
Chapter 35 Plan for Neutrality

--- 22nd of December 1896 ---

--- Emperor Siagu XV ---

--- Minutes after Dowager Duchess Jayanti Devi left the room ---

It has been two days since we have arrived here in the Diliwata Estate. Now, I and my siblings, along with our respective partners are currently having our talk in one of the rooms of the estate.

A room so wide, that it can house eight cows in a row formation. The room is intricately designed and have shown the patterns and features common to Butuanon ancient architecture. Since this estate is much older compared to the Imperial Complex, a few kilometres away from here.

"So? What is your plan now, brother?" Sharvil said while looking at me deeply.

"Indeed. The government is now slowly failing, not to mention that this year has been quite a disastrous year for the whole nation. Hunger and flooding are a few of these disasters." His wife, Maria, seconded while leaning on her husband's shoulder.

Indeed. This year has been quite a disastrous year for the empire, a lot has happened since the beginning of this year. But I know that everything has happened for a reason, and I am not mistaken for that, for sure.

"You even frame the poor old previous Minister of Social Welfare, Minister Eloy Mancao, into this scandal that you have orchestrated." Ate Haimi said worriedly while looking at the garden of the Estate where the children were playing and having their picnic with my mother-in-law.

Two-faced. I know my sister too well and I know for a fact that she is celebrating what happened to that bastard Minister.

"Hmph. That minister? Even if brother-in-law did not intervene and frame him in this recent scandal. He is still bound to be ousted in any way possible." My older sister's husband, Marquess Alexander, said in full disdain while eating some grapes comfortably.

Alexander is right. Eloy Mancao's embezzlement of the budget for the people is bound to reach the surface in a few years, I just hasten it by framing him. Although the coverup and unrecorded number of people living in the Empire still shocks me the most. 14 million individuals is not a small number to be hidden.

What shocks me and our family the most is that those 14 million individuals or approximately 4 families are the descendants of slaves and are treated as an outcast by the Ministry of Social Welfare. Former Minister Eloy's prejudice towards them made him do what is unthinkable, eradicating the entire records of those individuals from the Ministry's record.

Not to mention the ¥80 million or $58.4 million that he and his accomplice have stolen from the annual budget of the Ministry of Social Welfare. ¥20 million or 18.97% of the annual ¥105.3 million budget of the Ministry is not a small number. This money is bound to help the Butuanons, especially those who are in need. Allocated to fund the healthcare system and other essentials that are meant to benefit the nation.

"Tss… I still can't believe that despite the advancement we have made in our society, some are still prejudiced towards those slaves' descended families." My wife melancholically said.

"What can we do? Changing the older generations mindsets are different than teaching children about this topic." I said after listening to their statements. "Minister Eloy Mancao's case, including those lower government officials who are involved in this case, is now in the hands of the Judges of the Imperial Judicial Council."

My response earns the nodding agreement of them all.

"Hmp! Better be! Those scumbags! We have given way and given the power we once had to them in the hope that they will use it for good and manage this nation that our ancestors have built but it looks like we are wrong." Maria disdainfully said while looking at the newspaper from the Lobestar Tribune about Minister Eloy's scandal. "We are wrong in trusting the ruling of the nation to these peasants who only learn ruling in schools that our ancestors have erected."

My younger brother's wife, Maria of Sulu, is a firm believer in absolute monarchy. She was never ashamed of sharing her opinion about why common people were not fit to rule and dynastic rule with strict education is much more ideal than voting. Although she only shares this opinion when she is with us in private.

But despite her disdain towards the voting system and ruling of the common folks, she is very supportive of hearing the voice of the people and improving their living standards. She even patronizes a number of boarding schools and hospitals. Boarding schools that offers lower tuition fees in exchange for serving the nation via military enlistment for a few years.

"Deal with it. Even if we wanted to return to rule our respective domain, the common people would not support that idea. Remember what happened to that Faris Qasimuddin?" Alexander nonchalantly said while checking the dirt on his fingers.

"Hmp… That bastard who is full of delusion? Yes, I remembered him…" Maria replied uninterestingly which later made her suddenly pause a bit remembering the fate of Faris. "Don't tell me…"

"Yes. Although we might not end up like Faris but a higher chance for us to face a mob like he did. Poor Faris… Or should I say, Poor Faris the mincemeat? Hahahahaha." I laughingly said which made the entire room filled with mocking laughter remembering what happened to that bastard.

