

Time was absolute and sovereign over most things. Like a waterfall, continuous and with a fierce impact; two years had passed and summer was blooming.

Federick was 7 years old, already a developed young man, with considerable height and unique, innocent features. with an attitude not at all frivolous and instead, approachable.

He had been raised in a large establishment with a reputation that had been growing upward since birth. Although most of his time was spent in solitude, not counting time shared with his immediate family, he had created a positive reputation in his close circle by not maintaining an unapproachable personality beyond his innocence as a child.

This was common, after all, he had been an adult in his past life and knew how to socialize effectively. He also recognized the value of a reputation.

He had deepened his relationship with his mother, Perla, as he was displaying a pleasant, gentle, and loving personality.

He also liked to observe the proud look on his grandfather's face even if his words were not by it; with him, he met various members of his large family, with whom he maintained light contact.

But at the other extreme was his relationship with his Father; after all, his only information about him was that he had one and that he was alive.

Federick was enjoying the shade of a tree, under this hot summer, while eating seeds and watching both the sky and the constant movement of the grass. He was doing nothing, in his spare time; for holding the title of heir apparent, he had extensive obligations, one of them being preparation based on study.

Until he watched as his mother approached him. Quickly standing up from his position, smoothing his clothes, with a smile he welcomed his.

"Mother, what are you doing here, do you want seeds? Special ones to enjoy in the heat today." Federick offered with a smile.

But he received a disapproving look from Perla; Who quickly smoothed his clothes and fixed his hair, with her best efforts.

"Your Father is looking for you, my Son. There is no time for you to mend your ways. He is waiting for you at the entrance of the establishment, go quickly." Perla expressed attentively and in a hurry.

This took Federick by surprise. If cigarettes existed in this world, he would already know what would be his most common phrase... Although there was such a thing as milk.

"Who, my Father?" said Federick with extreme doubt.

At the demonstration of a low level of social skills, Perla understood his situation. She would even understand if he couldn't remember his name.

And so, as if it were a satirical play, Perla said, "His name is Amagatzu. Now go." As she patted him on the shoulder and hurried him along.

Federick walked quickly but without running or sweating to the meeting place. When he got there, he saw a tall man with long hair in a ponytail and a scruffy beard.

Around him there was an imposing aura of natural oppression; as if he did not belong to the world. His eyes were like daggers, both in their edge and effect upon impact.

"Good afternoon, Honorable Father. Excuse me, what is your name?" Those were Federick's first words to his Father, without flinching or changing expression.

The same phenomenon happened upon the man, who received no ripple in his unchanging expression.

"Dear son, he called me Amagatzu, and you?". Said the one recognized as Amagatzu.

"Just joking, after all, I invited you, I must maintain that minimum of courtesy, Federico."

This time, Federick could no longer maintain his petrified expression, giving him a strange look, wondering if he had some hereditary cognitive deficiency... Luckily he wasn't bald.

"My name is Federick."



Federick's vicinity had changed. They were after all thousands of miles above the ground; to the point that it would cause asphyxiation in anyone, but the special device in which they were traveling prevented that. This was a small boat, more akin to a canoe, which was made of a transparent material.

'System, tell me, what is this strange artifact.' Federick thought doubtfully but fascinated.

[Spirit Boat: A grandiose transportation device, with an unimaginable capacity at its maximum capacity. Made of materials of unknown origin, it can travel at varied speeds depending on the boatman.

It maintains a separate and independent consciousness, and has a strange fetish for Amagatzu to sit in it].

At this information, Federick immediately stood up and walked over to where his Father was standing as well.

"Father, this artifact is amazing, is it a magical alchemical device? I have been reading quite a few records from the past, and to me it seems, it could be an invention from a bygone era."

Amagatzu watched his son chatter on and on. He would swear that not even a bolt of celestial lightning could stop him.

"Why do you fixate on unnecessary aspects? The sky and infinite terrains lie before your eyes, why don't you become fascinated by them?" He asked with a slight smile.

"Well, that was one of my next points. Today, the clouds are whitish, the sun is yellow, and the grass is green... If we crash, we'll add a picturesque red." Federick said as he shot a worried look at his Father.

