperor to have a loving and accepting family. Despite being the emperor, I make sure to maintain a deep connection with my family; they are both my strength and my weakness.

"Ahem. Moving on, you will also be traveling to Beijing with the other delegates to negotiate Qing's neutrality when we reclaim the Korean Peninsula from the Japanese. There must be no room for error in this matter, Sharvil. Do you understand?" I asked, to which he responded with a nod.

"Very well. Now, Minister Ahmadi, I want the Imperial Military and Navy engineers to achieve what the Air Force engineers have managed. I want them to be the first to do so, even before the Golden Lotus Armory and the Mineral Enterprises replicate what the Air Force has accomplished. Despite their support for the government, I would feel much more secure if we could maintain a monopoly on our original invention. Do you understand the essence of my words, Minister?" I asked, attempting to clarify my intentions.

"I understand, sir," he replied with a nod. "I, too, have reservations about collaborating with them, but we have no other option. Our current funding is already stretched thin with the Air Force, and we've also increased production of ships, guns, and artillery in our imperial armories due to the Chinese presence on the other side of the Hainan Region. If only the parliament would approve a budget increase," he continued with a hint of disappointment in his tone.

"I understand your perspective, Minister. However, I urge you to make a compelling case during the next budget planning session to secure additional funding for the research and development of our military weaponry. Prime Minister Aguinaldo is already well-informed about this matter," I conveyed to Minister Ahmadi.

"Gentlemen, I am fully aware that the coming months will be challenging for all of us. Our strategy to reclaim the entire Korean peninsula and restore King Gojong to the throne must succeed. While I would prefer a diplomatic solution, the Japanese have shown no willingness to engage with us or King Sonjong," I stated calmly before continuing.

"They have left us with no alternative but to pursue a military course of action, in the spirit of our alliance and friendship with Joseon. Nonetheless, diplomacy should remain a cornerstone of our approach. This is why the success of your mission to Beijing, Sharvil, is crucial. Convince the Empress Dowager to maintain her empire's neutrality. Let us all work together in the best interest of our homeland," I sternly emphasized, and they responded with a nod of agreement.

--- Imperial Crown Prince Siagu's POV ---

--- 30th of December 1896 ---


"Sigh... What a boring day we're having," I muttered, slouching onto the music room couch in the estate.

"Hehehe... You should find something else to do instead of just slacking off in this room, cousin," Kuya Xingyu Jiānwén said, giggling at my antics.

His reply earned a glare from me for breaking my complaining mood, causing others in the room to giggle at my reaction.

"Hahahaha! I agree with my little brother," Kuya Xuanzhong Jiānwén chimed in. "If you're bored watching us practice our musical skills, you can leave the room and find somewhere else to slack off."

"You both are so mean to me, Kuya," I said jokingly, joining them in giggling and laughing.

I found myself in the music room of the estate, one of the hundreds of rooms in this mansion. I was with the Jiānwén siblings, Aunt Advika's children, and Ate Kaahini, while my courtiers watched silently from a corner.

The four of them were practicing a song they would play during our New Year celebration at the Estate. According to my mama, a gathering of the entire family, including the cadet branches of our house, would be happening here, and Ate Kaahini and the Jiānwén siblings were asked to perform during the event.

I was only there to watch them practice, as I had declined Mama's request for me to perform.

"Hahaha! So, what now? Are you going to watch us practice, or are you going to leave to relieve your boredom?" Ate Yulan Jiānwén asked as she positioned herself at the piano.

"Hmm... I think I'll leave you three in here. I'll only get bored watching you all play with your crappy musical skills. Bleee!" I jokingly said before running out of the room, laughing. I could still hear my cousins grumbling in annoyance after I called their musical skills "crappy."

After making sure I was far enough from the music room, I stopped running and composed myself before continuing my walk to the other side of the mansion.

It had been a few days since my last class, which was about the origin of the Butuanon people, a topic I was interested in. After that class, a lot had happened.

First, on December 24th, the Imperial Judicial Council had released a verdict regarding three prisoners. They were sentenced to death by hanging, to be executed publicly on December 30th, 1896, on charges of treason and assault against a member of the Imperial Family.

The news was received with gladness by my family during that time, especially since it was about to be Christmas. The public was also happy after hearing the news about the verdict of the council.

By midnight of 24th, a small gathering of family members was done to celebrate Christmas. It was a merry night for the whole family, especially with what the council have decided. A group of local children and old, who live near the state, have gathered outside the estate gate to serenade us with their Christmas carol.

We allowed them to enter the estate grounds to continue their serenading carol. The courtiers and the guards joined in, singing Christmas carols and carrying lanterns for the occasion.

It was a delightful night, though I had witnessed similar scenes every Christmas. Nevertheless, it reminded me to appreciate the people's support and love for our family.

In the following days, life returned to its normal rhythm. We leisurely pursued our holiday activities, enjoying each other's company and honing our respective skills. One memorable day, I ventured on a boat trip down the river with my cousins and uncles. It was a time to forget our worries and responsibilities.

I stayed in touch with Khao, despite her family not celebrating Christmas due to their Buddhist beliefs. She sent her greetings and expressed sympathy for my brother's situation, for which I thanked her.

Speaking of my brother, Ainesh had been doing well lately. His trauma therapy was progressing, and the frequency of his sessions had reduced from daily to every two weeks due to his rapid recovery. Dr. Rizal's treatment method, based on what I had learned in my previous life, was proving to be effective.

Today, on the 30th of December 1896, a significant event unfolded. Instead of being known as the day of Dr. Jose Rizal's death, it would mark the execution of those criminals who had assaulted and mistreated my little brother. This event held historical importance, as it was the first execution in the last 150 years for harming a member of the Imperial Family.

