
Chapter 26 - Stats, Aptitude and Meaningless Sex

"I thought it was crazy talk…but it is true," Rei Miyamoto stood on the street they recently passed by, where the Hoard of Hundred Zombies walked, and the civilians were evacuating. Today, the road was empty, all the civilians had crossed the bridge, or found their way across or died. As for the Hoard.

Takashi's eyes went wide, seeing the building lying on its side, "Is that even possible…to do something like that with the strength of a human body alone?"

"It's possible if you use your brain rather than brawn," Saya walked over to them, having surveyed the base of the building. After going to Takagi Estate, she was able to access the data of many people, their stats, their grades, and she figured out what numbers and letters represent.

"When it comes to strength parameter, 1 point represents 50 Kg. That means people with 10 points can lift or punch with 500 Kg strength behind their arms. But everyone is different. Some have good aptitude for strength, some have bad. Like Saeko-senpai, she has a C-Rank while Aurum had S-Rank in his strength. Those with G-Rank can bring about 10% of their stats. Means about 50 Kg. F represents 20%, E is 30, D is 50, C is 60, B is 80, A is for 100."

"Those with A Rank can lift about 500 to 600 Kg at Level 10," Saya raised her finger, sounding her usual condescending self.

"What about S Rank?" Hisashi asked. Along with Kohta Hirano, the five of them were the only ones who came to check on the scene and use this chance to Level Up. While searching for clues about Aurum's disappearance.

"Don't know," Saya shrugged, "Even my father only has A-Rank. Clearly, S Rank is a Special Rank. Hypothetically, it could range anywhere from 200% to 1000%. He was about Level 15, and my father could lift about 1.5 ton when he was at that Rank. He should have strength ranging from 3 Ton to 15 tons."

"Even with that, it is not enough to break through a foundation pillar. He must have used some kind of ability to do that," Saya answered Takashi's question, 'people who are able to reach Level 11…they might or might not awaken an ability. Eve is a unique case where she got ability from a God.'

'Our group is special too. Everyone managed to awaken an ability.'

Rei hugged her arm, looking towards the state of disaster, the building that crushed many zombies for sure, "at least we know that he didn't die."

Hisashi glanced towards Rei, he was sensitive to changes in her emotions. He was observing her because of Takashi, but her emotions fluctuated more when it was about Aurum. He screwed his eyebrows, "Then why hasn't he come back? Is he hurt, trapped?"

"Of course not! He's fine!" Saya abruptly screamed, making the others look towards her face twisted in anger. He gasped, looking away when she felt a pat on her shoulder.

"It could be because of Level Up."

"Don't—" Saya was about to shout at Hirano who tried to calm her down when her eyes widened. She jerked her head towards the building, parting her lips, "Right, if he killed so many zombies by making the building fall…and each one of them stronger than normal ones then he could have levelled up a lot. That kind of surge in strength could be risky."

"If that's the case, then he couldn't have gone far! He has to be somewhere nearby!" A sparkle appeared in Saya's eyes, making Hirano grin. He looked towards Takashi, who smiled and nodded.

"Then it's clear. We know what we have to do. We are going to kill off any left-over zombie and clear this whole area!" Takashi rested his baseball bat on his shoulder, clenching his fist, "We are going to find him and bring him back!"

"Right, let's do this!"

Takagi Estate,

"You should have gone with them. I know you are worried about him too," Eve was lying on the corner of the dojo, looking at Saeko who sat at the centre of the dojo, keeping her beloved katana on her knees.

"As worried as you?" Saeko retorted.

"No…I can't go," Eve lowered her ruby eyes, "but I can protect myself from any threat here. Outside, I will only invite trouble. This is your chance to get stronger."

"Strength," Saeko opened her blue eyes, fixing them on Eve, "these numbers and levels are spoiling people. They aren't everything. A person's skills are important as well. I trained my swordsmanship for as long as I remember. The strength I can bring out when I was Level 4, and now that I am Level 19, is exceptionally different. Rather than rushing to gain these stats…it is better to understand the power you hold and bring it out to the fullest. Stats are stats. Aptitude is Aptitude, and Skills are Skills. What people lack…is experience."

