
Chapter 2: Clash of Brothers - Ren vs Ryoga

Quick A/N: Not to be a 🤓 or anything. But I just want to put a warning that there will be swears and curses used throughout this fic. This is a warning for minors who are reading this fic as I do not want Daddy WP to just outright ban my works on this site for showing swears as if it's my responsibility to take care of children instead of their goddamn parents. Anyways, I just want you to know that there will be OC Monsters and Spells used in this fanfic. I'll probably upload the cards and their effects later after this chapter.

Edit: After reading a few ygo fics, I decided to change my writing style for the duel scenarios to make it easier to read. Also for my offline readers, I'll be uploading all the oc cards and the original cards than I tweaked for the sake of plot convenience after I publish Chapter 3.

The atmosphere seemed to tense as Ryoga and Ren faced each other with determined looks. Their Duel Disks emitted a soft hum, signifying their readiness to engage in a battle that held more than just the fate of a duel-it held the fate of Rio's freedom.

Ryoga's anger burned within him, fueled by his protectiveness over his sister Rio. He believed that Ren's presence in Rio's life was unnecessary and unwanted. The words Ren had spoken, advocating for Rio's independence, had only fueled the flames of Ryoga's misunderstanding. In his mind, Ren's plea had transformed into an insult, a challenge to his capability as Rio's older brother.

Ren, on the other hand, maintained a calm demeanor, aware that the battle ahead extended beyond the realm of cards and strategy. He knew that he needed to find a way to bridge the gap between them, to help Ryoga understand that his intentions were pure. Ren believed in guiding rather than dictating, and he yearned to show Ryoga that his involvement in Rio's life was not meant to undermine their sibling bond.

As the tension reached its peak, Ren broke the silence. "Kamishiro, I know you're protective of your sister, and that's admirable. But she's growing up, and it's important to give her the freedom to make her own choices. I'm not here to replace you; I simply want to be a friend she can rely on. Can't we find a way to fix this in a peaceful way?"

Ryoga's eyes narrowed, his anger blinding him to Ren's genuine intentions. In his mind, Ren's words were a mere façade, an attempt to manipulate Rio for his own gain. The idea of letting him be around Rio felt like a betrayal to his sister, as if Ren's influence would overshadow his own. "You're full of shit and you know it. Let's end this already."

With a heavy sigh, Ren realized that words alone wouldn't break through the walls of Ryoga's mistrust. It was clear that actions spoke louder in this case. He knew that the only way to communicate his intentions clearly was through the language they both understood-dueling. Ren reminds himself that the upcoming duel was not just about proving his worth but also about finding a way to bridge the gap between Rio and her brother.

The two of them pulled the first 5 cards on top of their shuffled deck. Understanding Ren's acceptance of the challenge, Ryoga's grip on his cards tightened as he prepared to unleash his wrath upon Ren, hoping to expose what he perceived as a hidden agenda.



Ryoga: 4000 LP

Ren: 4000 LP

"My turn, Draw!" Ryoga's heart raced as he drew his first card, his grip on the card tightening with anticipation. With a quick swipe, he revealed the card and a confident smile stretched across his face. "I Normal Summon Big Jaws!" Ryoga announced, pointing to the imposing shark-like monster that emerged from the depths.

Big Jaws - 1800/300

Level: 3

The sight of Big Jaws caused Ren's eyebrows to furrow slightly. He analyzed the monster, aware of its potential threat as Ren prepared himself for Ryoga's next move. "Heh. Show me what you got in store for me." Ren said inside his mind, excited to test Ryoga's strength.

"I, then activate the effect of Shark Stickers!" Ryoga stated, placing two cards on his Duel Disk. As the holographic image materialized, a burst of energy erupted from the card, summoning two smaller sharks to the field flanking Big Jaws.

Ryoga's eyes gleamed with confidence as he continued his assault. "When I Normal Summon a Fish-Type monster, I can special summon Shark Stickers from my hand. I have two of them so I can summon them all at once!"

Rio watched the spectacle unfold, her heart pounding in her chest. She knew that the duel represented more than just a clash of strategies; it was a battle between two people who cares for her. Rio's eyes shifted between her brother and Ren, hoping to find a glimpse of understanding within them.

As the two Shark Stickers joined Big Jaws, Ryoga's confidence rose up. He had set the stage for a devastating combo, a perfect opportunity to assert his dominance and prove that he alone held the capability to protect Rio.

Ren's eyes widened as he assessed Ryoga's move. The realization hit him, and he couldn't help but voice his surprise. "Three level 3 monsters? Does that mean...?"

"I overlay the Level 3 Big Jaws with the Level 3 Shark Stickers! With these 2 monsters I build the Overlay Network! Xyz Summon! Rise, Submersible Carrier Aero Shark!"

Submersible Carrier Aero Shark - 1900/1000

Rank: 3

Overlay Units: 2

"Now, I activate the effect of Submersible Carrier Aero Shark. By detaching one Overlay Unit, I can deal 400 damage equal to how many cards I have on my hand. I have 3 cards therefore, I can deal 1200 Damage to you!"

As Ryoga declared his attack, Submersible Carrier Aero Shark rushed forward, breaking through the field's surface with a resounding splash. The sleek, shark-like vessel unleashed three torpedoes, each shimmering with a vibrant blue glow. They streaked through the air towards Ren, leaving a trail of water vapor in their wake.

