
Bears, Walrus and No Joy?


Jorah immediately ordered his men while slashing a joint on the burning wooden wall. The old warehouse had dry wood inside and the fire was raging with every passing minute. Jorah just couldn't afford the loss.

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"Fuck! These bastards!"

Cursing and running, Aeron Greyjoy had barely rushed halfway when he heard his men shouting from behind. He had barely turned his head when he saw a steel harpoon flying towards his head and he stumbled and fell on the ground saving his life.


The harpoon crashed with a thick wooden beam in front of him tearing a hole. The sight frightened him. This was the first time he feared death.

He looked back at his men and found them fighting and running for their lives. They were being attacked from all sides. Soldiers with their swords and spears were closing on them and then there were these wild savages who were fighting with axes like them.


Suddenly a loud noise came from behind these men and soldiers pushed the Ironmen at one side leaving space and from that small space, a tall burly man pushed his way through. Aeron Greyjoy could feel his heart beating like an old drum.


He forced his fear deep down got up and started running back. As long as he can go back alive, it's worth it. He can't die on this raid. He is the king of his boat and these men should lay their lives protecting him.

The Great Walrus saw that his attack missed that bloody man and he increased his pace. An Ironborn jumped in front of him and threw his axe straight at his chest but he managed to grab that flying axe at the last minute.

"Fucking pig!"

Walrus threw the same axe back, splitting the head of that Ironborn from the middle. However, this man was not his goal. He saw that man, the commander of these attackers who was running towards the boats.

"Run… Run…."

Walrus grinned and started chasing that man again and from the corner of his eyes, he saw a horse, tied outside to a house in an alley.


"Pass the buckets. Move it.  Hurry up!"

A small chain of people was passing along the buckets filled with water while the soldiers were busy breaking the wall and isolating the burning area. Jorah was busy overseeing this rescue. He had put a whole team of soldiers between the wall and the food inside the warehouse.

These men were tasked to protect the food no matter the cost. Even If they have to jump in the fire itself, they must protect the food.

The fire was raging but the bears overcame it. It took time. It took people. But they managed to save the warehouse and everything inside with teamwork.

The long hard work till the hour of wolf made everyone tired and just when the sun was coming up, Jorah heard loud yelling. It was the soldiers, cheering loudly.


Crossing the sea of soldiers that were in front, Chief Walrus rode his horse in front of Lord Jorah and stopped before him.

Humbly, he took out a bag and unwrapped it, presenting the head of Aeron Greyjoy.

"M'Lord, here is the head of their commander, Aeron Greyjoy. I present it to you." Chief Walrus tried hard to mimic the behaviour of the common men and tried hard to bow and present the head.

"Ha Ha Ha…. Get up Walrus. No need to force yourself." Jorah praised the chief and grabbed the bloody head and playfully tossed it.

"How do you find his identity?"

"He himself said it M'Lord. Trying to reason with my axe." Walrus replied with a sly grin.

Jorah couldn't stop laughing. This was the best gift he could have imagined before the coming feast.

"Chief Walrus, you and your men will be on the lookout tonight. Tory will take his soldiers back. We shall have a celebration tomorrow night."

"Aye!" Chief Walrus patted his chest showing that his men could do the job.

Jorah patted his shoulder and left with the men and with that bloody head. The battle came to an end and it was the first time in a long time, that Bear Island remained mostly undisturbed, and safe, and managed to slay all the Ironborns that attacked them.

Another glorious chapter in their history.

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"Great Walrus, why did Lord Jorah let us guard the shores while all the soldiers left the place? I mean, shouldn't we be awarded or something?"

Just when the sun was rising, Great Walrus was patrolling the shore area and one of his men asked in a low voice.

"Fool. This is the award. It is a display of trust that Lord Jorah placed in us and showed it to everyone. This shows that he trusts our ability and he believes we are loyal. Just like his soldiers. Now, the whole island is sleeping and it is because of us.

Can't you even understand this?"

Walrus moved away leaving the bewildered fool behind. After staying on the island for almost a year, his thoughts are clearer and he can see things beyond these fools. His men can farm now, his newborn son can drink milk, something he only heard in stories and their house is surrounded by a forest.

This is no less than a paradise. They are still the same men but everything around them has changed for the better. This is all because one man decided to put his faith in him and in his rule. Lord Jorah.

Such a man is worthy of his service. And after tonight, he knew his own men would harvest more than any mere reward. They will be truly accepted as common men on this island. That is enough. More than enough.

The next morning, everyone on the island knew about the Ironborn raid but the result not only shocked them but also made them proud and cheerful. One could see young girls sneaking a look at those new men who came from the Wildings area.

The soldiers who came back to take charge in the morning were also more friendly and Lord Jorah personally called Walrus to break the bread with him at breakfast.

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"Where is my brother and where are his men?"

A frustrated loud could be heard in the empty walls of Greyjoy castle and it was a foreboding of what was to come in future.

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