
The truth comes out

Vigilante and Spawn appear near a corridor and went to the end and saw an open space and both of them sensed the familiar energy and looked right where they saw hundreds of men dressed as owls and big portal is visible.

"Damn. They opened a portal." thought Vishal.

Spawn decided to attack them when Vigilante raised his hand and said "There is something different about the portal."

Spawn looked at it felt something else from the portal. Vishal saw a black figure with owl head appear.

"Cosmic Talon" mumbled Vishal. Spawn caught on those words.

Cosmic Talon shouted "I know you two are here. Come out."

Vigilante and Spawn decided that it would be useless to hide. Vishal left a doppleganger there and approached the cosmic Talon.

He saw Spawn keeping away from the edge of the patch to avoid the dead zone where his powers will be suppressed.

Vishal saw that the owls with the black outfits had many sharp edged weapons.

"Vigilante and Spawn. I did expect Spawn to make the entrance because of his connection to dead zones. But you're an unexpected factor, vigilante." said Talon as he took out two daggers made up of a strange metal.

Vishal narrowed his eyes. "System, Is it?" asked Vishal.

"Yes host. It's the Nth metal." replied the system.

"Shit." thought Vishal.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" asked Spawn.

"You need to fight us all before before you could get answers." said Cosmic Talon.

As soon as the sentence is finished a red ray passed through his side and burned all of the talons to dust.

Cosmic Talon looked back at the 100 dead owls and then at Vishal whose eyes had red flames.

Spawn raised an eyebrow. Vigilante looked at Spawn and asked "What?"

"Didn't expect you to take them down that easily." replied Spawn.

"I am not those heroes who always make things tough in the name of morality. I do what is necessary to take care of crisis when it occurs." replied Vigilante.

It is Vishal's hitman's habit from previous life. Don't delay things as situation can get worse over time. Take out the targets as quickly as possible to avoid unwanted surprises.

"These guys are not owls in my mind, they are just bugs to be crushed under my feet." said Vigilante defiantly.

Cosmic Talon may not have expected it but he decided to fight them.

With the Nth metal his reflexes were fast. Talon did not bother with Vishal as he quickly stormed towards Spawn and kept slicing the daggers.

Within a minute he caught Spawn offguard and took him hostage and placed a dagger near the throat.

"Good. You've done well. Now you need to wait there until the things will go on as planned." said Talon as he dragged Spawn to dead zone.

"What's the court doing exactly? You're anonymity and control of the city are at stake with your actions." said Vishal.

"The court wants the great god to enter Gotham back again." said Cosmic Talon.

"Are you talking about Barbatos?" asked Vishal.

"That's Lord Barbatos for you. We court of owls are people descended from Judas tribe who served Barabatos." said Cosmic Talon.

Vigilante gave a slight nod to Spawn. Spawn caught it and heard the lip movement of Vishal.

Vigilante looked to the back of Cosmic Talon and said "Batman?"

Cosmic Talon looked back but he did a big mistake a blue beam hit his chest loosening the grip helping Spawn to throw Talon from his shoulders and jump away from the dead zone.

Cosmic Talon felt right side of his body burnt completely by Omni Beam.

"Two Barbatos. One is a niinth duke of hell and this one seems to be different." said Spawn trying to connect to dead zone.

Vigilante activated his Nephalem bloodline and peeked through the dead zone.

"Gotham is screwed unless we don't do anything." said Vigilante as he saw the dangers lurking inside the portal.

"Mhmm. Looks like shit is going to hit the fan." said Spawn.

Vishal saw a bat figure appear along with Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash and GL.

"What are you doing?" asked Batman.

"Saving the city. A powerful entity lurks inside the portal and you're going to be the main target if it ever comes out." said Vigilante.

"Yeah. Didn't expect a Bat god to exist?" said Spawn sarcastically.

Batman realized the meaning behind the words. "Is that Barbatos?" asked Batman.