And there he started again, chattering. Amagatzu hopelessly decided to seal out the outside noise, enjoying the calm silence.

Finally, when he noticed that Federick did not open his mouth again, he undid the incantation. Although they were funny and unreasonable actions, he was not a clown; He was not stupid and with his deep knowledge, he knew that Federick's mood was not the right one.

"Well, son: In this chaotic existence everyone keeps a certain amount of secrets, but you must not act so unfilially in front of your Father either," Amagatzu said with a slight sigh.

These words quickly hardened Federick's expression and skin.

"I don't know what you're talking about, you're not my Father? I mean what secrets." Federick said comically trying to lighten the mood.

At this, he only received a scrutinizing look.

"Although I do not maintain a concurrent presence in your life, I still know much about you, my Son. You have no companions and the only ones you come in contact with, are the circle close to the Battlemman facility. The maids and servants address you with respect, your Mother with love and your Grandfather's humor is to say "Bring back the militia".... So where would your sense of humor come from?".

"Well, just as I keep secrets, you likewise have the right. Like this ship belongs neither to this time nor to this world." Amagatzu said without breaking a sweat.

This sudden monologue, made his hair stand on end. It reminded him of a classic checkmate in a game of chess; he could not think of any rhetoric to overthrow the opposing king.

Slowly Federick undid his worried smile, to make a complete change of expression.

"Mhm, I read about this. By age you become senile, both physically and mentally; You're suffering from senile insanity, old man." Federick replied dejectedly.


"Wait, did you just say another world!!! What does that mean!!!" Suddenly, Federick's chaotic thoughts clicked.

"Mhm, be quiet. Watch the mountain in front of us." Amagatzu said ignoring him.

Federick was immediately taken aback. He hadn't realized the moment they descended in altitude and appeared in front of an imposing mountain.

"This world follows an underdeveloped power system. Like a large carrot but without any leaves; The rabbit remains unsatisfied."

"I observed, the mountain in front of you is resilient, long-lived, and maintains a tyrannical strength. Characteristics shared by the persecutors of the Tao... Orthodoxy I will teach you; Which countless Heroes, sages, and emperors have walked."

Federick listened attentively to his Father's words. For his bearing was not ordinary.....

"Tao means way" Amagatzu was saying as he unsheathed a sword.

"Like the blade and hilt of a sword, it arises from the hilt and proceeds the way by the blade."

"In the vast existence, there are an infinite number of paths. Traversing the sword is one of its own." He said as he made slight movements with his.

"Destroy," Amagatzu said as his blade left afterimages in a slow movement of the scabbard.

Immediately a terrible, thunderous breath emerged, silencing the world; Accompanied by it, a daunting hole emerged in the front of the mountain.

"Create." He mentioned in a whisper.

How by magic, strange sword-like substances ran through the hole in the mountain and rebuilt it to its original image.

"Divide." He said with palpable intent.

Suddenly, with vibrations extending thousands of miles, an end-to-end gash appeared in the mountain, which split in two.

"There are infinite expressions of these paths, which one must explore and conclude," Amagatzu said as he stared at Federick.

"But there is one pattern that repeats itself in this infinity of possibilities: Effort."

Federick stared in amazement at all these expressions, but not exaggeratedly; He was no longer acting in front of his Father.

"Some say that the intention of the Sword is based on understanding this, as a extremity."

"Others that the Sword is One, and One is the Sword."

"Also that the world is composed of the Sword, everything is composed of "It". Fervently following his path." Amagatzu mentioned in a whisper.

"These are all maxims of the Tao, the single path pursued by every living being." He said longingly.

"The Sword for the Tao, the Tao for the Sword." Amagatzu finished.

Suddenly Federick received a wrapped papyrus, from him. The papyrus itself looked like it was made by the skin of some animal, and from end to end it was coaxed by a greenish mineral.

"Read it and understand. When you do, it will be our next meeting."

"Now come back."

Suddenly, as if falling into a dream, Federick was no longer on the flying boat, but in an armchair inside his room. In his hands was the papyrus and on his thighs were some elements and a letter.

He quickly went to his bathroom and vomited to his heart's content...

Magical resources, such as power stones, would help me to pursue my Tao as a writer.

Thank you!

Finger_of_Shivacreators' thoughts
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