
chapter 82

Chapter 83

Yomi stood outside the now-destroyed shrine. When the spirit of Moryo was released, the shrine was obliterated in the process. However, the shrine's significance paled in comparison to current matters.

Gazing downward, Yomi regarded the four individuals kneeling before him – his devoted subordinates.

They were known as the "Gang of Four" - a group consisting of Kusuna, who served as their leader, along with Gitai, Setsuna, and Shizuku as its other members.

They were loyal followers of Yomi. 

Yomi looked at them, he extended his hand and a chakra snake came out from his palm and entered the body of Kusuna. 

Kusuna was the only one who could use Yomi's chakra snakes fully. 

"Your task is to eliminate the Priestess," Yomi ordered his voice void of any trace of emotion.

"Yes, Lord Yomi. We will do as you say," Kusuna, their leader, replied earnestly.

Yomi conveyed his assent with a subtle nod, disappearing from view. 

His destination was the sealed body of Moryo. Concurrently, he had dispatched a contingent of his stone soldiers to support the Gang of Four in their endeavor to eliminate the Priestess.

When Yomi disappeared from there they all stood up, there were some stone soldiers behind them. 

Kusuna skillfully divided the black snake into sections, guiding the trio of separated serpents into his companions' bodies. 

This strategic move would grant them the ability to access the chakra contained within the snakes in times of dire need.

They exchanged a knowing glance, their eyes locking for a moment, before vanishing into the shadows.The stone soldiers followed them. 

It didn't take long for them to materialize in front of the Place of the Priestess,

Many guards were guarding the place.

They had bows and arrows hung on their bodies. It was midnight, and some soldiers were sleepy


"Don't lose your focus," one of the soldiers said to the drowsy comrade.

"Yes... sir..." The soldier nodded, fighting off sleepiness.

"You know we have to protect the priestess at all costs," the soldier reminded him.

All the soldiers who heard this nodded in agreement. After all, the priestess was the only person capable of sealing the Demons, and they were willing to risk their lives to safeguard her.




A deafening explosion reverberated, catching everyone's attention. 

The ground trembled as a powerful fire-style jutsu tore through the front wall of the place, reducing it to rubble.

Amidst the chaos, they heard the unmistakable tapping sounds of the stone soldiers.


"Fire Style: Fire Pillar!" The voice rang out, followed by a commanding shout of "Water Style: Water Rings!" The soldiers heard the incantations just before a fiery pillar surrounded by water rings struck them.

"Fight to your lives," the leader of the soldiers urged, and they unleashed a barrage of arrows at the attackers. Many stone soldiers were destroyed in the hail of arrows.


However, the 'Gang of Four' operated on a different level.


The four individuals began to eliminate the soldiers and advanced toward the place where the priestess was staying.

"Protect the priestess!" the soldiers yelled with all their might, fighting for their lives.

However, their efforts seemed futile as they were overwhelmed and killed by the attackers.

One of the attackers managed to reach the door where the priestess was sleeping.


He opened the gate and gazed at the now-awake priestess.

She returned his gaze, no fear evident in her eyes.

Her attacker, Gitai, regarded her. In his eyes, she appeared as nothing more than a helpless girl. He withdrew eight kunai from his belt.

With precise aim, he unleashed all eight kunai at Shion.


The eight kunai sliced through the air, cutting it with their deadly trajectory. However, just before the kunai could reach Shion, a soldier stepped in between, shielding her from the deadly projectiles.


Blocking the kunai, all of them struck him in the back, causing blood to spill onto the floor.

He locked eyes with Shion, and in her gaze, he saw a mixture of helplessness and guilt. 

She quickly concealed her emotions and turned her attention to the soon-to-be fallen soldier who had sacrificed himself to protect her.

"Priestess, you must go. I will hold them off. Quickly, run," the soldier urged, his lips stained with a trail of blood.


"Oh, you have some loyal soldiers, priestess," Gitai remarked to Shion, his eyes filled with the certainty of her demise.

A soldier stepped forward, brandishing a kunai, and positioned himself between Gitai and Shion


But at this moment. 


Naruto suddenly appeared in front of Shion, leaving everyone in a state of astonishment. No one had noticed how he had materialized between them.

Shion quickly recognized the boy standing before her. He appeared to be around the same age as her, approximately 15-16 years old. 

This was the very boy she had dreamed about just hours ago.


"Don't worry, I am here to protect you," Naruto assured her, gazing into her eyes.

His eyes saw the world in a different way, and he couldn't help but feel intrigued when he looked at Shion.


Shion gazed at the boy before her, finding his eyes filled with an intriguing interest. 

As she looked into his eyes, she felt a curious and almost hypnotic pull, like being drawn into an infinite void within the depths of his red nebula-like irises.


She sensed that all of her secrets were laid bare under his gaze, as if there were nothing hidden from him.

For the first time, she experienced this feeling, where her concealed truths were exposed before him. It was as if she were an open book in his presence.


"Hmm... interesting," Naruto spoke with a tone of genuine interest. Within his eyes, the world operated differently.

As he gazed at the girl before him, he noticed that the flow of time seemed distinct, almost as if it moved differently for her compared to other people.

He observed her closely, noticing that the time strings around her followed a distinct pattern.

Around every person, there were infinite time strings, which guided them along with the flow of time. 

However, Shion was different. Her time strings ran parallel to the regular time strings, as if she had an additional set of time strings.

This set of time strings acted in opposition to normal time. 

It was as if time flowed backward for her, or she possessed the ability to send her consciousness into the past to warn herself of potential dangers.


"Time jumps..." Naruto spoke in a slightly interested voice. With his eyes, his perception of time operated differently. When he fully utilized his eyes, he could stretch one second into several minutes.

Naruto observed Shion for what seemed like minutes, but in reality, only a few seconds had passed.


"Are you done looking?" Shion inquired.

Naruto shifted out of his stance and directed his gaze at her, a smile appearing on his face.

"Let's go," he said to her and then turned to the soldier. "Can you handle him?"

"Yes, you protect the priestess. I'll hold him back," the soldier replied, glancing at Gitai.


Naruto nodded to the soldier and firmly took hold of Shion's arm, leading her out of the place.

Neji, Lee, and Sakura stood waiting for him, anticipating his return with the priestess.


AN~end of the chapter, how do you like the chapter? 


This was the first meeting between Naruto and Shion, Her powers are absolute if they are used in the correct way, you will see it in the far future. 

Here's today's question. 

How will Hinata react when she sees Shion? 

1. Kill her at first glance. 

2. It didn't matter to her. 

3. They will become like sisters. 

4. If Shion disappoints Naruto Hinata will kill her. 



I hope you like the chapter and if you do please leave a comment and give me your powerstones… 

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