
Chapter XXVIII: Training & The Chopping Block

"No surprise that Todoroki won the vote last night." Kaminari sighed.

Sero responded, "Just one vote difference and I could have won too."

Mineta replied, "If you guys actually looked in my room then I would have captured all the girl votes!"

Kaminari side-eyed him, "If we saw your room they probably would have got you thrown in Tartarus, for better or for worse."

Kirishima murmured, "Definitely for better..."

Aizawa entered the class and cleared his throat. As I mentioned yesterday, your primary goal is to get your provisional licenses. Hero licenses are intrinsically tied to the saving of lives, so one must naturally pass a difficult test to qualify. Even the provisional license test coming up typically only has a 50% success rate. Which is why starting today, each of you needs to come up with at least two ultimate moves!"

He made a come-here motion toward the door, and Midnight, Cementoss, and Ectoplasm came in.

Half the class stood and erupted in cheer, "Ultimate moves!"

"This is kinda like a school thing, but totally hero-like at the same time!"

As the class was briefed on their next ten days of training, Danzo stood around a scorched ash-filled room. His breathing was heavy and he wiped a drop of blood that ran down his cheek. After controlling his breathing his finger went along the crevice of the third Crack going down his face, "What a strong quirk..." 

His phone rang, and he picked it up, "Yes?"

"We were unsuccessful in moving up Nagant's execution date. On top of that, AFO being brought to the prison has put them on higher alert. They aren't letting anyone who isn't the staff roam the prison anymore, not even someone like you. What do you think we should do from here?"

Danzo grimaced, "That's unfortunate... Perhaps someone else in the prison can be bribed to... make her disappear. Get it arranged; if she can't be killed through the system, then we must do it another way. She's a loose end that can't be allowed to live."

"Understood sir."

Back at the class's training spot, Midoriya stretched out. A light bulb went off in his head, 'Since I can control my quirk now... can I make a strong air blast with 8%?'

He held up his arm and aimed it at a concrete mound with a braced finger. When he released it, it let out a burst of wind, but it only blew away the dust on the ground. Midoriya sweatdropped and his arms fell to his sides, 'I don't think that would do much even if I got a gadget to focus it...'

He put his hand up to his chin and murmured to himself, "Can a really strong kick count as an ultimate move? My quirk is really all about enhanced strength... and I'm clearly not at the level All Might was where he could just manipulate the weather with punches... so if that's the case then"—

—"Issue, Midoriya?" Midoriya yelped and looked up at Ectoplasm. 

"It's just that... my quirk isn't something that I can push the limits of safely... and I can't think of a traditional ultimate move."

"Hm, that's all true. Perhaps you should just focus on learning your quirk better for now."

"Yeah... I think so. Thank you." 

Close by, Mina rolled her wrist, 'This will be a great opportunity to practice shooting out acid with more pressure.'

She furrowed her brow and backed away from a mound about 10 meters. She tensed her hand and tried to build up the pressure right behind her pours. 'Now just gotta make it come out of a small area...'

The acid shot through the mound with the stream of a pressure washer. She smiled and hopped up and down, "Yeah! Haha! Did you see that?"

The Ectoplasm clone nodded, "That was great. See if you can make it faster"

"Totally! If it gets fast enough maybe I can do that thing Todoroki does."

Sasuke glanced down at her from the mound he stood on, 'Nice. That distance is getting deadly.' He cracked his neck and manifested his Armored Susanoo. 'Two ultimate moves. The Yasaka Magatama beads should count as an ultimate move. Hell, just this stage of my quirk should be an ultimate move... but I can still do better... an arrow.'

His mind drifted back to what Hiruzen said and his Susanoo slowly manifested a bow and string. He put an arrow in it and drew it back, aiming it at a medium-sized mound no one stood on. He released the arrow and it cut through the air with no resistance at a speed he couldn't perceive. Everyone heard an explosion and turned to see the mound collapse in on itself as the arrow left a gaping hole straight through it.

