
[Cricket... Cricket]

Christopher's pace was fast, his surroundings constantly changing. From leafy trees to shrubs, large stones, muddy terrain, fruit trees, etc.

It was a varied ecosystem.

Until finally he reached the wide open ground, where he had previously abandoned Federick. Said subject was lying in a strange position but safely on a tree.

That was probably his thought, more from Christopher's perspective, a tragedy was imminent. Inside the ancient tree there was something that provided cold energy that gnawed at the length of its surface bark; characterized by its antiquity and little vitality.

'That's for not belonging to the exploration team... Tch... Tch.' Christopher thought.

A large collection of personal insignia is displayed in his home. He had been quite qualified since his childhood.

While Christopher waited in his renumbering, Federick observed his surroundings from the heights.

Although Christopher was outwardly and inwardly quite uninterested in the task, he noted this detail; his opinion of the young man continued to rise positively.

'His body shape and strength begin to develop.' He scored, watching Federick's athletic form as he safely climbed down from the great tree.

Christopher followed the young man's figure across the uneven terrain. The way in which it operated had not undergone changes compared to its previous one; still foresees the caution and caution necessary to face this type of 'unknown' situation.

'This is strange... His performance, in a comparison from before, is so different.' Christopher thought.

He recognized how, imperceptibly, Federick showed signs of being able to identify traces. Previously, I would ignore stories as if they did not exist, nor would they have a reason to exist.

'Bleh, as long as he don't destroy the world.'

Christopher went on with his task, protecting Federick from unknown dangers in the dark.

The young man, who was unaware of these events, was squatting down, carefully observing the trace of an animal footprint.

At this Christopher's hands grew moist with anxiety. The happy task was coming to an end! Especially, since he identified the corresponding specimen: a small and harmless animal.

Because of this, he deepened his sight beyond what was possible for a mortal's ability; Deflowering hundreds of virgin meters at a distance.

Different images appeared in his mind: various animals, nature and a stream going downhill.

Different traces, of different kinds; and even tracks corresponding to the same specimen, who also made an appearance in his mind, being a juvenile red-tailed deer.

Most likely, it was lost from its herd to some event: a wave of animals, animal immigration, or the threat of predators.

It was an ordinary animal, who was not recognized by fierceness or strength. A perfect target for a novice hunter.

Like the stampede of a ghost, it sped imperceptibly a considerable distance in seconds. Sticking a knife into the bark of a tree.

Based on the direction of the red-tailed deer, he deduced that it would be heading nearby. That, work of his endless years in the field.

A simple but well forged knife; it was enough to deal with a common animal. Instead, if it were the most common specimen of a mutated beast, it wouldn't be enough to penetrate through its outer body protection alone.

The following, went as planned. The deer followed the creek, Frederick identified and followed its tracks, finally finding the knife in it.

But something unexpected happened... For Federick. A wolf wove, hid, and finally leapt from the grasses. This was the first failure of the Prince...

This fact had already been foreseen by Christopher, who despite his disagreement and impatience, it was not in his interest to interfere excessively.

But the following, puzzled the experienced old man. An inexperienced and resourceful young man, he remained completely silent for hours.

He visited and returned three times from the meeting point with Carlos II and 'Old Emperor'.

'Move now, move now, move now'. Christopher repeated mentally writhing.

'Yes, wolves were dangerous... But me too!'

When the game of hide and seek was finally over, it was when Christopher thanked his ancestors sincerely.

In posterity, he repeated his previous movement again, but this time "discreetly" handing him a bow with arrows.

The "tragic entertainment", according to Christopher, proceeded as intended. Federick identified other possible prey and coolly executed his actions, finally achieving his goal.

Christopher wanted to cry with emotion, but had to end his performance. Moving away from him, her previously imperceptible figure began to take shape.

Obstructed objects and his perceptible robe.

Fluttering his robes in an imaginary wind, he approached illustriously.

"I could have sworn I've seen panties." Said a cricket with a belch.

But since no one understood the cricket language, no one understood its inherent wisdom.


Federick finally returned after a hard day. He wasn't excessively tired, but there was still one tiredness that lodged under his clothes.

This time he had not been induced into a confused state; Christopher had allowed her to maintain a lucid state while they transported.

The spatial state of things around them was confused and constantly changing. They were blurring and changing color normally.

But to his dismay, his destination was not directly his home, the city of Athenas. instead they were directed to greater depths of the surrounding terrain.

When their rhythm ended, they came to a place where a strange smell was present. Strong and rising.

Federick recognized it instantly: Blood. The raw smell of blood.

In a considerable area, blood was scattered everywhere; a grotesque spectacle.

'Shit, do witch covens exist here too?' Frederick thought.

His thought was product, by identifying elements such as herbs, minerals and amulets among the blood. Their positions didn't seem random...

Christopher approached matter-of-factly, imbuing his energy into the matrix.

Federick demonstrated how an image is reflected; It was very similar to the demonstration of the scholar So-lar.

Two figures were reflected. Respectively, they sat on different thrones.

One old man was strong, the other decrepit.

He recognized one: his grandfather.

The other, totally unknown.

The characterization in this scene was their shared status; the two lay on actual thrones at the same position and altitude.

His immediate intention was to make an assessment of the unknown figure, but a voice interrupted him.

"Young Federick, pay attention." Christopher addressed himself with extreme seriousness.

"The two individuals present are illustrious and historical figures. Keep etiquette and respect in mind." Christopher said systematically.

"To your right, Carlos II... To your left, ancient Emperor". Cristopher presented.

"My present greetings, seniors." Federick said matter-of-factly.

He bowed slightly, saluting with noble etiquette.

He got up with a smile, but received no answer.

"Say hello, asshole." He said... Federick.

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