

"Jadoo what did you see?" asked Kim Minseo.

They went to a hill with horses. Kim Minseo took Kim Aera to a fortune teller who was the most trusted in the kingdom. This fortune teller is hard to find, she also rarely receives guests except with people she knows. Although many who want to meet, ask for a good date for marriage and also give birth. Still, that person rarely wants to, even if she will also ask her men to come to see how the kingdom is.

Jadoo looked at Kim Aera closely, he only saw one woman who had lost her way. No two women have swapped bodies or crossed the dimension of time. everything purely happened on purpose. Lifting both of his hands from the white orb with golden blue light, Jadoo shook his head.

"There is no exchange of souls. Nothing transcends the dimension of time." Jadoo explained.

"You mean?" Kim Aera rested her hands on the small table. "You mean I got lost like that?" Jadoo shook his head dizzy, and of course, that annoyed Kim Aera. "Tell me clearly, what do you mean? Otherwise… I will kill you!!" threatened Kim Aera.

Kim Minseo and also Jadoo were surprised by Kim Aera's threat, this woman is known to be quiet and innocent. Never said rude to threaten like this. And of course, this is the first time Kim Minseo heard that directly from Kim Aera's lips.

"Be patient, there may be further explanations. Just wait." Kim Minseo said.

Jadoo just smiled a little, this woman's stubbornness is not the nature of this body. But here, God has shown that women who have full rights have returned. There is no exchange of souls because there is only one soul and the woman chooses to return to the past. So, if she lives in the modern world, it's a sign that she has interacted.

Kim Aera doesn't understand anymore, what is reincarnation!! Did she in her previous reincarnation become a concubine? Seriously!!

"Jadoo, she stubbornly wants to return to the future world. Can she return, or will she be stuck here forever?"

"There is no way out. If she wants to return to the future, she must die."

For God's sake… Kim Aera didn't know what to do. Dead? She had to kill this body as well as the baby? Seriously! Even though she's a killer doesn't mean she has to kill this innocent baby right?

"Then thank you," said Kim Aera and left.

Kim Minseo who saw this smiled stiffly in front of Jadoo and followed Kim Aera leaving Jadoo's house. She stared at the back of the girl who was walking continuously without stopping.

"Aero wait…." the boy tries to chase the girl. Instead of stopping, Kim Aera ran fast to avoid Kim Minseo. Had he forgotten that the woman was pregnant?

Using supernatural powers, Kim Minseo chose to fly into the air until he arrived in front of Kim Aera. He held the hand, intending to ask Kim Aera to stop his steps. But the woman who was there put up a fight, and the battle between Kim Minseo and Kim Aera was inevitable. They were both strong, Kim Minseo even fell many times when Kim Aera gave up. And amazingly, that woman can control Kim Minseo's emotions quickly. She is good at tricking you into strategies so that Kim Minseo always loses.

"Don't ever bother me!!" the girl hissed, stepping on Kim Minseo's chest with her right foot.

"Aera, I just want–"

"What do you want!! You look happy that I can't come back!! I just want to go home, I have a mission to do!!" Kim Aera screamed. She pulled her leg that was on Kim Minseo's chest and left him again.

Meanwhile, the man was only able to look back at Kim Aera's back, which was far away before his eyes. The man was still taking deep breaths, the moment came when Kim Minseo wanted to leave, and Jadoo patted Kim Minseo's shoulder.

"Young man... I give you this bracelet, put it on the woman's right hand earlier. She will know who she is and why she came back, there is something she must finish in this time before she returns to the future." Jadoo explained.

Kim Minseo received the bracelet and kept it. He was about to thank Jadoo, but the old woman was gone. No wonder everyone believes in her predictions, she is so powerful. With just one blink, she can disappear.


Kim Aera returned to the palace. She saw Lee Yunji who immediately blocked her steps. The woman showed a sweet smile, but what Kim Aera saw was a look full of resentment and hatred. Approaching Kim Aera, the woman immediately touched Kim Aera's shoulder gently.

