
Ch 22: Dungeon Dive (Third Floor) part 1

The beginning of the third day started with the Summoners of the expedition team's duty. They sent some familiars who were able to fly, to scout this floor. As the third floor was filled work water, flying familiars were the only solution to find other islands. Some water familiar were also sent to scout the situation underwater.

Elena already had a complete grasp of the situation in the whole floor but still she allowed the adventurers to do whatever they need, to learn more about the island as she wanted to increase their capabilities.

Last day, after waking up from her sleep Elena went to meet the three Supreme Goddesses as they all were free at the same time. They said that, with the addition of Elena's two summons, gods of this world have an overwhelming advantage in the frontline. The levels of Vivi and Norn was also increasing at a good rate so Elena was happy. Arachneith still haven't participated as the devil King Ramposha had not came out to fight so far. So she was still on standby.

She returned from the divine realm just before everyone started waking up. She was very happy as everything was going on smoothly. For the the whole day today Elena planed to train the adventurer in this floor. That was because this floor was very large and had a high number of monsters including A ranks who were in the top or peak grade. So she was going to use those A ranks to train everyone here.

After finishing the scouting they found two islands. The one that can be barely seen from here was at the north and other one was in the eastern side.

As for the underwater search, there was no result as the familiars got destroyed soon by strong sea monsters. Elena told them about her plans to train them for the whole day and divided them into two groups. One group was sent to the northern island. And another one to eastern. The northern team had Azure Legion as leader and eastern one had Five Armaments as leader.

The first battle for the northern team was on the shore of the island against a level 285 Alligator monster. On the other hand the eastern team faced off against an octopus monster of level 283 in the middle of the sea.

Among them second team's battle was comparatively harder as they didn't have a solid foothold and have to fight in the water which was the opponent's home ground. So they took a bit longer to finish the fight and they also had more injuries. The MVP for this fight in the second group was without a doubt, the A rank mage Rishia. Her lightning magic was super effective against this monster. She also reached level 271 after this battle becoming a High grade A rank.

Even tho she was a bit lower level than Drago at the beginning, now she had surpassed him. Alessia was still the strongest among all the adventurers as she has reached level 286 which was quite a big deal. As a congratulatory gift Elena gifted her an Advanced grade wand named "Neisythenia".

In Elena previous world item grades were divided into 9 grades. They are in ascending order- Low(~lv. 50), Intermediate(lv. 50-200), High(lv. 200-500), Top(lv. 500-700), Advanced(lv. 700-900), Superior(lv. 900+), Legendary, Mythical and Divine grade.

Lengendary, Mythical and Divine grades were special weapons which were insanely strong. Only a very few top individual had those. Genesis was even stronger but it is not included in this category as it was impossible for someone to create it except the world itself.

So Advanced Grade weapons can very well be divine grade for this world. Rishia was very happy getting it as a gift.

On the other side, in the first team there was someone who had made an even bigger advancement. That was none other than Marina. She had finally reached level 251, becoming the second A rank adventurer of the Azure Legion. That was also a very big achievement and she got an Advanced Grade spear named "Killmarya" from Elena.

The first group also fought against another monster who was level 298. It was a monster king and was quite strong. It looked like a fat lizard but with rock like scales. It looked like a very heavy and slow monster but was actually specialised in agility. It also had an "Eye of Petrification" that was troublesome for the first group to deal with.

The second group's next monster was the sole A ranker on the eastern island, a level 299 Giant Golem made of lava. It had high physical and magic resistance, so dealing any damage to it was very hard. So it took them quite a long time to put this monster down.

After that both of the team had a lunch break. Elena had already killed all the other S rank or higher level monster present in this floor. But none of the teams was able to find the stairs to the third floor. When both the group members were bragging to each other and talking about not finding the stairs Elena informed them-

"The stairs to the fourth floor is not on any of the islands. It's actually under water. But you all can't do anything about it as there are almost no A rank monster in that place only S or even stronger are present so I will tackle it alone. But that will be tomorrow not today. From now to before the end of the day you all are going to practice with some monsters I will summon. I shall summon them according to your needs so everyone will get a different monster to hone their skill. Now let's get started."

Elena only had 12 summons but that was the case for only specialised individual whom Elena had tamed and then made them her summons. As someone who had evolved the Life Magic to Creation Magic, she can easily create any and all types of monsters or even humans if she wished.

Throughout this expedition Elena had seen the capabilities of all the adventurers, so it was easy for her to give them a special training. Another adventurer, who was the leader of a B rank party called "Blazing Inferno" had also reach level 240+ coming closer to becoming an A rank.

Shia, Nina and Jack the brawler of Five Armaments were also close to reaching the A rank.

After all the training, Elena gave a huge feast to all of them as many reached new heights today in their life. So, she definitely wanted to celebrate this with them. Elena was already the biggest idol for all the Adventurers but it felt like she became something even more special than that to the adventurers after today.

And that is how the third day came to an happy and joyous end.


Day 3 -> Progression of 2 floors

Current location -> Third Floor (Endless Sea)

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