
Chapter182-Joey's Younger Brother? Something's Amiss!

Five people, yet six sets of tableware. 

Clearly, something was off. But up to now, there was no sign or scent of any creature. 

An inexplicable unease surfaced in Daniel's heart. 

Creatures that couldn't be detected were either very unique or incredibly powerful. 

Either way, it wasn't good news for them.

Daniel's brows knitted together, casting a sidelong glance at the others. 

Joey and the rest seemed oblivious to the anomaly, continuing to eat their breakfast undisturbed. 

Akid, having drained his cup of milk, got a refill from Aesop. 

If it weren't for that extra set of tableware to his right, everything would seem perfectly ordinary. 

But the very normalcy underscored the gravity of the situation. 

The group, including Joey, must have been ensnared in some sort of trap. 

And the only reason he remained unaffected might be due to the immunity from his special ability.

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