


Damn it! How could I have lost my paper? That was the one thing I needed the most! The smartest thing for me to do is trace my steps back.

Before I reached the school, me and Cera had been near a bakery! Right! That's the first place I should check!

"Hey... sir baker. Have you seen any papers here?" I asked, leaning my hand on the counter at the front. The baker was a man that looked kind, with a stout build and tall height.

"Hm? Papers? Of what kind?"

"Like... registration papers."

"I don't think I've seen anything like that, young man. But if this information is any help, 3 men in dark robes walked over here. I last saw them go to the alleyway."

"Ah, okay. Thanks for the help, sir baker."

"Don't worry about it!" he smiled, patting me on the back. It was obvious that he was trying to be gentle, but with his large palms, I had to pretend as if it didn't hurt at all.

But, come on! How crazy would I have to be to go into a dark alleyway like that?

. . .

I ended up going.

The alleyway had a moist feeling in the air, although there were no sources of heat or anything like that to generate any light. I swear I heard the movement of rats and other animals squirming around.

The deeper I got into the alleyway, the darker it got. That was until I turned a corner. There the 3 men were, sitting around a fire. I quickly peeked back behind the corner.

"Man! We got good with that registration paper for that famous boarding school! How much do you think we can sell it for?"

The men laughed with joy. They all took down their hoodies, revealing faces that were closer to delinquent than anything.

I think I want to go back now. That would be the safest thing for me to do, right? Yeah. I don't think I'm fit for this school anyways.

I slipped.

"Hey! There's one of those boarding school kids here!" the third man said, screaming. They started to chase after me.

"Don't let him get away!"

[Cast: Gale Trident]

I turned my head for a second. There it was. A trident coming at me. Right for my head. It's over, isn't it? I've been given so many chances to live in this new world, that I just take for granted.

"Not on my watch!"

In an instant, I was thrown onto someone's back. He jumped from wall to wall, escaping out of the alleyway. He finally landed, placing me on the ground.

I looked at the sky, panting. The breeze felt so noticeable all of a sudden and the way the grass tickled my skin was a pleasant feeling. What is this... beautiful feeling? Relief? Is that it?

"You alright?" the boy who saved me asked. He pulled me up. His hair was navy blue and his eyes were black. He looked around my age, with an expressionless face. His sharp ears and his pale skin indicated that he was an elf.

"Yeah, thanks for helping me."

He stretched his hand out, pulling me up. I don't understand what I was feeling, but it was at the back of my head. A strange... feeling. I couldn't tell what it was, but at that point, I just assumed it was gratefulness.

"I'm Ian."

"I'm Julian. Isn't Ian a human name?"

"I was raised by humans, that's why."

"I see."

The both of us sat in the grass, watching the sun. A beautiful day, it was. But then I remembered. I was so caught up with the whole scenery that I forgot about my papers.

"Ah, right. I lost my papers!"

"Are you talking about this one?" Ian asked, waving the exact papers I needed in front of my face. "I saw one of those guys holding it."

"Y-yeah! Those are mine! Thank you so much!" I said, grabbing them. "I owe you, alright?"

"Don't worry. Just become my friend."

"Alright!" I smiled.

"Also... don't be late for the first day, alright?" he disappeared, leaving me behind.



He just left me here! I thought we were friends! How could he be so cruel? I managed to reach the boarding school in time, although I was late. Detention on the first day.

Detention was loud, as the teacher who monitored the place had already given up trying to discipline each and every bad thing the students had done.

Chatting, fighting, everything happened. But sound magic allowed all of this to be concealed in a single room. This is... not a very good experience. I put my head down.

"Hey, newbie. This is my seat."

I looked up. Nothing was there, so I put my head back down.

"Behind you, dumbass!"

I turned my head to the other side. A girl glared at me. My head was still sideways, but I could distinguish her features quite well. She was a bit shorter than me, with dark red hair and green eyes. Her arms were crossed.

"Huh? What do you want from me?" I asked, slowly lifting up my head. Her glare sharpened. I turned around, making sure she didn't make a hole in the wall or something like that.

"Didn't I tell you? That's my seat, idiot!" she yelled. Everyone stopped, watching her yell.

I lowered my head again. No way in hell was I going to argue with this... lost child. That was until she pulled me by the hair, lifting me up.

Her expression changed to more of a crazy, evil grin. As if she had got the upper hand. Using my demon strength would be overkill. I guess Rosette's training could finally be put to use.

I stood up from my seat and grabbed tightly onto her wrist.

"Huh? What are you doing-"

Without any time to waste, I swept her leg. Her body did a 180. I could see the shock on her face as she was in the air. Did I put too much strength into it? Nah, I couldn't have.

She fell onto the ground. I went back into my seat. It would be cruel to continue from there. Wait a minute... was she crying? My weakness!

I stretched my hand out. She slapped it out, stomping to the other side of the detention room.

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