
Sports Festival (5)

It took half an hour before the first forty managed to pass the finish line. It was actually funny seeing some of his classmates glare at him as they stumbled through the finish line, bodies mired with sticky gel and paper mache clinging to their skin. One of them in particular stumbled towards him, walking stick in hand as she hobbled over.

She also had a backpack in the form of her classmate. Not going to lie, he thought it was some kind of fashion statement, until he saw the backpack living and breathing, albeit a bit roughed up. He was also attached via one of his sticky balls, meaning that Yaoyorozu had no other choice but to continue with the parasite sticking on her like glue.

Well, looks like Izuku'll be reprimanding the creep later. For now though, he had to bear the loathing present in his vice representative's eyes.

"We will have a long talk later, along with the rest of the class representatives from each year and class." Yaoyorozu's tone held no refute and Izuku would be damned if he said otherwise. As the saying goes, hell hath no fury than a woman scorned.

No response given, Yaoyorozu proceeded to find a place to rest on, while simultaneously making sure that Mineta was given a rough landing. Even Midnight, one of the heroines considered to be not safe for younger audiences, glared at the purple midget with genuine scorn.

Well, if his career wasn't in danger before, now it was, what with him getting on the bad side of one of the most influential heroines in the business. If he wasn't expelled by the end of the term because he didn't want to change his ways, then Izuku would eat a sock.

He never did try to eat a sock before. He wondered what it would taste like?

"Alright everyone, no rest for the weary, it's time to start our next event!" All of the students, save for Izuku, stared mind-boggled at the older heroine. "What? You thought you'd be able to get any rest until lunch break? Nope, you are going to continue, even while you're haggard, until the second event finishes. Plus Ultra!"

Midnight raised her fist, whip in hand with a manic grin on her face. Yep, she was going full sadist mode, and Izuku was all for it. It was nice seeing people let their true colors – or at least, a facet of their true colors – show. It's why he hated seeing Katsuki stepping on eggshells around him.

The students wanted to protest – of course they would, they were exhausted after the entire thing – but then again, when in the field, when do you really get to take a break? Knowing how to function while at minimal capacity is important for heroes, and this next event cemented that fact.

Not that Izuku had need of it, what with him being inexhaustible. Still, it was an essential trait for a hero to have. The villains wouldn't care if you were tired and on your last legs, in fact, they'll happily swarm you when they knew they had the upper hand.

Happened a lot of times in Lordran, and if human nature is a thing here, which it is, then the heroes of tomorrow will need to learn this now. Can't learn when you're dead, after all.

"So, let's get started shall we. Present Mic! If you may." Midnight called out to the announcer's booth, Present Mic giving her a thumbs up before pressing a big red button. The giant televisions located above the audience stands began to sparkle and glitter, a digital roulette being shown on screen.

A digital hand went for the crank and with a single pull, the roulette began to spin. Pictures and names zoomed blurred across the screen as they went from end to end at an increasingly faster pace. Once they slowed down, some of the words began to be readable, until it all but stopped at one sentence.

Cavalry battle. Well, if the students wouldn't feel the burn, now they would.

"Well, well, well, looks like we'll be having a cavalry battle. You folks excited!? I know I am!" Midnight licked her lips sensually as her eyes roamed over the exhausted students. The crowd above roared as every single student still trapped in the maze was evicted from the arena by robots. It didn't take too long, about a minute with all of them moving on overdrive to ensure that those that finished the event didn't get much rest. "The rules are simple, students are to form teams of up to four, with three acting as horses and one acting as the rider. Don't worry, even if your rider touches the ground, your team isn't out yet. However, joining a fight while missing a member is grounds for instant disqualification. As for how we judge the winners, we will base it on points!"

The screen showed numbers on the two columns, with the left counting down from 40 and the right counting from 5 adding another 5 as the number on the left decreased. Izuku mused as the column continued scrolling, showing each point corresponding to the position earned. Then it got to the part where he saw his name and position, as well as the points, and his eyes bulged quite a bit.

"And, as a reward for getting first place – don't worry, we've checked with the ultra-slow motion cameras, – Midoriya Izuku gets 1,000,000 points!" Midnight's saucy grin was aimed at him, and all Izuku could do was blink at the absurdity happening in front of him.

"The top 4 teams will be moving on to the next event, along with others provided that the four teams didn't equal 16 people." Midnight laid it all out while cracking her whip, causing most of the students to wince. "So go on, and have fun. You have ten minutes to form a team. Those without one will be disqualified." She fished out a stopwatch from her cleavage – as for how, Izuku did not know, nor would he want to know – and thumbed a button on the top. "Your timer starts now."