"I was so worried when I found out that you were gone with your baby. But I was also happy when you came back with your baby," said Lee Yunji in a low voice. His hand touched Kim Aera's flat stomach, which made Kim Aera want to push away the hand but she didn't, "Hmm, Aera will soon become your throne, you managed to conceive the King's child." said Lee Yunji back.

And what is clear is that Kim Aera is not at all interested in the throne, she doesn't want any throne. She just wanted to return to the modern world nothing more. If only it could be exchanged, maybe Kim Aera would choose to exchange it.

Putting on a fake smile she said, "Yes. I didn't think I was pregnant with the king's child. Even though you're the king's first wife."

Lee Yunji faked a smile, he knew that Kim Aera was insinuating herself because until now she has not been able to conceive a royal child. Although not desperate, it seems that Do Mingyu has completely lost interest in Lee Yunji's body.

Kim Aera asked the woman to be patient, maybe God had not granted what Lee Yunji wanted. She only needed to beg with a compassionate heart for God to have mercy on her and send the little angel into Lee Yunji's stomach. If only that woman would change her character, everything would be fine.

"What nature do you mean, Aera?" Lee Yunji frowned confused by what Kim Aera said.

Meanwhile, Kim Aera, who was lazy to reply to this, decided to give in. She left just like that after bowing respectfully to Lee Yunji. He knew that a concubine or even the king's legal wife would do anything to get what he wanted. And of course, Lee Yunji also couldn't stay silent, especially knowing that Kim Aera was pregnant.

Taking a deep breath, Kim Aera returned to her room. She also saw Deji who was sitting beside Kim Aera's small table. The woman tilted her head, while Deji immediately got up from his seat and approached Kim Aera.

"Mama ... where are you from, the queen mother is looking for you," Deji said.

Kim Aera sighed. "Hmm, I'm going out for a while to get some fresh air. What is she looking for me for?"

Deji didn't know, because the queen's mother didn't say anything. She only said that if Kim Aera returns, the queen's mother wants to meet Kim Aera. Frowning her brows, Kim Aera didn't understand even more, and of course that immediately made Kim Aera dizzy.

Turning her body, Kim Aera immediately went to meet Yura. The woman's hand rose in the air, making Deji startled. Kim Aera turned her head and glanced at Deji who was silent behind her.

"You don't need to come with me, Deji. I can do it myself."

"But Mama–"

"Stay here, I'll be back quickly." Kim Aera interrupted quickly before Deji continued his words.

While Deji who saw that immediately clenched his fists while swallowing his saliva roughly.


"Greetings Empress Mother Yura," said Kim Aera bowing respectfully.

Yura smiled, and she immediately asked Kim Aera to stand up. It wasn't good to stoop for too long in a pregnant state, Yura also asked several maids to serve lunch and tea for Kim Aera.

"The Queen Mother doesn't need to bother, I can even eat alone in my room." refused Kim Aera softly.

"You can indeed eat in the room itself, Aera. But I want to have lunch with you today."

Kim Aera was silent for a moment, she began to pay attention to Yura's face. Here Kim Aera saw Yura's cynical face that was visible, even though her eyes blinked many times of course that cynical face was still visible in Kim Aera's view. Earlier she saw Lee Yunji disliking face, and now she saw Yura's cynical face. Honestly, what happened to him? why did she come into this world and feel different?

The food is ready to be served, and Kim Aera's eyes widen perfectly. Vegetables, meat, and also some puddings made from rice. There's even rice with water and egg broth. Food with a pungent fishy aroma, which sometimes makes Kim Aera nauseous.

Yura raised the mini glass into the air "We can drink tea first, Aera."

Nodding slightly, while taking the small glass in front of him. Kim Aera drank the tea decisively, then looked at Yura who seemed confused by what Kim Aera was doing.

Yura just understands Kim Aera's impolite attitude. Have tea with an older person, preferably covering half of their face with their arm. But what Kim Aera did did not show that she was an empress.

"Can I eat? We meet for lunch, right?"

Yura nodded stiffly. "Yes. We met for lunch, and discussed how you came to drink the poison."

Glance at Yura for a moment. The woman doesn't need to know how she was poisoned, what is clear is that Kim Aera will look for it herself until she finds out who did evil to this body.

To be continued

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