"And you have that. Self-training is really a better idea for you," Eve murmured. She sat up, "still, I have a bad feeling. Saeko, can you come with me and check around the Estate?"

"Bad feeling?" Saeko raised her eyebrows.

"According to Saya I have Luck Stat. I should trust my instinct, and I agree with her."

"Could be from all the men trying to get a look at you?"

"No, they feel like greed and lust. This is different. This feeling is darker, sinking, like power…and hate. Probably…"

"A Survivor," Saeko climbed on her feet, gripping her katana's hilt, "Ok, if so. Then we should take care of it before it becomes a problem."

"Ok," Eve rolled over, making Saeko roll her eyes.

"Without him around. You don't have a speck of life in you."

"I don't want to hear that from someone who hides her true self even when he is around."

"My true self," Saeko gave Eve an uncomfortable look, "it's better this way." 

Eve rolled over again, "Hah, you…Saeko, why do you like big brother so much. You two don't even talk to each other. Normal acquaintances talk more than you two do."

Saeko stopped as she thought of Eve's question. She felt a smile appear on her lips as she narrowed her eyes, "Why? Because both of us wear a mask to fit in the society, because there is a side of us that no one would accept. Because…that side of him…only I know."

"I don't believe you," Eve sat up, "I know everything about big brother!"

"Hm, do you now," Saeko tilted her head to the side, "Do you think talent is enough to describe the skills he has? Or that any other boy or man in this world could protect you from all that is evil? There are no limits he won't cross for you. The limits of his insanity…"

An excited look appeared in Saeko's eyes as the corner of her lips curved into a dangerous smile, "I have seen the limits of his insanity! And I fell in love with that side of him! It's too much! When I am around him, it takes everything I have told hold myself back!! To wait, and wait until it is only us!"

She tightly gripped her katana, shivering as she raised her flushed face. She let out a shuddering breath, her eyes covering in bliss, "ahhh…just the thought of him…it's too much for me."

Eve puffed her cheeks, sulking, 'a side of big brother that I don't know…? That's not fair!'

Under Looking Glass Mansion, The Hive,

"Nervous?" Aurum stood with the Sanitation Squad. Everyone was busy making the last-ditch preparation. Though his attention was on the Hispanic woman with medium length dark brown hair and a face that remained sour and angry. She wore a black leather jacket over a grey tank top, black cargo pants, black boots and gloves.

"No," she sharply replied, loading her gun, checking for aim before she put it down, noticing him still standing beside her. She raised her brown eyes, "aren't you? You are going to be in the front."

"Not really," Aurum nonchalantly looked away at others who were preparing when he noticed Alice's sneaky gaze. Ever since a few hours ago, he had been avoiding her. For a simple reason, 'I need a meaningless sex than what I have with Alice.'

"Why…is it because of your power?"

"It has nothing to do with power," Aurum shrugged, "I waited for so long because I wasn't prepared to fight against Umbrella. Rather, if I wasn't prepared, then I wouldn't have stopped you. I would have let you all enter and get yourself killed. I think."

He scratched his cheek, "I am not one of those exciting guys who rush into battle and fight till the edge of their lives, and then manage to survive. When I am fighting, I make sure I have won before it starts."

He dangerously narrowed his crystal blue eyes, "when I am done here. I would have crippled Umbrella enough that others have a fighting chance."

"You sound like you are preparing for your death," having been in this profession long enough, Rain was sensitive to people who fought to die.

"I don't plan on dying…but I know I have a little sister out there somewhere. I need to go search for her. As long as I cripple Umbrella and keep them occupied, my work is done. I'd have enough time to search for her. Others can keep fighting."


"Just oh? I figured you'd shout something like the world could end or things like those."

"She's family. Of course, you will go to save her first," Rain picked her SMG, walking away from him, making him smile as he scratched his head.

'Man, meaningless sex…is asking that too much? Ah, whatever. Let's get this over with.'

"Alright, shitheads! Time to kill some zombies!"

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