Sasuke shared wide eyes with most other people; Ectoplasm regained his composure and stated, "That was a very... ultimate move. But maybe go for something less lethal."

Sasuke smiled and chuckled. In the mound, he saw the outline of AFO with a gaping hole in his torso. "Got it."

Kirishima smiled, "That guy always has something new up his sleeve."

A bead of sweat fell down Sero's cheek, "The firepower of some of these guys is insane."

Mineta pulled at his hair, "How are people gonna look at that and tell me genetic determinism isn't real?"

Bakugo glared at the result of the arrow, 'I won't fall behind!' His hands glowed and he focused a blast through a circle he made with his fingers. 'I can do a piercing shot too! AP shot!' He blasted through a mound which went clean through.  

He smiled, but it quickly disappeared as he saw All Might walk by, "Watch out!"

All Might looked up at the falling boulder, but couldn't move as it seemed to grow in size as it got closer. Midoriya kicked the rock out of nowhere, saving All Might. "Are you okay, All Might?"

He smiled, "Yeah," he looked up at Bakugo, "Sorry, young Bakugo."

Bakugo glared down at them before turning away, "Watch yourself, All Might!"

His smile disappeared, "Yeah... right," he glanced down at his hand, 'I thought I came to terms with this, but I really am the one that needs protecting now.'

4 days later, the girls lounged around in the common area. Mina sunk into the couch, "Getting worked to the bone every day isn't so bad."

Jiro stretched her arms out, "Never thought I'd hear you say that."

Hagakure asked, "How are your ultimate moves coming along, Momo?"

"Well, I have the ideas in my head... but my body isn't quite there yet. I still have to train up my quirk more."

"You Tsuyu?"

"I'm working on my more frog-like techniques, they'll shock everyone."


"It's going great! I can shoot my acid far and fast without having to put my hands together anymore."

"How about you, Ochaco?"

Ochaco was looking off into space and Tsuyu poked her, "Ochaco?"

She spit out her drink and yelped.

"Are you wiped out?"

"N-no! I still have miles to go... I think... I don't know." She looked down. Her cheeks were tinted, and her lips curled, "Lately, my mind has been all over the place."

Mina gained a huge smile, "It's love."

Uraraka's whole face matched her cheeks and she waved her hands rapidly as she floated off, "W-w-what? No, not me!"

Mina put a finger on her mouth, "I think I know who... is it"—

—"Don't tease her so much, Mina. We all know who you're in love with," Momo stated.

It was Mina's turn to blush. "No, you don't!"

Hagakure leaned in, "So you are in love?"

"I didn't say that! Why are you guys flipping it on me now? No fair!" Mina covered her face.

Momo replied, "It seems perfectly fair."

Jiro shook her head, "I don't get why they don't just go for it. They could probably just walk up to them and ask them out, and they'd say yes."

Mina shook her fist, "It's not that easy!"

Hagakure stood, "Yes it is! They're super easy!"

The girls yelled back and forth for a while into the night, and elsewhere at the same time, Nagant played with a ball in her cell. She repetitively threw the ball at the pristine gray over and over. "You're having a visitor tomorrow, so be ready."

Nagant caught the wall and leaned her head on the wall, looking up, "Who is it?"

"That pro hero, Hawks."

Nagant's eyes shot from the ceiling to the guard, "Hawks?"

"Yeah, I don't know why, so don't ask why. Just be ready."

Sasuke and Danzo sat next to one another on a bench overlooking the river as the sun rose the next morning.

"Did you ever try making a faster weapon?"

Sasuke leaned back, "Yeah, I went with the arrow idea. It was extremely effective."

Danzo's lips curled up out of Sasuke's view, "Mmmm, very good."

"Yeah... I appreciate the idea, but are we only ever gonna do walks? I thought I'd be doing some form of physical training by now."

