
Adventurer’s Guild and Auction    

Drasta beamed. "Where are you headed next, if I might ask?"

"To a shop."

"Are you going to sell your items?"

Xin nodded.

"Then I suggest you head to the Adventurer's guild. Every town has one. It's a place where players can trade and sell their items, and you might get a better price for your things there. They also provide assistance to players and have new quests posted on a daily basis, so it's worth checking out."

Xin could only nod in return.

With a cheerful expression, Drasta continued on her way, leaving Xin to ponder her suggestion.

As he made his way toward the Adventurer's Guild, a thought struck him, causing him to pause in his tracks.

Until now, Xin had noticed that he received rare items from NPCs when his [Relationship Level] with them reached an intimate level. Initially, he had thought it was merely a part of a quest and hadn't given it much thought. However, now he wondered if this pattern would hold true with other NPCs as well.

Curiosity sparked within him, and he decided to put his theory to the test by attempting to reach an intimate level with other NPCs.

He still had ten minutes, enough time to test his theory, and went for a Dwarven merchant on the side of the street.

"Hi," Xin greeted.

And as he expected, his [Relationship Level] with Thrumble Stoneforge increased to [Acquaintance] at just a greeting.

"Well, ain't ye a friendly one! What brings ye to me humble stall?"

"I was just passing . . ."

"Ye've got a good eye, lad! These here are the finest creations on this side of the island. What catches yer fancy?

"Uhmm . . ."

"Ahuh! I know! You can have this Arkrune! Aye, 'twas a labor of love, that one. Spent weeks channelin' me dwarven magic into it, enhancin' its effect and potency. It's a piece of my heart, that Arkrune!"



Wondrous item, Legendary

This item reduces crafting time by 75%! ]


Xin was ecstatic that his theory was correct.

"Thank you."

"Ye flatter me, lad. But I can see ye appreciate fine craftsmanship. Tell ye what, since ye seem like a genuine fella, I'll give ye a special discount on all my items here. 50% off! Consider it a gesture of goodwill between INTIMATE friends! Harharhar!"

". . ."

Xin didn't like the sound of intimate friends, especially with a guy, so he hurriedly said his thanks and left.

At least, he tested his theory and came out correct in the end. Now it was time to head over to the guild.

The Adventurer's Guild on the island stood as a remarkable sight, its architecture showcasing a blend of practicality and grandeur. The building itself was a sturdy structure, constructed primarily with timber and stone, reflecting a rustic charm that resonated with the island's natural surroundings.

The guild hall featured a thatched roof that sloped gracefully, sheltering the interior from the elements. Intricate wooden carvings adorned the outer walls, depicting scenes of heroic quests and legendary creatures, capturing the essence of adventure.

Above the entrance, a massive wooden sign proudly displayed the guild's emblem — a crossed sword and staff, symbolizing the harmony between martial prowess and intellectual pursuits.

As Xin stepped inside, he was greeted by an expansive common area bustling with activity. The interior was open and spacious, with high ceilings supported by sturdy wooden beams.

Sunlight poured through large windows, casting warm hues on the polished wooden floor. The walls were adorned with maps, banners, and various weapons and artifacts.

A central hearth crackled with a cozy fire, around which players gathered and shared information. Seating arrangements scattered throughout the hall provided spaces for rest and socializing, with players and NPCs from different races and backgrounds engaged in lively conversations.

At the far end of the hall, a prominent notice board displayed a medley of parchment papers, each containing details of new quests and bounties.

Nearby, a bustling trade area offered merchants and vendors an opportunity to showcase their goods, their stalls brimming with weapons, armor, potions, and other adventuring essentials.

Above the main hall, a spiraling staircase led to upper levels, housing private chambers for guild leaders, trainers, and the guild's extensive library.

The library, with its towering bookshelves and cozy reading nooks, held a wealth of knowledge on monsters, ancient artifacts, and forgotten realms, providing a haven for scholars and researchers.

No one paid Xin any mind when he entered. Everyone was busy doing their own thing.

He went directly to the front desk, and an NPC named Emma greeted him with all smiles.

"Hello there!"

Xin ignored the notification popping on his screen saying that he and Emma were now [Acquaintance].

He was eager to sell his items before he ran out of time. With the warning sign blinking on his screen, signaling his impending logout, he had to act quickly.

"Hi. I've got some items to sell," he said, his voice filled with urgency though his face remained blank. The minutes ticking away added pressure to his already hurried demeanor.

His quest for NPC domination to acquire their rare items would have to wait until his next login. He hoped to make some quick coin by selling his items before he was forced to leave the virtual world.

As the guild member prepared to assess Xin's items, time seemed to be slipping away rapidly. Xin couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency, wondering if he would be able to complete the transaction in time.

"Whoa, you've got some really special items here," Emma exclaimed with excitement. "If you want to get the most out of them, I'd recommend auctioning them off."


As usual, the more Xin replied, the more the NPCs [Relationship Level] with him increased though he had gotten used to it by this point.

"Indeed, by putting your items up for auction, many players will have the chance to see and bid on them," Emma elaborated. "You can choose how long you want the auction to run, and during that time, the items will be listed at their regular prices. If no one bids by the end of the auction, the guild will buy the items from you at the regular market price. Just keep in mind that there's a 5% fee on every successful auctioned item."

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