The fate that Faris Qasimuddin faced is just laughable to think of. Overconfidence and pure ignorance made him run amuck in the streets of one of the Islands of the Sulu archipelagoes. Declaring himself ruler of the Island, which pisses the entire populace. They then started to bring their respective panabas and kampilan, while shouting "Death to the Pretender!" and "Protect the Emperor!".

They were then able to capture Faris and put justice into their hands by mincing him out of outrage and anger. The police were able to capture ten individuals who were involved in mincing Faris's body.

"We are not idiots like him." Maria said after laughing to her heart's content.

"We know. But the point of that comparison is for you to realize the power of the people. The people are not idiots, they have their own principles and ideologies that they follow. This is why Minister Eloy falls out of grace because of his principles and ideologies. The ideology that descendants of slaves should be treated like that." Ate Haimi said while looking at Maria seriously.

This made all of us stay silent as Ate Haimi is now reprimanding Maria. Even Maria who was all proud a while ago is now like a puppy being scolded by its owner. Poor girl.

"Learn to accept the reality, Maria. We have already lost our powers and total control over our domains. Be grateful that 99% of the population is still in favour of our existence and that we can still hold power via the House of Lord of the Parliament. Others don't have this luxury." Ate Haimi continues in full seriousness as she reprimands Maria's attitude. "I understand your longing to absolutely rule our respective domains. But this is not the feudal age, Maria. We are in a world where everyone has their own rights and their voice must be heard."

"I agree. We all wish to rule on our own rights in our respective domains but time changes. Everything is now uncertain." My wife said while pitifully looking at Maria who is now being comforted by Sharvil. "Instead of worrying about who should rightfully rule the nation. We should instead worry about our hostile neighbours who are now baring their fangs on us." She continued, to which was answered by a nod from everybody.

"Aye! The Japanese have been increasingly aggressive towards us over the last few days. Their aggression resulted in some minor damages on our ships stationed in the Pacific." Alexander said irritatingly.

I cannot blame him. As a Naval captain on one of the ships stationed in the Pacific, the BEB (Barko ng Emperyo ng Butuan [Ship of the Empire of Butuan]) Palau, an Edgar-class cruiser, he has constant encounters with the Imperial Japanese Navy. He must have experienced a standoff between him and the Japanese.

But the Japanese aggression is now numbered and is bound to be extinguished. Sooner or later, the Japanese Empire will fall under our influence.

"Hah! Those Japanese?! Hahahaha! Nothing to worry about them." Sharvil mockingly said while looking in Alexander's direction. "Their naval strength is far inferior compared to ours, besides, we are also developing those new ships and weapons in replacement with our current one."

This is where Sharvil is correct. With a secret partnership between the government and the two largest manufacturers in the Empire, a contract was signed a few days ago in secret. The contract contains detailed information about the speed of the development and its duration. A condition is also set to keep the deal confidential or they will face nationalization. But this is a known topic for the six of us, not counting my son's people.

As what Minister Ali Ahmadi have said to me a few days ago, construction of those things is now going on smoothly. But the lack of manpower is their current issue, few are working on collecting those raw materials and in parts constructions. Making it much slower to complete the task.

Which reminded me of those 4 million families. As the reports have said, most of them are unemployed, some manage to join some jobs that are not permanent, while others resort to begging.

14 million individuals with 5-7 million able workers are a great number and we can utilize them to further advance our nation in infrastructure and mining. Their number would really solve a lot of problems, especially with the number of active militaries in the empire. Their number gives me hope in creating a nation that will be able to assert its dominance as an empire in land and seas.

"I see. So, it has finally started huh?" Alexander said after hearing Sharvil's reply.

"Yes. They have already started building those things." I calmly stated on Sharvil's behalf.

"Good. However, I heard that the military wanted to increase its number of active personnel from a mere 300 thousand to 600 thousand individuals. Is this true?" Alexander states while looking at me.

"600 thousand individuals? Isn't that a bit too much?" Maria voiced after recovering from my sister's sermon.