The torpedoes collided with Ren's unprotected body, causing a powerful shockwave to reverberate through the battlefield. Though physically unscathed, Ren couldn't ignore the intense pressure that bore down on him. The force of the impact caused him to stagger backward, feeling the weight of the damage inflicted upon his Life Points.

Ren groaned in pain, his voice strained as he tried to maintain his composure. "As expected of Kamishiro-san's brother. Your monster is undeniably strong. But don't think for a second that I'll let this deter me."

"Keep yapping." With a hostile glare, Ryoga shot back at Ren as he continued his near-ending turn.

The scoreboard materialized before them, displaying the reduced Life Points for Ren. Ren's LP dwindled from 4000 to 2800, a clear sign that he was not untouched by the attack.

Ren: 4000 -> 2800 LP

"Finally. I set two cards down. End of my turn." Ryoga declared.

Rio has decided to keep her mouth shut throughout the duel as she knows that anything she says could have a significant impact for the outcome of the duel. If she cheered for Ren, her brother's hatred would only worsen. Meanwhile, if she cheered for Ryoga, Ren might lose the motivation to go on or even worse, he might hate her. It seems very unlikely for Ren to hate her, but then again, they've only met recently.

Ren's turn began with a sense of optimism. "My turn now, Draw!" Ren drew a card, his fingers gripping it tightly as anticipation filled the air. With a confident smirk, he placed the card on his Duel Disk and exclaimed, "I Normal Summon, Dinosauria Utahraptor!"

A loud screech erupted as Dinosauria Utahraptor materialized onto the field, it's ferocity reverberating through the arena. With an ATK of 1800 and DEF of 700, the fierce dinosaur stood ready for battle.

Dinosauria Utahraptor - 1800/700

Level: 4

Ren's strategy swiftly continued as he unleashed his next move. "Next, I activate the spell card Jurassic Stampede! Until the end of this turn, this card grants an additional 1000 ATK to my Dinosauria Utahraptor, raising its total ATK to 2800!"

Suddenly, the atmosphere around Dinosauria Utahraptor changed, revealing an ancient aura glowing with primal energy around the raptor. The towering dinosaur let out another roar as its muscles surged with newfound strength.

Dinosauria Utahraptor - 1800 -> 2800 ATK

Ren's expression remained optimistic, his mind already caught glimpse for the "best" course of action. He was aware that this duel is an opportunity to break through Ryoga's misconceptions.

With Dinosauria Utahraptor's ATK boosted to a formidable 2800, Ren seized the opportunity to strike. He declared, "Dinosauria Utahraptor, attack Submersible Carrier Aero Shark!"

Dinosauria Utahraptor lunged forward, its massive claws slashing through the air with devastating force. The raptor roared at its quick charge as it closed in on Submersible Carrier Aero Shark, dismantling Ryoga's defenses.

As the fierce dinosaur made contact, a fierce clash of power erupted. Submersible Carrier Aero Shark couldn't withstand the combined strength of Dinosauria Utahraptor and the bolstering effects of Jurassic Stampede. The shark-like vessel shattered under the assault, dissipating into a cloud of digital particles.

The debris settled, and the impact of the attack was felt not only visually but also in the Life Points displayed on the scoreboard. Ryoga's Life Points plummeted from 4000 to 3100, marking the first tangible blow Ren had landed.

Ryoga: 4000 -> 3100 LP

"Is that the best you've got? Pathetic!" Ryoga sneered, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I expected more from someone who claims to be of help for Rio. Truly Pathetic."

Ren's expression remained calm, his eyes steady as he locked gazes with Ryoga. "Kamishiro, you're better than this..." he said, his tone measured. "Remember, your little sister is watching us right now. Is this the example you want to set for her?"

Ryoga's face twisted with anger. "Don't you dare bring Rio into this!" he snapped, his voice laced with venom. "This is about you and me, weakling. And I'll show you which one of us is better off at protecting Rio."

Ren's calm demeanor didn't waver. "You're mistaken, Kamishiro..." he replied, a hint of sadness creeping into his voice. "It's not about being able to protect her. Ever since I met Kamishiro-san earlier, I already had the impression of her being a strong and tough girl, now I know why she's like that. She doesn't want to be a burden to you, and now she wants to prove that she can handle herself. All you need to do is trust her and let her do her own thing. So tell me... Is this how you want to repay her efforts? By trying to restrain her?"

Ryoga's eyes blazed with fury, his hands trembling with anger. "I hate your 'I know everything' attitude." he spat, his voice dripping with resentment. "You think you have all the answers, don't you? Well, I've had enough of your self-righteous lectures. Shut the fuck up and continue your turn. I'll prove to you and everyone else that I don't need your advice or interference."

Ren's expression remained composed, but a flicker of concern passed through his eyes. He took a deep breath, trying to maintain his composure as he shifted gears after the quick Battle Phase and conversation with Ryoga, now focusing on his next move. "I activate the spell card Dangerous Draw!" Ren exclaimed, his eyes shining with hope. "The two of us get to draw 2 cards on top of our decks. We will gain 500 Life Points for each Spell card that we draw, and lose 1000 Life Points for each Monster card that we draw."

The air was filled with anticipation as Dangerous Draw took effect, enveloping both duelists in its enigmatic power. Ren and Ryoga reached for their respective decks, drawing cards in unison.