As the click resounded amongst the crowd, students one by one began picking themselves up to find a team for themselves. They didn't care if they limped around, or if they crawled, they wanted to be recognized for their efforts. For their struggles in Izuku's personal brand of hell.

They didn't want to be labeled a coward. What would happen to their future career if this… game caused them to quit?

At least, that's what Izuku thought ran through their minds. He was no mind reader, but just the general way their eyes looked spoke volumes of what they felt right now. Smiling, Izuku stood up from his spot, the same as Katsuki but for some reason decided to split ways, not that he minded.

And lo and behold, the moment he stood up, he was immediately glomped by a very familiar blond with a sultry smile, fangs peeking out of the corner of her lips.

"Zuzu~ I missed you!" Himi buried her nose in the crook of his neck, her tongue lapping across his skin like a toddler. Those students close to him managed to see what the blond girl did and blushed up a storm, while some of them scowled like they were seeing something disgusting. And as if it couldn't get any worse, Himi decided then and there to bite through his skin and drink some blood.

And it was caught on live television.

Looking at Midnight, Izuku found out that she was torn. Her face something along the lines of, 'On one hand, that looks fucking hot, on the other hand, it's a giant scandal for the school.'

Was he not supposed to let Himi drink his blood? But the first event must've been tiring for her. Plus, going all blood crazed was probably an even bigger scandal than her just drinking his blood.

Was drinking blood really that frowned upon when it came to specific individuals? Was it considered cannibalism? Himi was, after all, literally eating – or drinking – a part of the human body.

Not that it matters now. It's up to the rat to handle the fallout. He could rant to Izuku about it when they had free time, but now, both Izuku and Himi had to focus on the next event.

Once Himi was done sucking up some of his blood – all of which was quickly replenished by the fragment of the First Flame – she made quite a bit of sensual moans as she looked deeper into Izuku's eyes. He thought that Himi would do something even further, but a hand on her shoulder stopped it, a growl coming out of her lips.

"What?" She turned around and scowled at the person who had interrupted her, the bespectacled teen flinching a tad when Himi's focus suddenly turned on him.

"A-ah. Ahem." Iida coughed into his palm and his eyes grew sharp. "It is improper to do what you have done on live television." His arms chopped everywhere and anywhere, body as stiff as a stick as he continued doing an Iida. "Excessive amount of PDA on school grounds, much less on a televised event, is extremely disrespectful to the school, as well as those doing their best to succeed!"

Himi's eyes narrowed, and Izuku decided then and there that he didn't want her face plastered all over social media with negative comments and titles.

"... You wanna join my team?" The sudden change of topic came as a whiplash for both Himi and Iida.The blond girl looking like Izuku had done something to truly hurt her, while Iida just looked plainly shocked at the offer. "We still have two more slots."

"Zuzu, no!" Himi glomped him again, all the while glaring balefully at Iida. "Why do we even need four-eyes here? We can just be a team together! We don't need anyone else!"

And now Himi was being obsessive again. To be honest, Izuku both liked, and disliked this side of her. Liked because he likes the skin contact he gets with the blond, disliked because she does it too much to be comfortable with, not that he would complain. More snuggles means more snuggles, that's it. It was the fact that other people would complain about it, and he worried what might happen to Himi if it got too out of hand.

What about him? He didn't care. Why bother with the thoughts of others when he knew he wouldn't be affected? He just didn't want Himi to go off the deep end. Their first meeting was enough of a hint that he didn't want the girl to relapse into her more… ferocious side.

"Sorry Himi, but Nezu might not like us being a two-man party." Izuku hummed, a bit disappointed. Even though the events were supposed to be fun, being forced to fit into a team made him wince. At his heart, Izuku was a lone wolf at heart, and joining anything resembling a team or group was anathema to his methods.

"Tch. That damn rat." Himi bit her nails, a growl emanating from her throat. "Of course it had to be him, messing mine and Zuzu's day."

"Uh… Is your lady friend okay?" Iida, the stick up his ass prominent but still a caring soul, asked.

"She's fine, just needs a bit of blood. You already know why." Izuku conveyed that he wanted the topic dropped, and with the sudden tone change, Iida did in fact, drop it.

