
Eclipse's Sinister Scheme          

However, it seemed that the remaining players were mostly leftovers from different guilds who didn't have that kind of equipment, so they were easily ensnared by the trap.


With this kind of trap, if you were ensnared first, it would be hard to take any items to cure the status effect. You needed at least a healer or someone who was unaffected to hand you the curing potion.


If not, then you could only wait for your doom or until the status effect wore off.


Xin quickly helped Victor by throwing a [Cure] potion on his way, which quickly allowed him to break free from the paralyzing effect of the smog.


Though their visibility was still zero even with his dark vision inherent ability.


"What's going on? Is this the boss's doing?" Victor asked.


Xin shook his head. "I doubt it. The countdown is still ticking. That means that the boss should not appear yet."


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