As they revealed their newly acquired cards, the effects of Dangerous Draw came into play. Ren's hand held two spell cards, causing a growth of energy to flow through him. His Life Points increased by 500 for each spell card drawn, granting him an additional 1000 LP. Ren's Life Points rose to 3800, solidifying his resilience in the duel.

Across the field, Ryoga experienced a similar boost. His hand also contained two spell cards, granting him an increase of 1000 LP. His Life Points climbed to 4100, showing that he was not easily deterred.

Ryoga: 3100 -> 4100 LP | Cards: 3

Ren: 2800 -> 3800 LP | Cards: 5

With the effects of Dangerous Draw taking their toll, Ren carefully assessed the situation. "I set down 1 card. End of my turn." Ren declared as he swiftly placed one card face-down on his field, fortifying his defenses and setting the stage for the upcoming turn.

"Now that my turn has ended. Dinosauria Utahraptor's ATK goes back to normal." Ren said, as the aura enveloping the raptor vanished.

Dinosauria Utahraptor - 2800 -> 1800 ATK

Ren looked up, meeting Ryoga's leer with confidence. The duel has only started, both duelists prepared to unleash their strategies as they continued to test their skills against each other.

"My turn, Draw!" Ryoga pulls out his card. "I activate my trap card, Shark Dash! I can special summon a Fish type Monster from my graveyard but it's ATK will be reduced by 1000." Ryoga declared, his voice resolute. The card burst into motion, emitting a blue aura as it activated its effect. From the depths of Ryoga's graveyard emerged the Submersible Carrier Aero Shark, battered but ready to fight once more. However, due to the card's effect, its attack points diminished to 900.

Submersible Carrier Aero Shark - 900/1000

Rank: 3

"When the monster is brought back to the field, I can deal damage equal to the remaining attack points of the revived Monster. Eat this raw 900 Damage!" The impact of the attack sent a shockwave through Ren's body, causing him to stagger backward. A burst of electricity gush through his veins, inflicting 900 points of damage to his Life Points. The counter above Ren's head flickered, showing his Life Points dwindling from 3800 to 2900.

Ren: 3800 -> 2900 LP

"Ngghhh... I can still fight!" Ren growled, his body adorned with faint sparks, a visual effect of the lingering effects of the trap card. Ren's resolve remained unbroken.

Ryoga's eyes shone with arrogance as he executed his next move with precision. "Finally, if an XYZ Monster is revived, I can attach this card as an Overlay Unit." As Shark Dash transformed into an Overlay Unit, it hovered around the vessel, radiating a menacing aura. Ryoga tapped into its might, detaching one Overlay Unit from Submersible Carrier Aero Shark, inciting his next move.

"By detaching one Overlay Unit, I activate its effect! I have 4 cards, therefore you receive 1600 damage!" Ryoga exclaimed, his voice echoing with intensity. As he did so, four torpedoes were launched by Submersible Carrier Aero Shark, ready to be unleashed upon Ren.

With a swift motion, the torpedoes shot forward, streaking through the air towards Ren's position. The explosive impact sent Ren hurtling backwards, his body engulfed in a whirlwind of energy. The torpedoes detonated in a spectacular display, dealing an additional 1600 points of damage to Ren's Life Points, causing them to drop from 2900 to 1300.

Ren: 2900 -> 1300 LP

"Gaaahhh!!" Gasping for breath, Ren struggled to regain his composure. The once-determined look on his face wavered for a moment, but he quickly steadied himself, his resolve reigniting. "What a frightening deck..." He muttered sarcastically, making sure that no one heard his remark. With his Life Points severely depleted, the intensity of the duel escalated, each move becoming crucial in deciding the victor.

The battlefield broke with tension as both duelists prepared to unleash their strategies once again. The exchange of blows had only just begun, and it was clear that neither Ryoga nor Ren was willing to back down. Their duel would continue to push their skills to the limit, as they sought triumph in this intense clash of wills.

"Should've just stayed on the ground like the insignificant worm you are." Ryoga said as he seized the opportunity to press his advantage. "I activate the spell card, Aqua Jet!" As he spoke, the propeller looking equipment attached itself at the rear part of Ryoga's monster. "I can equip Aqua Jet to my Submersible Carrier Aero Shark's, increasing it's attack points by 1000."

The shark-like vessel shimmered with newfound strength, The monster's razor-sharp fins gleamed under the newfound energy, radiating an aura of sheer strength. Its attack points surged forth by 1000, bringing its total attack back to 1900.

Submersible Carrier Aero Shark - 900 -> 1900 ATK

Ryoga's confidence increased as he prepared to make his move. "Submersible Carrier Aero Shark, attack his pathetic lizard!" he commanded, his voice resolute.

With a vigorous thrust, Submersible Carrier Aero Shark lunged towards Ren's monster, its jaws ready to strike. However, Ren was not one to be easily cornered. In a swift and decisive motion, he activated his face-down trap card. "Not so fast! I activate my trap card, Primordial Hibernate!"

Ren's Dinosauria Utahraptor shimmered, a protective barrier materializing around it as it sleeps gently like there is no battle happening in it's surroundings. "By targetting my Utahraptor, I will gain Life Points equal to half of it's attack and end your Battle Phase at the cost of disabling it from attacking until my next turn!" The trap card's effect took hold, negating the impending attack, saving Ren from damage. As the primordial energies swirled, Ren's Life Points rose, gaining an amount equal to half of Dinosauria Utahraptor's attack points.

