

Crystal: Girls, I loved our channel so much

Mina: And, tomorrow can we continue

Chaeyoung: I think so if we don't have anything to do

Jennie: Mmmm Hmmmm

Nancy: Yh, right

Crystal got a phone call and went for it. Few mins later, Crystal came back

Crystal: Sir. Seho wants to meet us

Sana: Wait...right now?

Crystal: Yes

The girls got ready and left to go to Dreamy Entertainment

The girls: Good morning, Sir. Seho

Sir. Seho: Good morning girls, how are u all?

The girls: We're fine, Sir

Crystal: Sir, u wanted to see us

Sir. Seho: Yes, I did. I wanted to tell u Girls that there would be one month Olympics happening soon

Nancy: When?

Mina: As he said soon

Sir. Seho: 1st June and since today is 20th, we have more time to train

Jennie: That's good

Sir. Seho: So, what are u Girls good at?

Chaeyoung: I can skate, netball and do ballet

Jennie: I can also run, table tennis and do arrow shooting

Nancy: I can also do arrow shooting, table tennis and.....dance

Sana: Will there be a dancing contest?

Sir. Seho: Yes, there is

Crystal: I can run, do gymnastics, play football, netball and do ballet

Mina: Oh, that's a lot

Sana: I can also dance, netball and skate

Mina: I can do arrow shooting and table tennis

Sir. Seho: My girls are going to do so good. But, who is good at swimming

The girls: Crystal and Mina

Sir. Seho: Then, Crystal and Mina would swim for our group

Chaeyoung: But, who would be training us?

Jennie: Yeah!!

Sir. Seho: Miss Nayeon, Miss. Yubin and Sir. Suhwan would train u Girls

Nancy: They're all so popular too

Sana: Yes

Sana nodded

Sir Seho: U Girls got 1M subscribers and over 6M comments just yesterday and I also watched your new challenge video and was so happy for u Girls. Good job, girls

The girls smiled

Crystal: Thank u for appreciating the video that we did, Mr. Seho

Sir. Seho: It's nothing, girls and also the famous show called KNOWING BROS SCHOOL at Youtube wants to meet u Girls tomorrow

Girls: Yay

Mina: It's my favorite show and is still is

Sana: Mr. Seho, do we have uniforms?

Mr. Seho: Yes, I have your uniforms right here

Chaeyoung: That's good. Ah huh, Sir when are we starting training?

Mr. Seho: This Saturday early in the morning

Nancy: And, today's Tuesday so we still have more time and days

Crystal: Mmmm Hmmm

Jennie: Let's just hope that we win

Siguiente capítulo