"Bingo. The portal in this dead zone also has a small gateway that connects it to Dark Multiverse." said Vishal.

"The owls are the reason for this predicament." said Vigilante.

They felt a huge roar coming from other side of the portal.

"I'll close it." said Spawn.

"No, it's useless. If the threat inside is as strong as a god then it can use other dead zones to open portals." said Superman.

"How did they even open the portal?" asked Flash.

"We need to question the owls to get any answers." said Wonder Woman.

"How? We don't even know where they are hidden and how much time it will take." asked Flash.

"I'll answer that." came a voice.

Except Vishal everyone looked to see the doppleganger appear and merged with Vishal.

"Their operations are based in a place called Labyrinth." said Vigilante.

"I know that place. " said Batman

"Great." said Spawn.

"No wonder I could sense Demonic and Angelic energies for an year." said Vigilante.

As soon as he said those words a guy wearing a black suit with sharp eyes appeared in front of them with a smile that suits the name devil.

"Lucifer." said Vigilante.

Spawn kept his guard up immediately against him and same for the others.

"Relax. That filthy god of that filthy universe is encroaching through our territories. I want him gone as much as you do." said Lucifer.

Lucifer looked at Vishal and he felt uneasy. Vishal knew why he was feeling like that. Lucifer could sense the Nephalem bloodline inside him.

"An abomination." spelt Lucifer.

"Yeah, as if you're any great." retorted Vishal.

Lucifer smiled wildly and said "I like this."

"System, I don't trust a devil at all. If that guy causes unexpected problems I would need your help." said Vishal.

"Yes host. His appearance is unexpected and you still haven't mastered you're bloodline." said the system.

Vishal looked at the status window.


Name: Vishal

Class: Anti Hero Mage

Bloodline: Nephalem Bloodline



INT: Ex-




Future Vision (Very High), Calm Demeanor (Very High), Thermal Vision (High), Night Vision (High), Cooking (High), Fire Arms Mastery (High), Other Weapon Mastery (High), Superhuman Strength (Very High), Power Copy (Very High), Power Disruption (High), Omni Beam (High), Intuition (Very High), Bio- Cellular Modification (High), Extreme Regeneration (High), Enhanced Healing (High), Eidetic Memory (Very High), Sound Sense ( High), Soul Reader (Very High), Enemy Detection Range (High), Qi Storm (High), Qi bullets (Intermediate), Qi Bomb (High), Underwater Breathing (Very High), Space Breathe (Very High), Eloquence (Very High), Diplomacy (Intermediate), Intimidation (High), Bluff (Intermediate), Doppelganger (High), Hacking (Very High), Red Lantern's power (High), Immovable physique (High), Poison Nullifier (High), Paralysis Nullifier (Intermediate), Burn Nullifier (High), Kryptonite Resistance (Intermediate), Resistance to Anti Life Equation (Intermediate).


Magical powers (God), Metahuman powers (Very High), Martial arts powers with Qi (Demigod).


Business (Demi God), Medical (Demi God).

"You guys should focus on the owls because Barbatos might have sent his minions to help owls open the portal." said Vigilante.

"I am coming with you two." said Superman.

"Nope. You're vulnerable to magic. There are some magical beings inside." said Spawn.

"Trust me. The two of us can handle it unless someone plays games." said Vishal looking at Lucifer.

Lucifer disappeared with a wild smile.

"Somehow I have a bad feeling about this." said Spawn.

"Yes, but it's not the first guys like us get surprises." replied Vigilante.

"True. I'll close the portal as soon as we enter the portal so that the being is trapped with us." said Spawn.

"That would be better. There is parasite in that dark multiverse that I can never let him enter into this universe." said Vishal.

"Don't worry host. Batman who laughs is away on Earth-130 trying to conquer it." said the system.

"That's assuring." said Vishal as both Spawn and Vigilante entered the portal and Spawn closed it as soon as they entered.

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