"Utahraptor's ATK is 1800, therefore I gain 900 LP!" Ren explained with a determined voice. A faint glow enveloped Ren, revitalizing him as his Life Points increased from 1300 to 2200. The counter above his head flickered, showcasing his renewed vitality.

Ren: 1300 -> 2200 LP

Ryoga's battle phase came to an abrupt halt as Ren's trap card skillfully turned the tables. Despite the setback, Ryoga's glare remained relentless, his mind already calculating the next steps to secure victory.

"Tch, persistent rat . I set down 2 cards. I end my turn here."

The duelists locked eyes once more, the intensity of their clash escalating with each passing moment. The battlefield crackled with expectation as both Ryoga and Ren prepared to unleash their skills. It was a testament to their unwavering spirit and determination that neither was willing to yield easily.

The next move would be crucial, with victory hanging in the balance. The duelists braced themselves for the ensuing exchange, ready to seize any opportunity that would lead them closer to triumph in this high-stakes duel.

"My turn now, Draw!" With a cheerful grin, he held up his spell card. "I activate my spell card, Jurassic Taboo!" Ren exclaimed, his voice resonating with confidence. "This spell allows me to special summon two monsters from my hand, regardless of their level. However, for each level, I must pay 100 Life Points."

With a swift motion, Ren placed the card on his Duel Disk, activating its effect. As Ren's body was engulfed in a gloomy aura, Ren's Life Points was drained by 900 LP, leaving him back with 1300 remaining. The cost was steep as the pain of sacrifice was evident on his face, but Ren knew it was a small price to pay for the potential "victory" that awaited him.

Ren: 2200 -> 1300 LP

From the depths of his hand, Ren conjured forth two mighty beings. "Come forth, Dinosauria Ankylosaur!" Ren's hand trembled with excitement as he summoned his first monster. The level 5 powerhouse emerged from the grassy bushes, its sturdy armor and piercing stare commanding respect.

Dinosauria Ankylosaur - 1400/2200

Level: 5

The ground shook as he swiftly summoned his second monster. This level 4 Dinosaur emerged, its spiked tail swaying ominously. "Heed my call, Dinosauria Stegosaurus!" Ren declared, his voice filled with rising upbeat.

Dinosauria Stegosaurus - 1200/2000

Level: 4

"I activate one of Jurassic Taboo's effects! By sacrificing half of my Life Points, I can target 1 monster that I special summoned using this card, change it's level according to the level of the other monster I special summoned! I give Dinosauria Stegosaurus the level 5!"

Rio watched in astonishment, her eyes widening with realization. "He's going for an XYZ Summon huh..." she muttered, her voice filled with surprise. "With two level 5 monsters on the field, it really seemed like the obvious move."

Ryoga's expression turned into that of confusion. "Are you crazy?" he exclaimed, his voice laced with disbelief and amusement. "You're sacrificing your own life points just to perform an XYZ Summon? That's a reckless move, even for you! Hahaha!"

Ren maintained his bright smile, even though he was being insulted by Ryoga. "Sometimes, you need to take risks to achieve victory." he replied, his voice infused with optimism. "I'm willing to bet on this move, and I won't let you underestimate its potential!"

Rio's eyes darted back and forth between the two, a mix of concern and curiosity dancing within them. She didn't knew Ren's strategies were often unorthodox, but she also trusted his instincts. She couldn't help but wonder what he had in store.

A flow of electricity crackled around Ren, emanating from the mystical curse of Jurassic Taboo. The sudden jolt sent a searing pain coursing through his body, causing him to writhe in agony. "Aaargh!" he howled, feeling the life force within him fade rapidly.

His Life Points dwindled before his eyes, shrinking from a once perilous 1300 to a grim 650. The lightning strike had taken a heavy toll on Ren, but his face contorted with determination despite the pain, refusing to let his small Life Points dampen his spirit. He knew that victory is already within his grasp if he could just endure a little longer. With sweat pouring down his brow, he clenched his fist and gritted his teeth, his eyes locked on Ryoga.

Ren: 1300 -> 650 LP

Summoning every ounce of strength, Ren mustered his resolve. "I won't give up!" he shouted, his voice filled with hopefulness. "Even if it means risking it all, I'll turn the tides in my favor!"

"Tch, you're one persistent son of a bitch." Ryoga said, his voice laced with annoyance.

With both monsters now on the field, Ren's strategy took a bold turn. "I overlay my Level 5 Dinosauria Ankylosaur with Dinosauria Stegosaurus!" he announced. "With these 2 monsters, I build the Overlay Network! XYZ Summon! "

As the two monsters merged inside the dark portal, a bulky figure materialized on the field. "Break free from your locked cage, Dinosauria Ankylostego!" There, the beast stood firm, its massive tail club covered in sharp spikes and it's hide with the strength of steel. The beast is radiating an aura of supremacy. Ren's Life Points are running low, but he knew it was a small sacrifice for his plan to continue.

Dinosauria Ankylostego - 2500/2800

Rank: 5

Overlay Units: 2

Ren's eyes sparked with upbeat as he confidently made his move despite the gap in LP. With a snap of his fingers, he activated the effect of his formidable Dinosauria Ankylostego. The card came alive, glowing with an otherworldly energy as an Overlay Unit detached itself, giving the beast it's needed power.

"Behold, the might of Dinosauria Ankylostego!" Ren declared, his voice resonating with absolute confidence. "By detaching one Overlay Unit, I activate its effect!"