"All in due time Sasuke, not all training is physical. Your training is walking by right now." Danzo pointed at a man on his phone, right next to the river. Sasuke's eyes followed, and he looked back at Danzo.

"Is that guy some strong trainer?"

Danzo's head slowly turned to meet Sasuke's, "No, he's a pedophile."

Sasuke blinked, "... What?"

"You heard me," Danzo showed him an article on his phone; the face matched the man below them. "He just got out of prison over molestation a month ago, and he's already back to his disgusting ways." Danzo glared down at the man."

Sasuke's eyes read over everything and handed him his phone back, "Ok... but why are you telling me this? Call the cops or something."

Danzo chuckled, "And why would I do that? So he can get out in a few years and do it again?"

Sasuke didn't speak for a minute until his eyes narrowed, "You want me... to kill him."

"Yes. You've done it before."

"Yeah... but It's not something I just do on a whim cause I can."

Danzo stared back down at the man, "I believe this case warrants it. He's texting a 9-year-old girl at the moment. He likely plans to meet her around here."

Sasuke shifted on the bench, "How do you figure all this stuff out?"

"My black ops do it for me. Now then, let's stop stalling. Do you have sympathy for that man?"

"No, frankly he would deserve it."

"Then do it." Danzo's expression was stone-cold; his eyes beamed into Sasuke's soul.

Sasuke side-eyed him, "How does this help me with training?"

"It trains you mentally. Do you see how much you're hesitating over something you said you agree with in the first place? What if you have this same hesitation at a time when it matters more? Like something involving Midoriya, Tokoyami, Ashido, or someone else?"

Sasuke's head slowly turned to his feet, and he held his hands together. Danzo continued, "This man is the same as AFO in essence, taking advantage Of children for their own gain. You know this. You need to know how to be cut-throat when the situation requires it. For your own sake, and everyone else's. Now do it!" He hit his cane against the ground.

A bead of sweat fell down Sasuke's face as he processed what Danzo said in silence. He slowly stood up, and his eyes spun into their signature red and black pinwheel pattern. "Alright, I get it."

His Susanoo drew back its bow, aiming at the man near the water, and released it.

At Tartarus, Nagant was moved to the  visitation area. 'I don't think I've been in here before…' She looked around at the assortment of tables and chairs in the room. She sat at a random table and spinned a pen around between her fingers. 'Is a single thing here not gray? They really try to keep you depressed.' She propped her head on her hand and glanced around the room before hearing the door open. Her eyes turned to the sound, and Hawks approached waving a hand. "Yo, remember me? Your replacement?"

Nagant stood up and gave a half smile, "I thought my replacement would have been taller than me."

"Unfortunately not, but I at least made it higher in the Hero rankings."

"You got me there then." They stared at each other before snickering a bit. 

They both sat, and Hawks asked with a raised brow, "They're ok with you just sitting around here with no handcuffs or anything?"

Nagant pointed to a corner of the room, and Hawks' eyes followed as he saw a mounted gun. "Automated turrets are enough security to them. If I try something I get instantly blown to bits."

Hawks brows raised, "Lovely."

Nagant cleared her throat, "So, Hawks. What brings you here? The last time I saw you was…" She scratched the side of her temple, "Around the time I tried to shoot that old bastard's head off."

Hawk's smile disappeared and the air got thicker, "Yeah, It's about him... Itachi is dead." 

Nagant froze and she glared at the floor. "I... heard about Crow disappearing recently... you're sure he's dead?"

Hawk's eyes met the floor as well, "I was right next to him when he bled out..."

Nagant's lips receded in her mouth; she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, "... I see," She looked up at him, "Was it because of Danzo?"

"Yes. And there's more."

"Can the news really get much worse?"

"Yeah... Madam President was supposedly exposed for messing around with money she shouldn't have, and has been fired."

"Is that the woman who replaced the president I killed?"

He nodded, "Yup. She wasn't perfect, but she was a lot better than the man before her, and definitely the man currently sitting in the chair."

Nagant's eyes widened, "Danzo is President?"