"Ugh, fine." But not elegantly. Nowhere in his portfolio did it say that Iida was a smooth talker. With his business done, the bespectacled teen slowly shuffled away, only to be called out by Katsuki who was just a man short.

Shrugging, Izuku looked at Himi with a frown, before turning it upside down and giving her a pat. The sudden touch on her head caused her to turn around and release that dopey grin she always had when with him.

Now that the suggestive act was done and over, all that was left was a blond girl clinging affectionately to a white-haired teen, something that could be greenlit into live television because why not? There are television dramas involving high school students, why can't real life high school students do the same?

"Anyway, we still need two more. Not that we need them." Izuku was quick to add that last part when Himi looked at him darkly.

"Mu… Fine." Himi pouted, but was otherwise fine with the decision. Now that the two of them were final in their decisions, they stood up and began looking for their teammates, only to come face to face with a pink-haired girl with crosshairs for eyes.

And when Izuku meant face to face, he meant face to chest because Himi just had to pat the back of his head, causing him to hunch due to ingrained instincts.. Spoiler alert, the chest lost and the pink-haired fell on her ass, crosshair pupils looking at him with brief confusion, before settling with a manic grin.

"Ah! There you are, first place! Team up with me!" Hatsume stood up as fast as she fell and grabbed his shoulders. It took everything in his power to not gut her like a fish and toss her around like a ragdoll. The same couldn't be said for Himi, the blond nearly maiming her right then and there.

"Woah, calm down Himi. She can't hurt me." Himi looked at him funny, but otherwise deescalated. "And hello to you, Hatsume. How did it go with Iida's costume?"

"Oh, you mean Speedyboi! Yeah, made his baby so much better than its first iteration. I swear, support companies these days, tch." Izuku raised an eyebrow when she started her rant. "Anyway, you! First place! Wanna make babies with me after the festival?"

"BACK OFF HUSSY! ZUZU'S MINE!" And then Himi reached her boiling point, her face literally red with anger as she stepped closer to Hatsume, hands poised to strike. Grabbing her arm, Izuku noticed the various stares coming from the other students towards Himi. Well, her yell was particularly loud, and he could even see Midnight with an impish smile while looking their way.

"Ah, to be young again." His enhanced hearing managed to pick up her words even muttering underneath her breath while meters away.

"Huh?" and now Hatsume was confused as well. "Hussy? I'm just asking if he wants to make babies with me? What's wrong with that?"

Now the rest of the students were blushing up a storm as they continued hearing what came out of the pinkette's mouth. Meanwhile, looking at Iida, Izuku saw him palming his face while breathing deeply.

"So, you wanna join my team?" His words came out faster than his brain could process when he saw the remaining time on the giant screen above the crowd. Said pinkette nodded so fast, he thought it would tear itself from her body and go flying into the air, all the while showering the students en masse with gore. "Okay then. All we need is another one."

"Zuzu! Anyone but her!" Himi looked at Izuku with a pleading gaze, but Izuku was normally unflappable, and even when bombarded with puppy dog eyes, remained steadfast. Poutinga bit, Himi grudgingly accepted the new team member, while Hatsume was busy rummaging through a giant pack she had brought along full with various items.

"Uh, hey, do you still have a slot left?" Uraraka was the next to come along, index fingers pushing up against each other, but the glare Himi gave her sent her running away at post haste. Confused, Izuku looked at Himi, only to see her grinning while looking at him as if to say 'Praise me!'

Nothing else he could do other than praise her because he was still worried about her mental health. Now that Himi had gone and chased one of their prospective members, who should Izuku call? For some reason, Himi didn't like girls in their party, so that narrowed down the party members.

Hey, wait, how about that birdhead over there? The way he moved… The way he puffed himself up… The way he walked… Yes…

Everything screamed loner… He liked it.

Needless to say, birdhead, or Tokoyami as he says, agreed. Something about the others wanting a better team composition, and the other something about class 1-A scum. Kendo should really reign in that classmate of hers.

"Time's up! Now, ready yourselves! The Cavalry Battle will start in 30 seconds!" Midnight's proclamation caused Izuku to look at his team. Cracking his neck and shoulders, he took the front as the three of them raised Hatsume in the air. He looked around the area to see the other students all propping their riders up.

Well, if nothing else, this was going to be fun. A grin floated up his face as the countdown timer started.




Shameless Plugs:

patreon.com/IAmGuavaFruitFictionHub (If you want to read 10 chaps ahead, head on over.)

discord.gg/v9f5kjsfVv (Needs more dakka!)

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