


Noctis and the whole group were in a carriage making their way back to Cobalt city. Noctis was a little upset as he was making his way back to the city.

His phone had buzzed when they defeated the Goblin Champion. Instead of a reward however it was just a simple text saying, 'Way to win.'

Noctis slumped back just thinking about it. Faye leaned next to him "You are not nervous about meeting my parents, right?"

Noctis shook his head "No. Of course not."

Faye nodded "Good. I talked to the carriage driver, and he said once he drops off everyone else, he will head to my hometown."

Noctis smirked "Yay.... more travel."

Faye hit him. Noctis just started to laugh as he decided to take a nap as they still had a bit to go.

When next he woke up, he saw Dain, Krox , Goblin Slayer, and Ruri get out of the carriage. Noctis put down his mask and smiled "Hey all of you be careful. Without me around who knows what kind of trouble you might get in."

Dain chuckled "Well it looks like I will have one less drinking buddy for a bit. Let me know how the vegetarian lifestyle of the elves treat you."

You could hear glass break and Noctis's eyes went wide as he turned to Faye "Are all elves vegetarian?"

Faye nodded "Yeah none of us eat meat."

Noctis slowly got up "You know what I think we can go another time."

As he was getting up however Faye pulled him down with a 'sweet' smile "Don't worry it won't be that bad."

Noctis gulped as he looks to the rest "Help me."

Ruri giggled as she started to close the back "Have fun."

The carriage started to move as Faye had a tight grip on Noctis. Noctis sighed as he decided to use this opportunity to lay on Faye's lap. Faye immediately became flustered and blushed "Noctis what are you doing?"

Noctis smirked "Well we are going out now and I'm tired and since you are holding on to me so tightly, I thought I would just use your lap to lay down. Is that fine? "

Faye nodded as she looked away "Yeah….. of course."

Noctis had a wide smile as he decided to try to sleep some more again.

Awhile later

Noctis woke up to Faye shaking him a bit "We are here."

Noctis slowly got up as he stretched the carriage was still moving so, they probably had a couple more minutes to go. He looked out through the front of the carriage and his jaw dropped when he saw the city.

[Image Here]

Faye saw his reaction and scratched the back of her head "Sorry I forgot to mention I live in the elven capital of the world. It's called Nalbel."

Noctis nodded "It's fine. No big deal. Just did not expect to find myself looking at such a beautiful city."

Faye giggled "What did you expect a city? A city on top of trees?"

Noctis dumbly nodded as he kept looking at the capital before him.

The carriage kept going and Noctis kept watching trying to take in all the sights however as they kept going a question kept going into his mind.

Noctis turned to Faye "Weird question maybe a dumb question but, Faye why are we getting closer and closer to what looks to be the main castle of this capital city."

Noctis face started to twitch a bit as she did not answer right away. "Faye?"

Faye bit her lip "Noctis it's still just me. However, I did leave out a tiny detail."

Faye paused as she looked at him "My parents might be the king and queen of the Elvish nation."

Noctis sat back down and leaned back as he closed his eyes "So not only am I meeting your parents but I'm also meeting the King and Queen of a whole nation."

Faye looked down "Are you mad?"

Noctis lifted her chin up and when she looked up, she saw a huge smile "Not at all."

Noctis then laughed "A heads up would have been nice though. I would have dressed better than just showing up in my adventurer gear."

Faye smiled "Well I think you look great in it."

Noctis then asked, "So do I need to do some sort of elaborate bow?"

Faye shook her head "Just do a small one when I introduce us in the room."

Noctis smirked "I will follow your lead then."

A couple of minutes later

Noctis and Faye walked out of the carriage and came upon the grand steps leading to the entrance of the Castle. Before them was a gate and a couple guards.

The guards at first seemed very strict and gave off a no-nonsense kind of vibe. However, Noctis watched as both their eyes widened and they both knelt down in front of Faye.

One guard said "Princess Faye it is great to see your return. Does the king know of your arrival?"

Noctis watched as Faye seemed to take on a slightly tired expression "Reginald, I have told you many times I am simply an adventurer. There is no need to bow."

Noctis then watched as both guards stayed down kneeling. Faye sighed "No my father does not know I'm here yet. Will you please inform him as my companion, and I head in."

The guard both looked at Noctis and Reginald said, "I'm sorry Princess Faye but we cannot let someone so strange into the castle even if he is with you."

Noctis took off his mask and hood. His ears slightly twitching he then asked, "Is that better?"

The guards looked at Noctis and nodded. They then allowed them to pass as another guard started to sprint up the grand staircase to inform the castle the Princess has returned with a companion. The guards let Noctis through simply because he was an elf that was with the Princess. If he was a human, they would have contained him. Elves do not hate humans or anything but in their country only elves can be inside the royal capital.

There are instances that break this rule such as transportation. Or delivery of goods. Royal parties or meetings. Outside of that only elves are allowed.

Noctis started to chuckle as they made it up the steps to the castle "So should I start calling you Princess Faye?"

Faye frowned as she turned at Noctis "Never call me that."

Noctis noticed the sudden hatred she held for it so he asked, "Hate being a princess that much?"

Faye nodded "It's fine now since I'm an adventurer and they see my skill. Prior however I was in an arranged marriage that I did not want an I was seen as just a girl that needed to be protected."

Noctis put his hands behind his head "Well I see you as someone I want to protect. Is that bad?"

Faye had a slight blush "Your type of protection and my family's type of protection are different. For instance, with you I'm freer. With my family early on. I could barely leave my room sometimes let alone the castle grounds."

Noctis nodded "Ah. So overprotective parents."

Noctis then thought 'I'm starting to get a bad feeling.'

Noctis started to notice the flags being raised as they kept walking. Rebellious daughter. Most likely an overprotective Father. A prior arranged marriage. Noctis internally sighed as he started to envision a headache forming.

After a long walk up the steps they finally made it to the grand doors of the castle. Noctis noticed to elven maids who bowed towards Faye and started to open the doors.


World 1: Goblin Slayer

Name: Noctis Prince

Age: 18

Race: Half-High Elf

Titles: The Reincarnate, Monster Slayer, Seraph of the End

Title Powers: C Tier Athletic Physique (The Reincarnate) S Tier Tongue Knowledge (The Reincarnate) EX Tier Next World Locked (The Reincarnate) B Tier Kill Point (Monster Slayer)

B Tier Mob Hesitation (Monster Slayer) A Tier Seraph Transformation (Seraph of the End).

Powers: C Tier Low Grade Weapon Master. D Tier Proficient Melee Throw. D Tier Low Grade Acrobatics, C Tier Low Grade Sneak Skill, S Tier Magic Null, EX Tier Unlimited Storage, EX Tier Party System.

Items: EX Tier Indestructible Phone, A Tier Black Mask C Tier Well Made Leather Armor. C Tier Steel Dagger. C Tier Steel War Axe. D Tier Three days of Rations. C Tier Healing Potion. C Tier Antidote. C Tier Instant Weapon Cleanse Cloth. C Tier Steel Throwing knives, A Tier Tepes Katana Soul Bonded.

(A/N Is this system format easy to read or would it be better if I spaced everything out a bit. Personally, I can read it fine please let me know in the comments. Also please give me powerstones. Hope you all enjoyed.)

Word Count: 1489

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