Indeed. 600 thousand individuals as military soldiers is not a small number for a country to have. But it is about time that we increase the total number of our active soldiers. The more we have a larger number of soldiers, the better our position can be in a war. This is what history has taught us.

"Indeed. And besides, where does the military be getting that huge number of people?" my wife confusedly said towards me and the others.

"14 million…" Ate Haimi said solemnly. This catches the attention of Maria and my wife who is still confused about what Ate Haimi has said. "Those recently uncovered individuals are a huge pool where the military can get their people."

Ate Haimi's response made me and the other 3 men nod in agreement. Those 14 million have a working force of 5-7 million individuals who are mostly unemployed and desperate for jobs, but because of their backgrounds and lack of documents, few will accept them despite restoring their identities in the government records. The military will be willing to hire and train them, in return, a hefty some of money will be their salary.

"But a lot more are still going to be unemployed. 300 thousand is not enough to cover the entire 14 million individuals." Maria said

"We know. But out of those 14 million, only less than half according to the recent census are capable of working. Roughly around 5-7 million are able to have a job, removing those who already have a job from factories and farms, we are left with 4-5 million individuals. The military might not be able to hire them, but the military is not the only branch of the government that is looking for additional people. The government is also looking for miners and construction workers, to name a few." I said calmly "Besides, we should all take everything slowly but steadily. No good has been made because of rushing everything."

"I see. This will really help not just them but also the other Butuanon. Due to the constant ravages of storms and strong typhoons, many of our farmers' agricultural crops are ruined and have resulted in isolated hunger in the empire. With the fresh manpower, we can expand our agricultural sector. Although training them will still consume a lot of time." Maria replied after realizing the benefits of those individuals.

"Wait… let us go back to the Japanese first. What is your plan to deal with them, Siagu?" Ate Haimi said while looking at me seriously which I only answered with a smile.

"That means nothing, right?" She said in confirmation. "The people are now about to explode against the Japanese aggression in our territorial waters, you know. They are demanding and advocating for war. Sooner or later, your silence will need to be broken and you must do something about this."

"My husband knows what to do with this one, Ate Haimi." My wife calmly stated. "War is not something that should be easily be declared on one another. Although we have an upper hand compared to the Japanese, there is still a risk of failing due to us not securing yet the cooperation of the Qing Empire."

"The Qing? What do you mean?" Sharvil confusedly said which was seconded by the other three of them.

"In an outbreak of war, the possibility of the Qing Empire declaring war on us is high. We cannot fight on a double front, even with the help of the Siamese, we will still be facing a huge difficulty." My wife paused before continuing. "That is why, we are planning to secure a secret deal with the Qing Empire. The Island of Taiwan in exchange for their neutrality during the war."

Hearing my wife's response, a loud bang on the table and the wall echoes to the entire room accompanied by shouts of anger and shock.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!" Alexander said who is now standing in a fit of rage while looking at me and my wife.


"The Island holds great importance to our peoples' culture and is also a strategic location for our nation. Offering it to the Qing in exchange for their neutrality is just a blatant slap to our people, Siagu." Ate Haimi calmly stated but a hit of seriousness and anger was audible in her voice.


"THIS IS BULLSHIT! PURE BULLSHIT!" Sharvil curses while walking back and forth.

Maria on the other hand is just sitting on the couch while shaking in anger after hearing my wife's response.

Their anger is valid and understandable. The Island of Taiwan and the Island of Hainan hold a huge significance in our culture as Butuanon people. Us, Butuanons are the descendants of people who migrated from the islands of Taiwan and Hainan a few thousand years ago. But despite how long it was, our culture still views the Islands as our motherland, our originator. Resulting in our ancestors viewing the Island as part of our nation, despite it being under the control of the different Dynasties of China.

Negotiations and plans to invade the Island were discussed a few hundred years ago to finally retake the Island from the Chinese, but it all failed. But despite those failures, we never give up.

The plan to retake the Island became possible during the war between our nation and the coalition of Dai Viet and the Qing. When the Qing joined the war, it became the driving force for us to retake the Island of Hainan and Taiwan from the Qing. But sad to say, we only managed to take hold of the Island of Hainan from the Qing Empire, much to our ancestors' huge disappointment. But our dream of retaking the Island of Taiwan remains firm.