"Yeah. Itachi kept him in check; Although, since he's gone, he must think it's safe to make all the moves he's been hiding for years."

She rubbed her forehead, "It's still crazy to think that someone killed Itachi... Japan is going to shit."

"Well me and Itachi were pretty exhausted at the time."

"What could you two have been facing that managed to exhaust both of you?"

"That's a story for another time, I probably shouldn't linger too long."

Nagant raised a brow, "It's nice to know... but why are you telling me any of this in the first place? It's not like I can help you in Tartarus. Do you think I'm next on Danzo's chopping block of loose ends?"

"That's exactly right."

Nagant smirked. "Well then thank you for letting me know someone wants to kill me... You're a pretty good successor."

Hawks smiled, "Well, it was all Itachi's idea; he deduced this might happen, so you have him to thank... actually, I take that back; you'd have to die to thank him. Don't do that." He rubbed the back of his head.

Nagant tilted her head, "Uh... yeah. Didn't plan on it."

Hawks stood up and smiled at her, "When this is all said and done. Maybe we could try to clear your name and get you out of here?"

Nagant blinked then chuckled as she waved her hands, "I really don't have any hope in our current system... I don't think you should bother."

He closed his eyes and shrugged, "Heh, maybe you're right, but I'm an optimist to a fault. I'll have Madam President owe me. She'll have to make changes."

"Are you sure that optimism hasn't veered into an illusion of reality? No prisoner has ever left this place alive before."

His eyes opened, "Has Itachi ever told you how one person's reality might be another's illusion, and vice-versa? We're all living in our own fantasies." 

Nagant's mouth didn't open again; the guard in the room took out his earphones, "Time's up, you two."

Nagant stood up and the two shook hands, "Fine... Take care of Danzo, and I'll be willing to give your way a chance."

"I'll hold you to that. I'll make you the first prisoner to leave here alive."

"I have no doubt about the first part at least."

Hawks was about to turn but stopped, "Oh yeah, and one last thing. Any tips on where I should start searching for Madam President?"

She gazed up, "On the rare occasion I couldn't find a target, I'd convince Compass Kid to tell me which way to go. Although, I think he died some years ago."

"Yeah... well thanks anyway!" He waved her off and opened the door.

The rest of the week flew by as Hawks hunted for Madam President and the students grew in strength. In the end, the day of the Licence exam came before they knew it. They exited the bus doors to the National Takoba Arena and took in the sites. 

Hagakure said, "You're a lower rank on the trending list now, you'll be fine!"

After some mumbling, they got ready to say their school cheer, "All together now!"

"Plus... ULTRA!" 

Both Sasuke and Todoroki noticed a tall student with a buzz cut joining in. A student sharing the same uniform with purple hair stated, "It's rude to intrude on another group's huddle, Inasa."

"You've got me!" He reeled back, "I am so... VERY... SORRY!" His head slammed into the concrete in an exaggerated bow that made the class reel back.

Sasuke stared at him as his forehead bled, 'Is this the same guy from the recommendation test?' His eyes met with Todoroki who shared the same knowing glance.

"I freaking love UA! It is truly an honor to compete alongside the students of UA!"

His female classmate pointed out, "Ah, he's bleeding."

"Let's go."

Aizawa mumbled, "Inasa Yoarashi."

Hagakure asked, "Do you know him, sensei?"

Kirishima added, "He's really enthusiastic; he seems like a nice dude, though."

Aizawa answered, "He's really strong. He was at the same recommendation exam as some of the students in the class; even just his top grades would have let him come, but for some reason, he chose not to attend."

Midoriya sweated, "A first-year recommendation student with top grades? Is he even better than Sasuke?"

Mineta looked at the ground in despair, "If he is, then I would like to opt out of the exam."

Kaminari slapped his back playfully, "Oh come on, we have Bakugo, Todoroki, Sasuke and even Midoriya is pretty strong lately. We're stacked! One guy isn't gonna carry their whole team."