Ryoga's expression tightened, his eyes narrowing in response. He braced himself for what was to come, not knowing that Ren's moves were never to be underestimated.

"I will target your Submersible Carrier Aero Shark, it negate it's effect as well as reduce its attack and defense points to half until the end of the turn!" Ren's Dinosauria Ankylostego unleashed a wave of energy, causing Ryoga's Submersible Carrier Aero Shark to tremble as its once formidable stats diminished. Its attack power shrinked to a mere 950, a fraction of its former strength.

Submersible Carrier Aero Shark: 1900/1000 -> 950/500

"Your Aero Shark may have been strong, Kamishiro," Ren said, his voice laced with confidence, "but now it stands no chance against the might of my Ankylostego. Prepare for its assault! Dinosauria Ankylostego, attack his Submersible Carrier Aero Shark!"

Without hesitation, Ren commanded his Ankylostego to charge forward, the ground shaking beneath its heavy footsteps. The mighty dinosaur clashed with Ryoga's diminished Aero Shark, the impact echoing throughout the surroundings.

The force of the attack was overwhelming. The once-majestic Aero Shark crumbled under the sheer power of Ankylostego's assault, shattering into pieces. Ryoga's face contorted with frustration as his life points plunged from 4100 to 2550. "Not bad dickhead."

Ryoga: 4100 -> 2550 LP

"And now, the other effect of Dinosauria Ankylostego's activates! When it succesfully destroys a monster under the influence of this card's effect, I can gain LP equal to the amount of damage you received!"

Ren: 650 -> 2200 LP

Ryoga was visibly shaken by this short gap in LP. He clenched his fist, anger shining in his eyes. The duel was far from over, and he vowed to strike back, ready to unleash his wrath and destroy Ren thoroughly.

"Since my Dinosauria Utahraptor is still under the influence of Primordial Hibernate, it can't attack this turn." Ren was bummed, as he lost the opportunity to deal massive damage against Ryoga.

"Too bad huh..." Ryoga sneered, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Maybe next time you'll actually have a strategy that works better, but I doubt you and your mediocre brain could do such a complex thing."

Ren ignored Ryoga's taunts as he already moved on from the missed opportunity. He realized it would've been worse if he lets his Utahraptor be destroyed. "I set down my remaining 2 cards, and with this, I end my turn." Ren's voice is enthusiastic as he sets down his two remaining cards, leaving his hand empty. His strategic maneuver had paid off, even though it came at a worthy cost.

Just as Ryoga's turn is about to start, a group of familiar voices broke the tension. Yuma, Kotori, and Tetsuo rushed onto the scene, their eyes widening in surprise and confusion at the sight of their newly transferred classmate, Ren, engaged in a heated duel with their friend Shark.

"Shark, what's going on? Why are you dueling Ren?" Yuma questioned, trying to make sense of the situation.

Ryoga's eyes flickered briefly towards Yuma and his friends, his frustration evident. "You guys know this bastard?" Ryoga stammered, his voice laced with annoyance.

"Yeah, he just recently transferred in our class. Wait, that's not important. Why are you guys dueling?" Kotori chimed in, worry is evident on her voice.

"I saw this guy and he... he was holding Rio's hand!"

Tetsuo's eyes widened in shock as he processed Ryoga's words. The revelation hit him hard, causing a mix of emotions to flow through him. His face flushed with a mix of anger, jealousy, and confusion.

"What? Him... holding Rio's hand?" Tetsuo stammered, his voice trembling. His heart sank, feeling a twinge of betrayal at the thought of Ren getting close to his crush.

Ren, realizing the gravity of the situation, quickly stepped forward, his voice filled with urgency. "No, it's not what you think! I was just helping Kamishiro-san out. She was feeling down, and I offered her my support because I was concerned."

Yuma and Kotori nodded in understanding, assuring Shark and indirectly, Tetsuo that Ren's intentions were innocent. "It's true, Shark." Yuma chimed in, his voice filled with sincerity. "Ren is a really friendly guy. He helps people without any ulterior motives. We've seen people enjoy his company."

Kotori added, her voice gentle and soothing, "We've all seen Ren interact with others. He's been nothing but kind and considerate. You're just misunderstanding things."

Tetsuo's gaze shifted from Ren to his friends. He could see the sincerity in their eyes, but doubts still lingered within him. Conflicted emotions clouded his judgment as he struggled to make sense of the situation.

Ryoga, observing Tetsuo's hesitation, shook his head with a disappointed sigh. "You guys are being deceived by him. Can't you see? He's playing with all of you, just like how he's trying to deceive Rio!"

Ryoga's words stung, increasing Tetsuo's doubts even further. His fists clenched as he battled conflicting thoughts. On one hand, he trusted his friends, Yuma and Kotori, who vouched for Ren. On the other hand, his own feelings for Rio couldn't be ignored. He turned to Yuma and Kotori, his voice trembling slightly. "But...but how can we be so sure? What if Shark is right? What if Ren has manipulated us all?"

Yuma turned towards Tetsuo, his eyes filled with sincerity. "Tetsuo, I understand your doubts, and I know we've only been friends with Ren recently. But trust me when I say that Ren is not deceiving us. He's just trying to help."

Kotori nodded in agreement, her voice gentle yet resolute. "Tetsuo, I know you have your doubts, but we have to trust our friends. They wouldn't lead us astray. Ren has shown us nothing but kindness since he arrived."