And during the Sino-Japanese war last year, the Island of Taiwan fell into the hands of the Japanese, much to our disappointment. Our defeat during the Sea-Euro War resulted in us downgrading the number of our ships and soldiers just to pay the reparations to the French and the British. This made it difficult for us to join the war, the Sino-Japanese War.

And this year, after hearing about the possible alliance with Joseon which can bring our nation into war with the Japanese, the dream of retaking the Island of Taiwan resurfaces. This is the reason why people are in full support of the union between Prince Yeong and my daughter, Imperial Princess Mahati Alice. The people were not after the union with Joseon by marriage, they were after the Island of Taiwan.

This is also the reason why the Liberal Party's popularity plummeted. Their disapproval of the union with Joseon made it look to the public that the Liberal Party was against our ancestors' goal of capturing the Island of Taiwan. And the very core of Butuanon culture. With 99% of the people now identifying themselves as Butuanon regardless of their origin or ethnicity, support for the Liberal party plummeted.

This is not a surprise for the people to still hold importance on retaking the Island of Taiwan as we even have a festival dedicated to our origin. Bihisama Festival, every 2nd week of July, is a week-long celebration of our ancestor's migration from the Islands of Hainan and Taiwan.

"SIT." I said while seriously looking at the four of them. This made the other three take their seat except for Sharvil. Silly brother. "DON'T LET ME REPEAT MYSELF, SHARVIL!" I shouted which made him and the others flinch. He then takes his seat after Maria pulls him down.

"REMEMBER ALL OF YOUR MANNERS! I MIGHT BE INVITING BUT REMEMBER THAT I AM THE EMPEROR!" I said in rage after seeing my older sister and younger brother make faces.

"Calm down, my love." My wife said while gently rubbing my back with her soft hand. "Don't let your anger consume you."

"Hoooo… Just because I am calm and smiling doesn't mean you all can be this rowdy. Act like a royalty, not a monkey." I said in full seriousness as I took my stand and walked toward the window while carrying my glass of wine. "I will give us all some time to calm down before we continue our conversation."

I then couldn't help but smile as I saw my children playing in the garden with their cousins and the others.

"Did you all calm down already?" I inquired before I took a look and saw them all sitting calmly in their respective seats.

"Good. Now, where are we? Ah! Yeah… we are planning to offer the Island of Taiwan to the Chinese in exchange for their neutrality during the war."

Hearing me repeat what my wife had said made the four of them stare at me in full seriousness.

"You know too well that this will be a bad decision to make, Siagu. Offering the Island of Taiwan to the Chinese means we are forfeiting our cultural rights on the Island. Relinquishing our ancestral and cultural rights over our people's origin." Ate Haimi said in her full serious tone.

"I know." I nonchalantly replied.

"Then why?" Alexander said firmly. "Why are you giving the Island of Taiwan to the Chinese then?"

"Huh? Who says I'll be giving the Island to the Chinese?" I replied while smiling at them.


"You all are wrong." I said, cutting Sharvil's statement.

"I am just offering the Island to the Qing but I will not be handing them down the Island. I will be using this tactic to keep them at bay during the onset of war between our nation and the Japanese in retaking the entire Korean Peninsula." I continued as I took my seat beside my wife.

My response made the four of them totally calm down and start contemplating. I cannot blame their outburst the moment my wife mentioned offering the Island of Taiwan to the Chinese.

"This is a risky path to take." Maria said while looking at me and my wife. "The Qing will not just sit still while we forget this deal."

"Heh! Who cares about them? Yes, they have a huge military but their weaponries? Even the rising Japanese Empire just recently industrializes manages to defeat them." Sharvil said while looking at me full of pride and excitement after finally getting what I meant.

He really never changed. He is not afraid to die on the battlefield. All he wants is to fight and bring honour to his family. No wonder my useless grandfather doted on him the most when he was still alive.

"Okay. You have solved the issue with the Chinese but how about the French? They are still our enemy. Unlike the British who prefer a peaceful cooperation, the French Empire under Napoleon IV is not. They prefer to take our entire territory on the mainland and also the Hainan Island." Alexander said in full calmness.