A teacher came by with her class in tow and bothered Aizawa about marrying him. Among that class, a boisterous student with black hair forcibly shook Midoriya's hand, "My name's Shindo! UA has had it rough this year, haven't they? The hits just keep coming!"

"Uh... yeah."

He ran up to everyone and shook their hands, "But you guys still have your hearts set on becoming heroes; that's awesome! I believe the heroes of tomorrow need to have that kind of fortitude!"

He pumped his fist and Sasuke rolled his eyes. Shindo continued, "Best of all, Bakugo and Sasuke are here. Two of the students with the strongest wills that were in the center of that whole Kamino mess." He tilted his head down and tried to shake Bakugo's hand, "I'm so happy we have a chance to face guys of your caliber today. We'll give our best!"

Bakugo slaps his hand away, "Cut the crap, you can yap all you want, but your mug says it all."

Kirishima said, "Knock it off, man! Sorry, he's so rude."

Sasuke cut in, "Bakugo's right. He's just acting nice." 

Some other students from the class started walking up to them and asking Sasuke and Todoroki for autographs.

"Todoroki! You were so cool at the sports festival. Can I have your autograph?"


"Sasuke, omg you were so cool in Kamino! Can I have your autograph?"

Sasuke kept his hands in his pocket, "I'd rather not."

The girl glanced down at his hands and giggled, "Oh I get it, your hands are probably injured from that fight! Can I like, have your phone number at least? You're pretty cute..."

"Ehem!" Mina stepped in, "You're not even a student, leave us alone."

The girl pouted at her, "I wasn't even talking to you!"

Mina pouted back, "Well now you are! Goodbye!"

The girl grunted and gave her the stink-eye before leaving. 

Iida gave a thumbs up, "Amazing behavior, Ashido!"

Sasuke turned away to hide his smile. Hagakure and Uraraka snickered, "Power of love right there."

Mina blushed, "Some random girl who's not a part of our class was bothering us; I can't tell her to buzz off?"

"Only when your name is Iida." 

Mina groaned, "I can never win these battles anymore..." 

Hagakure put a hand on her shoulder, "Don't give up just yet. It's always really funny when you try to deny it." 

Mina blew a raspberry at her and the students soon entered the building. Sasuke strolled alongside Midoriya, "How was the training?"

Midoriya smiled, "It went great! I didn't ever learn a proper special move, but 8% doesn't hurt anymore."

"That's good, where were you going from here?" 

"I wanted to do a big jump next... Probably like 20%."

"That's huge, but good. With that much power, maybe you could start flicking your fingers again."

"I was thinking of something like that! How about you? Those arrows were awesome! But... well you can't really shoot through students. He rubbed the back of his head."

Sasuke looked away, "I didn't plan on using it. Don't worry, if I ever use it it'll have a boxing glove or something on the end anyway."

The class approached a door that a lot of chatter could be heard behind; they entered to be greeted by a massive hall with approximately 1,540 examinees.

While the groggy announcer explained the rules to them, Nagant worked out in the Tartarus gym. She ambled over to the squat rack and rubbed her face with a towel in the mirror. While rubbing off the sweat, she spotted two guys in her peripherals handing money to a guard who promptly left the room. When he left the room, she heard the metal click of a lock and took a deep breath. 'Is it my time?'

She glanced over at the turret in the corner of the room as it lowered while the red light faded. 'Yeah, it's time.'


Considering that a character like Danzo is in the HPSC, I thought it made sense that Nagant's backstory is a bit different.

I'll also take some liberty to tweak her backstory a bit. Idk if it's just me, but her backstory was a little silly to me since she has a genuine sense of good. Like she thinks the HPSC is hypocritical and that the bad things she's doing doesn't make society better while maintaining a fragile peace. So then what does she do? She supports AFO and decides that a horrible future for everyone where everyone clearly knows how bad everything is is better? Like what? Seems silly.

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