Ryoga, growing increasingly frustrated, dismissed their explanations. "You're all blinded by his tricks! Whatever, I'll expose Ren's true intentions right here and now. I'll beat him in this duel and show you all that he's nothing but a fraudulent little bitch!"

Ren, who had remained silent until now, tried to explain, his voice calm with a tinge of sadness. "Kamishiro, how could you not trust your friends? After everything you've been through together?"

Ryoga retorted angrily, "There you go again with your "I know everything" bullshit! I know you manipulated them, Ren. Me and my sister won't fall for your tricks!"

Tetsuo watched the heated exchange, torn between his loyalty to his friends and the lingering doubts in his heart. He could see the fire in Ryoga's eyes, but deep down, he also felt a pang of guilt for doubting Ren without concrete evidence.

"Wait, I just noticed..." Astral, who has been silent all this time came out of the Emperor's Key, he decided to bring his thoughts into the matter.

"Hm? What is it, Astral?" Yuma asked.

"If I recall correctly. Didn't Hitorigoto said something strange earlier... that he's not good at dueling?"

The group had a realization. They checked the two's Life Points and to their surprise, Ren is actually putting up a decent fight with his 2200 LP in contrast to Ryoga's 2550. Yuma's eyes widened in disbelief as Ren has the capability to match up to Ryoga.

"But how is that possible? Was Ren lying to us all along?" Tetsuo muttered, his fist clenching as his doubts take over his trust towards Ren.

"Maybe Ren has his own explanation towards all this! We just need to hear them out after this duel, dont'cha guys think?" Yuma, being the cheerful fella that he is tried to lighten up the mood. Reminding everyone to trust their friend.

In that moment, Yuma and his friends decided to watch the duel unfold, observing Ren's actions closely, and make their own judgment based on what they saw. The truth would eventually surface, all they needed was to wait.

"My turn, Draw!" Ryoga swiftly draws a card from his deck, a smirk forming on his face. "I activate my Continuous Trap Card, Booming Urchin!"

As Ryoga activates his trap card, an urchin-shaped sea mine materializes on his side of the field. It floats eerily towards Ren, glowing with a malevolent aura.

"So, you've activated a trap for me? Don't think you'll get the better of me that easily!"

"Good work with that one Sherlock, and I assure you, this trap is a special one. Its effects will blast through you and leave you reeling!"

The urchin-shaped sea mine reaches Ren's side, hovering menacingly before it detonates with a thunderous boom. A powerful shockwave engulfs Ren, causing him to stagger back as his Life Points plummet.

"Aargh!! This ain't lookin good..." Ren groaned, still feeling the electrical sensation from the effect.

Ren: 2200 -> 1200 LP

"When an opponent activates a trap card, I can deal 1000 damage to them in the next turn. Now, prepare to say your prayer as you've been backed in the corner!"

"Don't think this is enough to make me surrender! I've still got plenty of fight left!" Ren, with a voice filled with tenacity stated.

"We'll see about that. Brace yourself for what's coming next! I Normal Summon XYZ Lamprey!" As Ren stood firm, Ryoga summoned XYZ Lamprey onto his side of the field. The creature emerged from the depths, its aquatic form exuding an eerie glow.

XYZ Lamprey: 800/100

Level: 3

"And now, I'll utilize its strength to bring forth an even greater force! I overlay the Level 3 XYZ Lamprey with the Level 3 Shark Stickers. With these Monsters, I build the Overlay Network!" As the two monsters merged, their energies intertwined, forming a swirling vortex of power. "XYZ Summon! Come forth, Black Ray Lancer!" Ryoga proclaimed.

From the depths of that convergence, a new entity emerged-a fearsome warrior known as Black Ray Lancer.

Black Ray Lancer - 2100/600

Rank: 3

Overlay Units: 2

With newfound confidence, Ryoga declared, "When XYZ Lamprey is used as material for an XYZ Summon, the XYZ Monster gains 1000 ATK! Black Ray Lancer, rise and show them your strength!"

Black Ray Lancer's form surged with energy as its attack points soared from 2100 to 3100. The transformed creature emanated an aura of authority, ready to face any challenge that came its way.

Black Ray Lancer - 2100 -> 3100 ATK

Ren's expression shifted, a mixture of surprise and concern. He realized the tide of the duel had shifted significantly. But still, he refused to back down.

Ryoga's eyes blazed with arrogance as he commanded, "Battle! Black Ray Lancer, annihilate that lizard!"

However, just as Black Ray Lancer lunged forward with its piercing attack, Ren swiftly activated the effect of his face-up monster, "Not so fast! I activate the effect of Dinosauria Ankylostego! By detaching one overlay unit, it will reduce Black Ray Lancer's attack points by half!"

But Ryoga, undeterred by Ren's attempt, grinned confidently. "Gotcha lackin you son of a bitch! I activate my Trap Card, Underwater Pressure! This card negates the effects of your monster!"

Ren's face contorted to that of shock as the trap card's effect washed over the battlefield, leaving Dinosauria Ankylostego defenseless. Black Ray Lancer, with its attack points still in it's formidable 3100, unleashed a devastating assault, skewering the dinosaur in it's weak point and destroying it.

The ground shook as the impact reverberated through the dueling arena. "Aaarghh!!!!" Ren stumbled backward, his LP crashing from 1200 to a critical 600. Despite the overwhelming setback, he refused to succumb to defeat.

