
Chapter 50 Showing Submission?

The next day, Ye Zhenzhen woke up naturally with Song Yuchen at the hotel. It was the sixth day of recording, and there were no cameras or following crews in the hotel room, making them both quite relaxed.

That day, Ye Zhenzhen wore a windbreaker and dressed Song Yuchen in a little jacket, considering it would be a bit cold when climbing to the mountain's peak at this time of year, she also packed two thicker clothes in her backpack before leaving.

Song Yuchen sat on the sofa, looking somewhat downcast. Ye Zhenzhen poured him a glass of water, "Xiao Chen, what's wrong?"

Song Yuchen's brow furrowed, a tone of unhappiness evident in his soft, childlike voice, "I kind of miss Dad."

From the grand floor-to-ceiling window of the hotel, you could see the big sign of Anshan Ski Resort in the distance, reminding Song Yuchen of his father's promise to take him skiing on his birthday.

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