
Strange Training

At ten o'clock, only half of the tributes had arrived. Atala, the woman in charge of the training, begins her speech right on time, unimpressed by the low attendance.

Perhaps she expected it. Katniss can tell she's relieved because that means there are a dozen people she doesn't have to pretend to befriend. Atala reads the list of stations, which include both combat and survival skills, and lets us begin training.

"We should split up." Katniss says, looking at Jacob scanning the surroundings.

"Don't cause any trouble." When Jacob says this, he turns to the side and leaves Katniss alone.


Jacob walks around the training area, observing the other competitors as he hones his skills. His eyes land on the knife-throwing section, where a sturdy man from District 2 named Brutus demonstrates impressive dexterity. His intense gaze and mastery of weapons make it clear that he is a formidable opponent.

Intrigued by Brutus' ability, Jacob approaches the area and decides to test his own skills in an attempt to challenge the experienced competitor. He takes a pair of knives and positions himself in front of the target, ready to throw with precision.

Brutus notices Jacob's presence and, without losing focus, throws another knife right into the center of the target. The metallic sound resonates in the air and catches Jacob's attention, who raises an eyebrow in acknowledgment.

"Not bad." Jacob says, admiring Brutus' skill. "You're one of the fastest knife-throwers I've seen. Normally, victors end up at their worst, but you've maintained your physique."

Brutus smiles, satisfied with the recognition. "Thank you, lad. But don't underestimate me. Even though I'm old, I still have my tricks."

Those words challenge Jacob. He can't resist a friendly competition. He takes another knife and prepares to throw it at the target with astonishing speed. The steel cuts through the air and lands right next to Brutus' knife.

Both competitors look at each other, their eyes sparkling with determination and mutual respect. It's a moment of camaraderie despite the adverse circumstances.

Jacob breaks the silence first. "You're right, Brutus. You're an old brute. But that only proves that experience and skill don't fade with age. I wonder, will that skill show in the arena?"

Brutus nods with a smile. "Perhaps you should teach me how to use your Kusarigama, young man. I'm sure there are still tricks I can learn."

Jacob is surprised by the suggestion but accepts the challenge with a smile. "It would be an honor. I'm confident that together we can perfect our skills and surprise everyone in the arena."

With a handshake and a shared understanding, Jacob and Brutus make their way to a secluded corner of the training area, ready to exchange knowledge and strengthen their abilities. Despite being competitors in the Hunger Games, they have found a moment of camaraderie amidst adversity, proving that even in the darkest moments, human connection can prevail.

Jacob is indeed surprised. He never thought someone as brutal as Brutus would be so friendly. He had been described as a brutal competitor, someone who didn't seem friendly at all.

Initially, his intention was to provoke a conflict with this participant, but he didn't expect their conversation to flow so smoothly.

"Don't they mind?" Jacob asked, referring to the trainers.

"We're not really enemies, and we're both victors in our respective games. Nowadays, there's little we need to hide," Brutus responded with a slightly manic smile.

The guards around them focused on what these two tributes from District 12 and District 2 were about to do, ready to interfere if any kind of conflict arose. Currently, neither District 1 nor District 2 have joined Jacob's alliance due to the problems surrounding him, so he didn't want to take a greater risk by trying to contact those districts for now.

Jacob approached Brutus, gripping his blunted Kusarigama firmly, aware that he was about to face a formidable opponent. Brutus, with his imposing physique and knives in hand, displayed a challenging confidence. Both knew it was a combat practice, but they also understood that the challenge in the air was palpable.

Without saying a word, Jacob and Brutus positioned themselves, ready to test their skills. Jacob began spinning his Kusarigama, handling it with grace and precision. The fluid and calculated movements showcased his technical expertise and agility.

On the other hand, Brutus opted for a more direct approach. His brute strength became evident as he wielded his knives, striking the targets with force. Each blow was powerful and filled with ferocity, highlighting his impressive physical strength.

The competition grew more intense as they challenged each other. Jacob responded to Brutus' attacks with evasive maneuvers, utilizing the agility of his weapon to dodge the onslaught. As the practice continued, speed and precision became crucial.

The accelerated pace and tension in the air pushed Jacob and Brutus to the limits of their abilities. Knives were thrown with astonishing speed, challenging each other to surpass their own limited movements. Both demonstrated remarkable bravery and tenacity in the pursuit of victory.

After several intense minutes, they stopped, panting and sweaty. They looked at each other, recognition and respect reflected in their eyes. Jacob broke the silence with a smile.

"Brutus, I must admit you are one of the most brutal living fossils I have ever encountered, even as a veteran. Your strength is astounding." Praised Jacob, acknowledging the powerful physical presence of his opponent.

Brutus, proud of his strength and abilities, returned the smile. "Now I can see why Cato lost to you. You truly are someone admirable."

Both tributes shared a moment of camaraderie and mutual respect, knowing that in the arena, only one of them would emerge victorious. However, in that instant, they recognized each other as warriors with unique skills, ready to push their limits and fight for their survival.

As they walked towards the elevator, Jacob felt a piercing gaze on him. When he turned around, he met Johanna's intense eyes, one of the tributes from District 7, known for her defiant attitude and indomitable spirit. She approached him with a curious expression.

"Jacob, could you ever teach me how to handle your weapon?" Johanna asked, her tone filled with innuendo, which Jacob picked up on.

Jacob looked at her with surprise, taking a moment to consider his response. "Johanna, if I had the chance to teach you, I would have already tried. But unfortunately, time and circumstances haven't allowed it."

Johanna nodded with a mischievous smile, accepting his answer. Despite her initial challenging expression, she seemed to understand the situation.

"I understand," Johanna replied with an enigmatic smile. "Perhaps in the future, if we both survive this, we could train together."

Jacob pondered for a moment, sensing the genuine determination in Johanna's words. "That sounds good," he finally said. "If we both make it out of here alive, I'll be willing to teach you everything I know."

After all, they were allies in the uprising that lay ahead.

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