"They will not be a problem." Sharvil replied while drinking his green tea.

"How can you say so?" Alexander replied in curiosity.

"The Germans. They are weary of entering a war that will take a long time, consuming all of their supplies both food and military." Sharvil said in full seriousness.

"I see. With the Germans keeping the French and the Russians at bay, our conquest to retake the Korean Peninsula will be swift." Alexander said while smiling mischievously.

"Indeed. If possible, next year, after the winter season in the peninsula, we shall retake the Kingdom with the help of the locals." I seconded.

"Aye!" they all agreed while nodding their head.

The conversation ended with all of us laughing and smiling at the possibility of our nation finally getting the Island of Taiwan from the Japanese and hopefully, permanently holding it. As our respective partners left the room, it was only me and my siblings who were now sitting on our respective couch, quietly eating or drinking our tea.

"By the way, have you ever got something out from the mouth of those bastards who hurt my nephew?" Ate Haimi said while looking at me.

"Yes. Apparently, the three of them are planning to use my son as their puppet in doing what they want by blackmailing and threatening him that they will kill us if he never cooperates with them."

"Those bastards! Death will be an easy escape for them! Tsk." Sharvil angrily said.

"I know. As much as I wanted to kill them all using my hands, I prefer to let the Imperial Judicial Council handle this." I calmly stated while looking at my siblings.

Which was answered by a nod from the both of them. Both agreed on what I meant.

"Your son has been quite active lately, Siagu." Ate Haimi said.

"Indeed. He just not told us about those weaponries but he also helped us in catching those three courtiers." Sharvil seconded.

"I know. Let him be. He might be a child but he knows what he is doing." I confidently replied.

"I can't argue you with that. He is really mature for his age." Sharvil noddingly said

"Hayts… How about Ainesh? How is he?" Ate Haimi said calmly.

"He is doing fine. Although he is still quite distant towards others, he is slowly recovering. But he has become a tail to his brother for the past two days. Refusing to be separated from him for a long time." I worriedly replied.

"He will get over it." Ate Haimi said before continuing. "Doctor Rizal has developed something that he called 'mental treatment'."

"Mental Treatment? What is that?" Sharvil curiously inquired which made me also quitter curious since this involves my son's situation.

"According to him, mental treatment is a vague definition of treating someone who suffers from a serious trauma. This treatment will help the patient to return back to what he was or better without being hunted by his traumatic experience." Ate Haimi calmly stated before taking a sip of his green tea.

Mental Treatment. This might really help my son in recovering. Besides, it is Doctor Rizal, the father of modern medicine in the country. He is among the best of the best doctors in the country and has proven himself useful in his study of viruses and illness.

"I hope you understand what you are doing, Siagu." Ate Haimi said which brought me back to reality after my deep thoughts about the possibility of curing my son out from his traumatic experience.

"Wh-what do you mean, Ate?" I confusedly said.

"Your action in having your daughter marry the Joseon Prince, I hope you are making the right decision." She blandly said.

Looks like she is still hesitant about my decision to have my daughter be engaged to Prince Yeong. But I have no choice. The Kingdom of Joseon's independence will secure our position as the key player in both Southeast and East Asia. Furthering my dream of establishing a wall of a strong monarchial nation that will resist the rise of republicanism and total democracy. An ideology that is straight from the mouths and minds of idiots.

"Yes. I am sure that I am making the right decision." I firmly replied which was answered with a nod and smile from my sister.

"That is good for you. Unlike our father and grandfather, you have some strength in standing for what you dream for and plan for." She said while looking at the portrait of our father and grandfather.

"Heh! They are the reason why our nation almost ended its existence. Weak leadership and their greed for power. No wonder when Kuya took office, the entire government was in a wreck with corruption and mismanagement. They even almost ousted us in our position as the 3rd largest economy in the world. Good thing Kuya manages to open a free trade deal with other nations, especially with the British." Sharvil scoffingly said while disdainfully looking at their portrait.

Charan III and Siagu XIV. The two emperors that almost brought our nation down to the mud. People hated them and would be willing to forget their names. The era of the XIV and Charan III or others call it, the era of weak and corrupt.


Hi, everyone!

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Thank you!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Holy_Slayercreators' thoughts
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