Ren: 1200 -> 600 LP

Gritting his teeth, Ren swiftly rose to his feet, his resolve unbroken. With fire in his eyes, he declared, "I won't back down, no matter what! Our battle's not over yet!"

Ren's unwavering spirit radiated from him, inflaming his determination to turn the tables on his opponent. As the duel entered its next critical phase, the crowd held its breath, captivated but concerned by the clash between these two fierce competitors.

"Hitorigoto's Life Points are dangerously low now, just 600." Astral remarked, his voice still calm as ever. "Shark's doing much better with his 2550 Life Points. Hitorigoto's situation is truly dire."

Yuma nodded in agreement, his brow furrowed with worry. "Yeah, and to make matters worse, Shark managed to destroy Ren's only XYZ Monster. Ren's Dinosauria Utahraptor doesn't stand a chance against Shark's Black Ray Lancer in terms of attack points. This is really tough for him."

Kotori couldn't help but interject, her voice filled with a glimmer of hope. "Wait, guys! It's not over for Ren yet!" she chimed in. "He still has two unused trap cards lying face-down on his field. We don't know what they do, but they could turn the tables in his favor."

Tetsuo, joined in the conversation. "Don't count Ren out just yet. He still has a chance left, and it lies on the cards he currently and will have."

Astral nodded in agreement, his ethereal form glimmering with a faint light. "Indeed, we can only hope for the best. Ren's spirit has brought him this far, and so does Shark. We can only wish the best for the two of them until the very end."

"I turn down 1 card, and with this, I end my turn. Enjoy your last, you pathetic runt." Ryoga ended his turn. The roar of the Duel Disk signaled the end of Ryoga's turn, the holographic field shimmering momentarily before it was Ren's time to act. Rio held her breath, curious to see how Ren would respond to the onslaught.

Ren's heart raced as he watched Ryoga confidently turn down a card on his field, signaling the end of his turn. The crowd's expectation hung in the air, but Ren remained composed, his mind sharpened by the intensity of the duel.

As a smirk secretly curled on his lips, Ren's inner monologue echoed through his thoughts, a stark contrast to his usual cheerful and kind self. "Oh yes, everything is as planned." he whispered to himself, a mischievous glint flickering in his eyes. "It's been a disappointment so far, but we're nearing this duel's conclusion. Whether it's a success or not. It doesn't matter."

Ren's giggle reverberated silently in his mind, hidden from the prying eyes of the crowd. He relished in the thrill of the unknown, of orchestrating the game's flow to his advantage. His seemingly innocent demeanor masked a strategic genius, and he reveled in the satisfaction of making calculated adjustments.

His fingers twitched slightly, yearning to draw the next card that would end this match which he already won. Ren's mind raced through the conclusion he aleady made, analyzing every move which he already predicted, and envisioning the sequence of moves that already painted his victory.

Ren took a deep breath, his expression shifting from mischievousness back to his usual cheerful demeanor. With full confidence, he declared, "My turn! Prepare yourself, Kamishiro!"

As Ren drew his card, a shiver of excitement coursed through his veins. The duel is nearing its end, and he was ready to finish it all according to his plan.

"With my 1 remaining card, I activate it's effect! Final Gambit, activate!" Ren's voice resonated with confidence as he explained the intricate effects of his card. "If my Life Points are less than a thousand, I can activate its effect. I'll reduce my Life Points to 1, but in return, I get to draw two cards!"

Ren mustered his resolve, a flow of electricity crackled from the spell card, surging through his body with a sudden, agonizing jolt. A piercing cry of pain escaped his lips, echoing through the air. "Aaagghh!!" Yet, amidst the searing torment, Ren gritted his teeth and spoke with fierce persistence. "Just... one more push!"

Ren: 600 -> 1 LP

As Ren's cry of pain filled the air, Rio's worry took hold of her heart. "Hitori!" she yelled, her voice laced with concern. She instinctively reached out towards the holographic projection of the duel, as if trying to offer support from afar.

Sensing Rio's distress, Yuma's friends noticed her presence and approached her. Kotori, with a soft giggle, gently nudged Rio's arm. "Looks like you're really invested in this duel, Kamishiro-san." she remarked, a playful twinkle in her eyes.

Rio blushed slightly, her worry momentarily forgotten. "Well, Hitori is my friend. I can't help but feel concerned for him." she confessed, her gaze still fixed on the duel.

Tetsuo was surprised by the flustered Rio. He felt down as unlike him, Ren managed to open up his crush's heart at their first meeting.

Meanwhile, Yuma listened to Ren's declaration and observed the effects of the Final Gambit spell card with a critical eye. "That move is reckless, even for a desperate one." Yuma commented. "Ren is really putting everything on the line."

Astral, ever the voice of reason, countered Yuma's statement. "You're one to talk, Yuma. You made some really risky moves and choices in the past that I can't even think how many it is." he said, his tone carrying a touch of reproach.

Yuma's expression turned to that of embarassment as he wasn't expecting the sudden jab from his other half. "Hey! What's with the friendly fire!?" he exclaimed with an annoyed expression. Astral only sighed with a small grin in response.

Kotori smiled at their friendly banter, enjoying the camaraderie between Yuma and Astral. Rio joined in their laughter, her worries momentarily eased by the light-hearted atmosphere. She turned her gaze back to the duel, a hopeful smile gracing her lips.