Radhesh informed me that crowds were gathering in the capital to witness the execution, which would take place a few kilometers away from the downtown area.

As I walked through the mansion's hallways, followed by my courtiers, countless court ladies were busy redecorating the entire mansion for the upcoming New Year celebration. They were removing the Christmas decorations, dusting paintings adorning the walls, and cleaning ancestral armors from the Clan and Rajahnate Era. Even the eunuchs were assisting in preparing the hallways and stairs. Red carpets were meticulously cleaned, and curtains were replaced with white and gold-themed ones.

Observing the bustling activity in the hallway, I decided to head to the butterfly enclosure in the garden. It had always been one of my favorite places on the estate, besides the riverbank, due to its tranquility and beauty.

However, as I made my way to the enclosure, I heard my mother's voice calling my name, accompanied by the laughter of a girl and a boy.

"Siagu! Son, where are you going?" my mother called, holding the hands of my sister and brother. Behind her were her courtiers and her Abagaanays.

My mother was adorned in an elegant sonmin, with shades of purple and yellow, adorned with intricate patterns that added to its elegance.

My little sister is also wearing an almost identical sonmin to our mama's, but hers is in green with gold embroidery. My little brother, Ainesh Philip, is wearing his sonmin in green and white, with a golden belt tracing along his waist. Golden threads are used to design his upper garment, giving it an elegant look despite his small stature.

I am wearing a white and gold sonmin today, which is a standard color for my sonmin since I love the combination of white and gold.

I then paused my walk and waited for her to come closer to avoid shouting.

"Good morning, Mama. My dear siblings, good morning. Hehehe," I said before kissing them on their cheeks, first my brother and then my sister.

"Hehehe… That tickles, Kuya. Hehehehe," Ainesh said while trying to remove my face from his cheek.

I then turned my attention to my mother and her attendants.

"Good morning, my ladies," I greeted without bowing my head.

"Good morning, Your Imperial Highness," they all replied in unison, curtsying to me.

"I'm on my way to the butterfly enclosure, Mama. How about you?" I inquired.

"What a coincidence, my dear. Your siblings and I are also heading to the butterfly enclosure. They've been pestering me since last night to visit it with them and relax, and as always, I couldn't refuse their request," she replied with a smile, gently caressing my siblings' hair.

"Anyways, we were actually on our way to the music room to invite you to join us, but we saw you by the mansion's window. We noticed you were also headed to the butterfly enclosure, so we hurried here to invite you. Would you like to come with us?" Mama offered.

"Join us, Kuya Siagu. You've been so busy with your studies for the past few days, along with Ate Mai-mai. If it weren't for the holidays, we wouldn't have had any time to play. I've been so bored without someone to play with all day," Ain said, pouting and clinging to my waist, his cheeks puffing out.

I couldn't resist squeezing his cheeks because of his cuteness, although I also felt guilty for neglecting him. In recent days, Mai-mai and I had been preoccupied with our studies, while our parents were busy running the household and the country. Although we managed to spend a few hours together, it wasn't enough for young Ainesh.

Apart from this holiday, Ainesh had mostly been surrounded by his courtiers and doctors.

His words made me realize how much I had neglected him, filling me with guilt. We were so close within this estate, yet we rarely spent quality time together. Mai-mai could escape this to some extent since she often traveled between Baltso Palace and Diliwata Estate to spend time with King Gojong and his family.

"Okay, okay… I will join you. Hahaha," I said, planting kisses on Ainesh's cheeks, which made him giggle uncontrollably.

"Yehey! Kuya will be joining us! Hehehe," Mai-mai cheered, jumping up and down, though our mother restrained her. Her exuberance brought smiles to the faces of those who witnessed it.

"Great! Shall we go then?" Mama suggested, to which I nodded in agreement. We all proceeded toward the butterfly enclosure.

A few minutes later, we arrived in front of the butterfly enclosure, a breathtaking sight in itself. It was a vast enclosure, housing four trees that stood two meters tall, surrounded by various native flowers and plants from the empire. Its dimensions measured approximately ten meters in length and fifteen meters in width.

The structure was constructed from steel, screens, and glass, forming a dome-like shape. Gardeners hired by the Imperial Estate Commissioner were responsible for maintaining its beauty.

According to Mama, the butterfly enclosure was built during the reign of Rajah Siagu V, as a gesture of his affection for Suryavati, his second wife or consort, who had a deep love for butterflies, as recorded in the Imperial archives.

Originally, it was just a small enclosure containing two small trees and a few plants with a single species of butterflies. However, over time, it expanded continuously until it reached its current size.

During the reign of Emperor Siagu XI, an earthquake struck the capital, causing significant damage to most of the buildings. Unfortunately, the butterfly enclosure was completely destroyed, resulting in the loss of most of the butterflies.

Emperor Siagu XI subsequently engaged an architect to renovate and redesign the enclosure, giving rise to the magnificent butterfly enclosure that exists today.

As I entered the enclosure, a breathtaking scene unfolded before me. The sunlight bathed the entire enclosure in its glow, while towering trees provided welcome shade for the plants on the ground. The area was adorned with a diverse array of different species of flowers.

Even though I had visited this place several times before, I never ceased to be amazed by the sheer beauty of the enclosure. It is also a popular tourist destination when the estate is open to the public. However, as my entire family is currently residing here, the Imperial Estate Commissioner has temporarily closed the estate to the public due to safety concerns for our family's well-being.


I decided to return writing the story using simple English. Sorry for the constant change everyone. Besides, this story is still in constant revision on my raw copy. 

Regarding the updates, I will be posting some updates every Sunday and Thursday. But I might also post some third chapter update, if I find it satisficing.

Thank you for the support everyone and don't forget to vote.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Holy_Slayercreators' thoughts
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