
The Camp

Two months passed inside the den

Elijah ran around the broken-down building, dodging the arrowheads that came after him; one grazed his ankle. (Fuck!…). He managed not to cry out as he leaped away from the building. Before he did that, he dropped something near the broken-down building. The Fallen cashed after him. They looked like humanoid dogs with long black snots and high perched-up ears. They had a third eye on the top of their heads, and one of the Fallen shot an arrow at Elijah; he had managed to dodge it, but it was a trap; a fallen had gotten in front of him.

In the past two months, Elijah spent that time hunting rabbits and working out, but he realized that one day he would have to fight the stronger fallen, but he couldn't do that on his own, even with Otto's help. He made a plan to deal with them; this was it.

"not so smart now, are you?" a fallen spoke. Its voice was like hearing a chalk scratch against a board. Elijah didn't respond as he took short breaths. "Should we just kill this thing?" one of the Fallen spoke, it had a thin body, but it looked as strong as any average human. "No, the chief asked us to bring him in….." The Fallen's gazes all met Elijah, "shouldn't we break his legs so that he doesn't try to run away?" a fallen asked. The group all nodded


Elijah let out a ferocious sound as tears came crawling down his face. The fallen were slightly stronger than the average human when they snapped his leg they didn't know their strength, Blood came pouring down Elijah's leg as a bone poutered through his lower leg, the fallen looked at each other they didn't say a single word. one of them grabbed Elijah by his injured leg then pulled him, he let out another ferocious sound.

this lasted until the monsters got back to the camp "Head chief, we have brought back the intruder" The chief was a big dog-like fallen; its eyes were lowered, its skin was wrinkled with many scars half of its jaw was gone, but it could still speak.

It had a large groustic horn sticking out from its head, and it looked as if it got stabbed by something. "So….., this was the little creature that kept on killing our man in the night?" the chief spoke. Its voice sounded like a blender getting mixed with metal. The chief signaled for them to put Elijah down.

Elijah curled up into a ball, his face covered with sweat. "Why did you attack them? You already have enough resources to survive.." the chief looked at Elijah with no hatred but curiosity. (…He knows that I live in that shed?) Elijah rugged his face into the dirt after a few seconds. He raised his head, groaning in pain. He answered in a whispered tone, "isnt logical to hunt those that are of greater danger even if they haven't done anything yet?"

The chief softly chuckled, then answered, "Of course! without that mindset, we would have all died….but that mindset is also idiotic; if we have continued to follow that, then we all would have been killed by him a long time ago.." Elijah listened closely as the chief spoke.

"to survive in this den, we need fear; it's what anchors us to reality. It's the sole reason why we are still alive." Elijah didn't say anything.

(who is 'Him'? Is he some boss that rules this place?…? It looks like it was a good idea to get captured by these fallen….they are very tricky to deal with since they have common sense ) Elijah though he didn't stay quiet for too long, then answered the chief honestly, "I attacked them because I feared them. I knew that they were dangerous, so I asked myself: "What is going to stop them when they choose to attack?" I did the only thing that came to mind, Hunt"

The chief released a loud laugh. The ground was slowly shaking (it's almost time!) Elijah followed along. He wasn't laughing with the Chief; he was laughing at them. He spent weeks planning; he had back plan after backup plans just to wipe them out, but before he did, he asked. "…..who exactly is 'HE?'" The chief tilted his head then answered, "he is the boss of this very den. He rules over everything here….sadly you won't get to meet him.." the chief paused "Put him in the 'oven'" the fallen dragged Elijah by his broken leg, this time he didn't scream.

The ground beneath them started to shake violently. The chief managed to stay on his feet while the others fell. He looked around, and in a few seconds, his eyes met Elijah. "…..was this some trap he set up?" the chief asked himself. The distortion of the camp was emanated. The chief led its crying people to safety. "you bastard!" a fallen yell, it ran towards Elijah, but It was cut in half by the time it got close enough. "Was he this strong?"

Elijah raised his spirituality. The strings around him became visible; they were a sliver color, but it was dyed red with blood. "How didn't I sense it?" Elijah used the string to 'fix' his broken bone. He sewed it up together and then placed the bone back in place. "You didn't sense it because I didn't activate it….in the den. You monsters have a strong ability to sense spirituality, I thought to myself over and over. How could I beat someone like that? It was straightforward to use something that had none. I used the bodies of your comrades as bait to pull out those with a strong ability to sense me. The whole reason I killed your comrades was this plan; after I drew you guys out, I planted this arcane in the hidden parts of your defenses"

The chief laughed as electricity sparked around him; he dashed forward to Elijah in a nanosecond. He pulled back his fist, ready to strike, when suddenly his arm was on the floor, and he was launched up into the air. The strings all came from him in different directions. 'What happened?.. I was about to beat that boy when something slashed me,' the fallen thought back to what just happened when it was launching itself towards Elijah; something burst from the floor then sliced his arm; in that time by instant, the fallen had launched itself into the air to avoid the finishing blow.

In a simple move, the fallen avoided the string's attack, and with its remaining hand, it launched a black thunderbolt at Elijah. Elijah screamed out [Blade of wind]. The wind cut down all of the fallen that tried to escape. The thunder, however, directly hit Elijah.

Elijah fell to the floor, his body passing out; the fallen landed at the bottom it saw all his friends and family lying down, their guts splattered. Some are cut in half, or some chocking on their blood as they slowly lose breath. "This monster planned all of this; he purposely got captured so that he could set off those arcane, he doesn't seem to have his power, but he somehow killed them all off….he must be dealt with now," the fallen rose its hand, it turned a black color as electricity sournned its hand, it was about to strike when it released something.

"why didn't he just send the blade of wind at me instead of my people?" the fallen stepped back and observed Elijah's body without getting closer. Nothing was out of the ordinary "Just as a precaution, I will kill him from a distance" the fallen walked back a little it was near its chair when a though came into its head '….could this also be a form of this boy traps?' it was about to dash closer when it got priced the fallen looked over to Elijah body "I swear you were dead?!."

Elijah answered honestly, "I was…" The fallen body then got split apart from its torso to its head

Earlier in the fight, after Elijah had activated the trap, it was going well when the chief activated its electricity ability, and it managed to kill Elijah; after his death, Elijah formulated a plan to kill the chief, and he trained himself to actative the string of fate which he had called it.

he learned how to use it more and how to use its disadvantages to his advantage. One of the downsides of the string of fate is if you don't feed it blood, then it will go on a rampage, so to take advantage of this, Elijah tracked down the dog fallen then he spent weeks determining its weak spots it took time, but after doing so he launched a raid on hem by putting up its fallen comrade's bodies where they could see it, he then led the dog like fallen to the heard of rabbits he had planted one of the dead fallen with he rabbits after he did that he placed parts of a string of fate around the fallen camp he didn't activate his plan for about two weeks he realized that if he held off too long then, they might notice it and worn the chief just like his last death. That was the reason he died. His plan back then was very sloppy, but now he had perfected the plan and put it into action.

(if he were more cautious of me, then my plan would have failed, and I would have started over again…)

There will only be one chapter this week

Alan_Grimlordcreators' thoughts
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