Meanwhile, Ren's hand trembled slightly as he drew the two cards, his excitement growing. He surveyed his newfound options, a sly grin forming on his face. "Now, I activate the effect of Dinosauria Tyrannosaurus Rex from my hand! By tributing Dinosauria Triceratops from my hand, I can Special Summon Dinosauria Tyrannosaurus Rex onto the field!" The ground trembled as the mighty dinosaur emerged, its fierce roar echoing across the arena.

Dinosauria Tyrannosaurus Rex: 2800/2200

Level: 7

Ren's eyes gleamed with excitement. "But that's not all! Since Dinosauria Tyrannosaurus Rex was Special Summoned by this effect, it gains 500 Attack Points for each monster you control! And with your Black Ray Lancer as your only monster, Dinosauria Tyrannosaurus Rex's Attack Points soar to 3300, surpassing your Black Ray Lancer's 3100!" The King of Tyrant Lizards let out a defeaning roar as it feels it's power rising from the presence of potential prey.

Dinosauria Tyrannosaurus Rex: 2800 -> 3300 ATK

Yuma's eyes widened in surprise as he watched Ren's play unfold. "Whoa! Ren's turning the tide with that massive dinosaur!" he exclaimed, a mix of awe and excitement in his voice. He turned to his friends, a wide grin on his face. "Did you see that? Ren's got the upper hand now!"

Kotori's eyes sparkled with hope as she agreed. "Ren's strategy is really paying off. That massive Attack Points boost is definitely going to put him in a strong position." she commented, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

Tetsuo couldn't help but crack a smile. "Looks like Ren's gamble is paying off." he said, a hint of excitement evident in his voice. "This is getting intense!"

All of them leaned in closer, their eyes fixated on the duel unfolding before them. Their hearts raced with anticipation as they eagerly awaited Ren's next move. They knew that with the momentum now in his favor, Ren may have a real chance at victory.

Ren's grin widened, his plan coming together. With a confident tone, he declared, "Now, Dinosauria Tyrannosaurus Rex, attack! Crush his defenses and lead us to victory! Tyrant King Assault!"

Ren's voice rang out with triump as he commanded his ferocious Dinosauria T-Rex to charge forward. The ground beneath its colossal weight shook, and it's deafening roar pierced the air, signaling the commencement of the attack. The crowd gasped in high hopes as The towering dinosaur charges forward with incredible speed. It lunged at Ryoga's Black Ray Lancer, its monstrous power colliding with the darkness of its adversary.

The battlefield trembled as the reverberation surged, causing a swirling veil of dust to envelop the surroundings, concealing the result from the attentive onlookers. Anticipating the outcome with bated breath, the duelists and the spectators felt their hearts pounding, eagerly attempting to catch even the slightest glimpse of the unfolding events.

As the dust began to settle, revealing the aftermath of the fierce clash, a collective gasp escaped the onlookers. There, amidst the cleared battlefield, stood Ryoga's Black Ray Lancer, encased in a pulsating energy field that shielded it from the devastating blow of Ren's Dinosauria Tyrannosaurus Rex. The mighty dinosaur's attack had been thwarted, leaving Ren momentarily stunned.

A smirk played upon Ryoga's lips as he looked upon his unscathed monster. "Did you really think you could easily damage me?" he taunted, his voice laced with a mix of arrogance and triumph. "Dream on!"

Ryoga's confidence radiated as he continued, "Before your little lizard attacked my Black Ray Lancer, I activated my trap card, Zeus' Breath! With this card, I can negate your attack and inflict 800 points of damage to you if I control a water-type monster. And as you can see, my Black Ray Lancer fits that description perfectly! Say goodbye, you insect!"

A surge of energy engulfed the battlefield as Ryoga's trap card came into effect. The swirling currents of water manifested, merging with the pulsating energy field surrounding Black Ray Lancer. The combination of elements crackled with power, ready to unleash its wrath upon Ren.

The crowd's eyes widened as they realized how grim Ren's situation is with his 1 remaining Life Point. The anticipation that had fueled them moments ago now transformed into a growing concern. Ren braced himself for the impending impact, knowing that this could jeopardize his chances of victory.

The swirling energy gathered, pulsating with an ominous glow, before hurtling towards Ren with incredible speed and precision. The focused blast struck him, dealing a palpable blow of 800 points of damage, reverberating through his being.

"Ren!" "Hitori!" With voices full of anxiety and worry, Yuma and his friends as well as Rio yelled the boy's name as the impact reverberated through the battlefield, stirring up a cloud of dust that billowed around them, obscuring the outcome from the watchful eyes of the spectators. The audience held their breath, their hearts racing, awaiting the outcome as they strained to catch any glimpse of the unfolding events.

Yet, as the dust slowly dissipated, revealing fragments of the aftermath, the conclusion remained elusive.

Word count: 7269 Words (All A/N not included)

A/N: And with that, the second chapter has ended! I really wasn't expecting this whole chapter to be this long yet here we are. I was even planning on adding the aftermath of the duel on this chapter but before I realize it, it's way too long. And since I'm a kind author, I cater to all audiences, either you like reading long stuff or your attention span has been completely wiped out due to overusage of TikTok, I want to make sure that you'll enjoy this story to it's fullest. That's why I split my entire draft of Chapter 2. It's continuation would be released in Chapter 3, yeah that is totally the reason and not because I want to blueball my readers :clueless: But yeah, that's pretty much about it. Ya Local Neet out.

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